Chapter Seven-Stories Of The Past

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Hello my fellow readers and writers! Welcome back to your daily scheduled program. Just wanted to say I'm sorry if the last chapter seemed a little rushed because I kinda was right at the end, as it was getting late and I hadn't posted anything that day :/
Anyway, just a quick lil shout out to a certain reader/writer, randomfanficc! (Go check out their story after this it's a great read.) Thank you for your support, I hope you keep reading ♥️.

Ok, that's all from me, enjoy my fellow readers and writers :p

Ruby xx

(y/n) Pov

Just a few minutes ago Yancy asked me on a date. An ACTUAL date! Well, in a prison anyway. Just why and how he did it was so cute and the fact that he was nervous made it cuter, as it shows he really does like me and wants to get it right. Ok maybe not, those are actually my thoughts on him. You never know though, you never know.

~~Le Time skip (after work)~~~~~~~~~

"ok everybody your daily work time is up for you guys, so get out of here and go to lunch."

'finally.', I thought packing everything up instentlly. I was one of the Prison cleaners because I couldn't get anything else, there was nothing else to get. It was something I could use to pass the time though as well as getting my mind of some.... things. However, now I get to spend some time with Yancy and go on a date! That made everything worth it.

I walked to the supply closet to put the cleaning attire and spray bottles away first, before heading to the cortyard. When I was heading back and out the building, there were four nurses wheeling somebody on a hospital bed down the hall, walking at full speed. I stood with my back to the wall to let them pass, when I saw that the patients body was covered in one big, thin white cloth. What happened? Did somebody di- my thoughts stopped mid sentence, when my mind reminded me and said 'it was Mark.'

I stared at the nurses moving his empty body down the hallway and through the doors, until they were just tiny dots of life at the very end of the corridor, before taking a left turn. I blinked back my tears holding them in this time, reminding myself that I was going to have a good time with Yancy and that I needed to make my way to him.

After heading to the courtyard, thinking about all the possibilities of what could happen on this date, I met up with Yancy, who took me to our cell? I was quite confused but I was sure he knew what he was doing. I realised that there was a thin wood board in the wall that could be pulled open like a door. How the heck did I not see that? On the other side, was a set of stairs that lead down to a lower floor.

"After youse.", Yancy said smiling

I smiled back and stepped down the suprisingly well lit, smooth-stone staircase, to wherever it was going.

3rd Pov

Just like Yancy's heart, the room that lay hidden, was beautiful and cosy. There was two plain, white, soft but small sofas, each decorated with black and white striped cushions. Two other identical chairs sat on left and right side of the sofas in the middle of the room. In the center of that, was a mini dark oak coffee table. A thick, white cloud-like square rug, that you could easily drift off to sleep on, lay comftably below the chairs. Thin, white painted walls surrounded the room, making it safe and cosy. A simple tall lamp in the top left corner, a large leafy green potted plant in the bottom right, a dark oak wood table to match the coffee table against the left wall, as well as a painting of the sea, all decorated the room perfectly. However, there was one thing in particular that caught (y/n)'s eye. Standing proudly up against the back wall was a guitar in a perfect, pristine condition screaming their name. They have been longing to pick one up for a long time, as it is one of their many hobbies they very much enjoyed.

The Prison: (Yancy x reader) (A Heist With Markiplier) Book one Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant