Chapter 3- Meeting Scarlet and Deca

Start from the beginning

They were sitting next to each other, but they were already acting like they knew each other just as long as I had the lads. When he asked them if they had planned it, there answer shocked me. ''We just met today actually, '' said Scarlet. ''Wow'' he said. ''Just like we did on the show '' Wow indeed Harry, the lads were the best friends anybody could ask for, and we just clicked when we were put together.

Scarlet's friend who I identified as Deca said mysteriously, ''Sometimes fate leads us to the people we are meant to meet.'' I silently agreed with her, she should be perfect for Zayn. I caught Harry looking at each of us; I made eye contact and smiled briefly before signing some more posters. ''Who'd have thought that you five not getting picked as individuals, turned into much more than anybody could've imagined, ''Scarlet piped up saying. '' Best decision Simon ever made was putting you five together, your voices harmonize so beautifully, there isn't one direction without the five of you.'' she continued. Her friend finished by saying, ''You five were meant to sing together.''

If I didn't audition when I was 14 to be turned down by Simon the first time only to be turned down a second time, thrust into X-factor boot-camp to meet my future bandmates and best friends and form the globally popular One Direction, his decision changed all of our lives. All the leads seemed to have heard them. ''Thanks' we said in unison.

Then the girls were told to move along, but funny thing is, from what Scarlet said and Deca, really made me smile. They both didn't say mean things to us... didn't say that Zayn or Niall should've be in it, didn't ask us about the girlfriends either. They were just normal girls, and it was really sweet on what was said.

Then in the corner the girls screamed, which made the lads and I laugh at them looking at each other... then a few seconds later, they were gone.

I felt like something was special went we met them... they didn't even ask for our picture with them... I felt lonely again, but there wasn't time for that now, it was time to head off to go give these girls a show.

We stood fixing ourselves; the countdown ran out as we jumped up from the platform. The lyrics came out naturally, ''We're like na, na, na, then we're like yea, yea, yea,'' we sung Na Na Na. The concert was going smoothly, then it was on to 'Tweet Time ''.

I looked up at the screen and saw a tweet from Scarlet, ''Boys, I hope that you get my potatoes and love them ~Scar, Sect A, Row 3 and Seat 5 '' 'Ya, we met Scar, lovely girl and her friend Deca, which surprisingly, she tweeted too.'' I saw Deca's tweet on display next.

''And what is funny, is that these girls just met tonight, and are sitting side by side,'' I said smiling.

Harry piped up next, '' Yea, they only just met, and they are already talking like best friends.'' ''Reminds me of us,'' said Niall. Coincidentally they do. ''When we we're on the show, '' Zayn added. I always loved the behind the scenes and the making of the twitcams and video diaries, we could be ourselves.

''Harry what did Scar tell us?''

Harry smiled, ''Who'd thought that us five not getting picked as individuals could've turned into something more. Best decision Simon ever made was putting us five together, our voices harmonize so beautifully, there isn't one direction without the five of us. Then Deca said, ''We meant every word of it.”

We went to the edge of the stage looking around.

“Where are you luv," Lou said looking around the huge arena.

We then saw not far Deca and Scar wave like crazy as fans around them were trying to help out.

"There they are," Niall said waving back as all five of us looked at them.

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