Chapter 16 : Still On Top

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Lucas Wintergreen looked at the news with disbelief upon his rival's speech on TV. Now sitting on a cafe in in Barcelona he watched the interview which is being broadcast on CNN International. "Madam Vice President!" a reporter from the Washington Post called. "Regarding the dossiers released by the FBI,"

"Go on Gerald, what does it have to do with me?" the Vice President asked, taking her father's place on the dais.

"Are you a FBI special agent?" he asked. The lawn because silent immediately.

"What?" asked the President. "Gerald, can you-"

"You're right about that Gerald. I am with the FBI, but that was years ago." she then said.

"Does Director Harkavy know about this?" the reporter shot the question to the FBI director.

"I recruited her, to be specific." the director replied. "She is known as Senior Special Agent Black Bird."

"However Director Harkavy, the dossier says that she worked in the National Security Branch."

"I worked in counterintelligence Gerald." she replied. Then the screen was cut. The news anchor excused the unexpected cut as a technical difficulty but he knew better. A small group of extremists from the terrorist group The Rising Jihad attacked the press conference, injuring both the President and his daughter. All six of them were dead, taken out by the Secret Service with the help of the FBI director and his former agent, the Vice President. Now he knows that the Vice President is a no pushover. She was a freakin spy after all, working for the FBI. He mused to himself. But his next target is also FBI. Deputy Director Winston Blaire is here as a private traveller for the annual Bullfighting festival. Bullfighting is a tradition in Spain and many travellers came here for this annually.

If I can't take out the director I can take out his second hand in command, his twisted mind supplied. All case files of the murders he committed has been transferred to the hands of the Secret Service. And this time he'll do the job and get away in quick succession. According to the map in front of him the Bullfighter festival will take part at his location. A man entered the cafe and sat down at a table that gave him a clear view of the crowd. Smiling to himself, Winston Claire ordered a plate of Spanish food and waited for the crowd to pass through. He was just sitting there, waiting to be attacked off guard. Keeping his baseball cap low enough to cover his face he reached for his gun behind his jacket. The crowd rushed down the street because of the bull, who is now chasing them as a part of the sport.

Taking out the gun he fired at the unsuspecting man, gunning him down and the crowd scrambled in directions. Because he was wearing a surgical mask and a pair of sunglasses along with the baseball cap he managed to disappear again within the crowd as the deputy director bled on the chair. But what he didn't know, is that a nearby security camera has captured his actions. Boarding his SUV his henchman handed him a tablet which now presents a split screen. The first half presented him killing the man, recorded on his body can while the second half revealed the footage from the same security camera. The bodyguard knows his boss well, waiting for his answer instead of popping a question. "Delete the footage." he then said. The man nodded and his fingers danced on the tablet, a few minutes later, the footage was wiped. "We still have a few targets left."

"Bide for time Alan. Bide for time." he merely said before staring the ignition. The SUV departed from the scene and headed to Madrid for a brief stay. This is going well, Wintergreen smiled to himself. Let's see will Black Bird strike down her target first or will he clip her wings first.

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