Chapter Seven-Stories Of The Past

Start from the beginning

A/n: sorry if you don't play guitar or anything, but it is something special for later ;)

(Yancy Pov)

"It's beautiful.", (y/n) said looking around the room.

"Yeah, it is." But Iz wasn't talking about the room, Iz was looking at (y/n), they didn't know that though.

"One question though, how the heck did you get all of this? We are in a prison."

"Ahh, youse see, when people come to visit youse, they can bring youse one item with them. Iz made a few friends, so when they left I asked them to bring me certain things every time, and they did."

(Don't ask how two sofas and chairs got there ok, it's like asking how Harry Potter could cast spells, it's movie/book magic 😂)

(y/n) Pov

Me and Yancy talked for a while on one of the sofas, giving each other cute smiles, and giggling nervously to the opposite person. You know, the usual. Then he asked me a question about what exactly happened to get me here, which is a question I'm surprised I hadn't answered yet.

I talked about how we needed to get a special artifact, the 'box' that me and Mark walked in with, the whole planning idea, the execution of the plan which included grappling hooks, sneaking, distracting and more sneaking, until we eventually got it. We had obtained what we came for and all we needed was a way to get out. Of course, we went out the stupid but not boring way instead of the smart but boring way. Then finally, the last thing was to either get out by car or by helicopter. Again, we only choose the cool options here, so I chose the helicopter. However, neither of us had the key and we didn't know how to fly one anyway.

Yancy listen to the whole thing, laughing along at the stupid parts and smiling throughout the whole thing.

"I never knew why base needed that box. All I knew was that Mark knew and he just said, 'you will know when we get it.' now I guess I'll never know."

Yancy put his arm around me, and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"But everything happens for a reason. If none of it happened, I would have never met you."

'I would have never met you.' I almost choked on those words, as they sounded so sad. My heart sank by the thought of never meeting Yancy, the sweetest, most handsome guy ever.

"and I'm so glad I did meet you Yancy, I really am.", I said as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Me too."

I brought my head up from his shoulder to look at him and his perfect face, wearing the smile I loved to see before looking back down and up and asking him the question he just asked me.

"So, what got you here?"

Yancy Pov

"so, what got you here?

Iz didn't know what to say to that. Iz didn't want to tell um, I was scared they'd hate me. I just can't lose um. But Iz has been hiding from the truth for a long time and it's eating away at me, it has been ever since that night.


"oh, uh I don't know, Iz has never really talked about it with anyone before."

"Hey that's Ok, I don't want you to feel like you have to because I did, or whatever. Only talk about things that you feel comfortable talking about."

I smiled at the fact that they understood everything. Maybe Iz should just go for it.

They took my hand into their delicate ones, and Iz decided to just tell um.

The Prison: (Yancy x reader) (A Heist With Markiplier) Book one Where stories live. Discover now