[Pt. 3] -29- 🎶 Happy Without Me

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"I'm jealous of the nights that I don't spend with you. I'm wondering who you lay next to. Oh, I'm jealous of the nights... It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way you're happy without me."
~Labrinth, 'Jealous'


*Jimin's POV*

Not going to lie. I was really hesitant to accept Jin's invitation to the dinner.

For one, I wasn't looking forward to seeing Jungkook. When Hoseok broke up with Tae and Jungkook invited him to live with us, I packed my bags. I had only been back from Jin's place for two days before I was heading out the door again. I drove straight to Hoseok's place with my bags. He didn't ask any questions; he didn't need to. He could tell just by looking at me that Taehyung moved in with Jungkook, which lead to me moving out. The two of us were a sorry sight to see for a while. We both moped around the house, depressed over our breakups. But since we were both nursing a broken heart, it was easy to lean on each other for support. Eventually, we started helping each other get better.

Ever since I left, I hadn't spoken to Jungkook. He clearly didn't feel remorse for hooking up with Taehyung behind Hoseok's back. If that's who he was now, I didn't want to be involved with him. He was so close to Hoseok for years, and yet he didn't bat an eye before stabbing him in the back. How long would it be before he did the same to me? I wasn't sticking around to find out.

But, for Jin's sake, I was going to be civil when I saw Jungkook tonight.

Secondly, Yoongi was going to be there. Yes, I still loved him and would give anything to be with him again, but I was scared. What if he didn't want to see me yet? I knew we were destined to be together again, but what if it was too soon?

Even with my fears, Yoongi was also a big reason for why I agreed to go. It's been five months, and I needed to see him. To hear his voice. To watch him smile and laugh. My last memory of him was him walking out of my apartment as I sat crying on the floor. I needed a new memory; a brighter one.

"Hoseok, are you ready to go?" I called out.

"I guess," Hoseok grumbled as he walked into our living room. "Hey, let's make a pact."

"What kind of pact?" I chuckled.

"Since we helped each other over these past several months, we also need to help each other get through tonight." I nodded in agreement. "If one of us notices the other one getting too uncomfortable, we need to do something to get that person out of the room."

"And how do you propose we do that?"

Hoseok thought for a moment. "We could call each other. That way, the person receiving the call could pretend like it's an important business call and step out of the room for a few minutes to calm down. Just keep your phone down low so the others don't notice you're the one dialing."

I smiled at Hoseok's plan. It actually wasn't a bad idea. "Okay. Deal."

When we arrived at the house, everyone was there except for Yoongi. Jungkook and Taehyung were already seated at the table. They looked up at us as we walked in. Taehyung's face burned bright red when he saw Hoseok, and I caught the way Jungkook's jaw clenched at that.

Curiosity rose in my mind, but I shook it off. I wasn't here to be nosy or start drama.

"Jimin! Hoseok! I'm glad you could make it," Namjoon greeted us with a smile. "Jin is almost finished with dinner. Make yourselves comfortable while you wait. I'll be helping Jin in the kitchen if you need anything."

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