Chapter 18 : Matters of the heart

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Waking up in the middle of the night I found myself wrapped in Bruce's arms and we were naked in bed. At first I forgot what happened but memories flooded back and I remembered. We secretly made love after all of us retired to our rooms for the night. He was soundly asleep and I found myself looking at his tightly shut eyes. One of his hand is wrapped around my back, his fingers brushing against some of my scars. I leaned against his chest and breathed in his scent. He slightly moved and his eyes opened. I silently smiled at him and he leaned in to kiss me.

"You couldn't sleep." he whispered.

"I can't. Maybe, not now." I reply. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" he frowned.

"Putting you in the sideline for this." I replied.

"Not all people in your ragtag bunch knows that I'm... you get the picture."

"You never told Richard about my background?"

"You're the only one who calls him Richard but everybody calls him Dick."

"Bruce," I begun.

"No, I didn't."

"Why? I first met him when we found out that there's a Lazarus Pit in Gotham." I ask.

"I decided to let him find out himself." he explained. "I have your file in the Clock Tower's computer systems."

"I see." I whispered.

"Any developments?" he asked. "I saw the eight of you huddle in front of your laptop hours ago."

"It's not that easy Bruce." he stared at me, searching for clues to my answer. "Although we managed to narrow down a clue that can lead to our suspect we found ten men and women. We need more forensic evidence to be certain."

"This killer sounded... random. The M.O. varies, from stabbing to poisoning to shooting." he concluded for me. "I couldn't help but think that what if the killer is out for the people that crossed him."

"I can't be sure Bruce." I sighed. "Fact is the killer's killing high ranking officials. My superior in the Army is murdered as well."

"The killer seemed to have a huge grudge against the victims he murdered. Is there anything else linking them together?" he asked.

"The first two were Democrats and moved to a former ambassador, the Armed Forces, and the deputy director of the FBI." I say, gently shifting a little in his grasp. "I'm scared of the next victim. What if it's someone close to us?"

"I wouldn't think that way Isa." he said. "The killer has made his motives clear : revenge."

"If dad was targeted..."

"Something tells me that the both of you could be targeted but I'm not sure when would the killer strike."

"I'm worried that our marriage could be strained." I said. He doesn't say anything and looked at me for a while. "I mean it Bruce."

"A vow cannot be broken, same as a marriage vow. We are bound together by our undying love, I know the risks but I chose to take it."

"We were always busy with our work, and we spent less time together. I fear that..." he looked at me fiercely while his hand gripped my hand tighter.

"No," he whispered. "I have lost more than I gained, and I am not going to let you slip away. I lost my chance before, you were waiting for me. I want to treasure you now, because we're together now, bound by the sacred oath of marriage." I looked at him with mixed feelings. "I know that I broke your heart before. You're always waiting for me to realize."

"I'm always waiting for you. Ever since I am ready to accept you as my one and only, although being with him also brought happiness to me. Young love doesn't last long, I learned from that experience. I am more than ready to accept you as my true love and my husband."

"But your position as Vice President of the United States won't keep us apart." he said. "Maybe you need to sweep that into the trash can and concentrate on your enemy, you have my support." this time his eyes are burning with steel and determination, the thing he needs to kick out the anxiety and worries I have within me. "I will always be with you, no matter what challenge we face. It's what we should do, we are committed to each other."

"And nothing is going to take that away." I say, meeting his gaze again.

"Sleep well now madam, you still have work to do." he whispered.

"Thank you. For clearing my doubts." I say, in a heartbeat. Our foreheads touched as we shared a passionate kiss.

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