How He Acts (One Direction)

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I'm back! Gonna try to update once a week check out my latest post on my page to follow me on twitter and instagram it would be greatly apperciated! Anyone who sends me a tweet saying Niall is adoarbale will get a follow back!! BTW FOUR IS AMAZING AS WELL AS THE NEW 5SOS EPS I CANT HANDLE ALL THIS! ALSO IM GOING TO OTRA AUGUST 5TH AND 5SOS COCNERT SEPTEMBER 2ND!!!Hope everyone is doing well i'm always here if you need!

How He Acts 

Niall: He’s a loving goof ball. When you were sad, he would think of everything he could to try and make you smile. He would let you beat him at Fifa, even though everyone on the planet knows he could beat you with both hands tied behind his back. When you were sad, he’d hold you close to his chest, close enough for you to count the seconds between your heartbeats. “Just count ,(Y/N).”he’d say until there were no more seconds to count, and you were snoring softly. 

Liam: He’s a blushing sweetheart. He would blush when you looked at him when he talked. He always claimed you looked at him in some special, which you probably did, but you never admitted it. He would open doors for you and wait for you to be on the same step as him before he moved on to the next. He’s a sweetheart because you made  him that way. He would lay his jacket down on the floor so you didn’t have to step in petals. He wanted to be the prince in your dreams, no matter what that took.  

Harry: Harry’s too caring and too tall. He wouldn’t let go of you when going out into crowds. He would rather cut off your circulation than let you get swallowed into a see of attacking limbs. He was beyond any normal standard of caring and always remembered little things like bringing the hair tie that best matched your outfit or putting on your favorite singing playlist when you were in the shower. When your feet hurt from running from paps or the boys, he would put you on his back to keep you as far away from danger (or Louis’s teasing comments) as he could.

Louis: Louis is a ball of sass and smiles. Lou loved to brag about you. He would endure all the boy’s endless teasing just so he could bring you up for  a few seconds. Lou would mess up on purpose just so you could be around him and fix things for him. He’d burn the chicken so you would roll your eyes and brush past him to fix everything. He would trap you in small places so he could breathe in your all too familiar sent. Lou would say little things like ‘I like your nail polish today, looks like the one I liked from last week’. 

Zayn: He’s a quiet little romantic. He would leave you little notes in flowers and drawings on the fridge to help you get through your day. He’d fix your hair when it was messed up in the back and remind you that you were out of your favorite shampoo but he bought an extra one and it’s in the closet. He would tell you how cute you looked in your outfits and how happy seeing you happy made him. 

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