"How do you two know each other?" Angelina asked wiggling her eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes "Julio takes care of Buckbeak, my father's hippogriff."

I sat down next to Julio. George frowned his eyebrows and sat down next to Fred clenching his fists in the process.

"That's right, well Buckbeak actually belongs to Kaia herself!"

"Wait, are you family of Newt Scamander?"

"Yes, I'm his grandson."


"Are you living here all alone?"

"Apart from a dozen magical creatures, yes."

"Wait, but aren't you like really young."


Angelina smirked at me and once again I rolled my eyes.

"So do you guys need to stay the night?"

"Only if you think that's ok?"

"Sure, you know the way around the house already."

"Y-Yeah.." I nervously smiled at Julio as I could feel the others their eyes burn on me.

"Anyways, do you guys want something to drink?"

"I'd kill for a butter beer."

Julio laughed "It's your lucky day because I happen to have some."

"Do you need some help?"

"Sure, thanks."

I stood up and followed Julio into the kitchen. I acknowledged the annoyed look on George's face, he was jealous that was clear to see. There was nothing going on between Julio and me, we were just friends.

I helped making the drinks. Julio stood next to me and turned to look at my face. His eyebrows frowned and I knew that was because of the big scar on my face.

"Kaia, what happened? Are you ok?"

"I am now, i-it's a very long story.."

"I have time."

I told him about everything that had happened, how they had me tied up and how I managed to escape. Julio could barely believe me, I knew how crazy it sounded. After me telling him about it he embraced me in a tight hug but it was still gentle as if he was afraid of breaking me.

We realised we had forgotten about the others and quickly took the drinks with us to the living room.

"I didn't think it'd take a half an hour to make a few drinks." Angelina smirked.

"Ohh- yeah we talked for a while.."


I sat down next to George who refused to look me in the eyes.

"Are you ok?" I asked but no answer was heard, he simply nodded.

"I hope everyone's safe."

"We'll go to the burrow in the morning."

"Well, I have lots of work to do in the morning so I'm gonna head to bed. Make yourself at home, I'll see you in the morning." Julio brushed a hand through his messy blonde hair.

"Thank you, Julio. For everything."

The others followed thanking him and after that Julio left the room.

I lit up the fireplace and sat down in front of it staring into the flames. Angelina leaned against Fred as the both of them fell asleep. I melted a little at the sight of it. They were the cutest. Lee had passed out as well claiming an entire couch for himself. The way he laid there in the weirdest position I knew he was going to be in pain in the morning.

George was wide awake, his eyes on me the entire time. I met his eyes a few times but I didn't want to have a discussion about Julio so I kept my mouth shut.

I got up and walked outside to catch some fresh air. But soon changed my mind as I wanted to check on Buckbeak. He was laying on some hay in the shed. I smiled at the sight of it and wrapped my arms around him. I couldn't wait to fly with him again, the feeling I got that day I flew on the back of him was one of the best feelings that existed.

I jumped when I heard the shed door open, I sighed "You scared me."

"Come inside, you should get some rest."

I shook my head at George "I couldn't sleep."

"Is everything ok?"

"I don't know, you tell me.."

"What do you mean?"

"George, have I done or said something wrong?"

"No, it's just-"

"Is it about Julio? You know, he's just a friend. Nothing's ever happened between us.. you don't have to worry." I grabbed his hand.

"I'm sorry for acting the way I did, I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions before asking you about it."

"It's fine, I love you."

"And I love you."

Kaia Black Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora