Luna squeezes my hands and says gently, "I know you still love her and I know that no matter what, you'll always love her. I'm not upset about that, nor am I angered or jealous. Because I know that the kind of love you feel for her is different from the kind of love you feel for me. I understand, Taehyung. So don't be fearful of telling me. Please?"

I nod and smile, "Okay... thank you. You're too good for me, Luna. I don't think any other girl would be okay with me dating them when I'm still in love with my dead ex-girlfriend."

"I don't see anything wrong with that," Luna says confidently. "Because I trust you, I trust that you love me just as much as you love Haneul. I know that you're not using me because all the things that you've done have shown that you genuinely do care and love me. You've also shown to me that you care about my mum and my sisters. I am so grateful for that. Truly grateful."

I peck her forehead, then say, "I love you so much."


The days pass and I'm filled with happiness and Christmas spirit when I wake up on Christmas Day. I make myself a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows before getting ready to head to my parents' place to pick them up, then head to Luna's place.

I have Luna's gift tucked in the pocket of my jacket and I can't stop beaming as I imagine what her reaction would be when she opens it up. I can't wait to see her.

This would be my first Christmas in years which I won't be celebrating with Haneul. I'm slightly saddened by the thought up her. Christmas was her favourite holiday after all and we would spend the entire day together, just the two of us. Yet, this year would be different, I'll be celebrating with Luna and her mum and sisters, as well as my parents. Even though I'm looking forward, I just can't help but think about Haneul.


Haneul's hair is pulled up into a lovely braided bun and she's wearing a shimmery red dress, whilst I'm wearing a tuxedo. Her eyelids tinted a sparkly silver, her lips painted a crimson red and her cheeks blushed a rosy pink. She looks so beautiful. She's grinning joyfully at me as I rest my hands on her waist and her hands are on my shoulders.

We're standing under the mistletoe, and since its bad luck if we don't kiss, I pull her closer to my body and I'm pressing my forehead onto hers. I feel her warm breath on my face and I smell a whiff of her sweet flowery perfume. She slowly closes her eyes and I do too. I press my lips onto her soft ones.


The sound of honking cars pull me back into reality and I look up to see that the traffic light has turned green, so I step on the gas pedal and drive off before the cars behind me get frustrated.

It takes me about two hours to get to my parents' place and arrive at Luna's house. I'm excited when I enter her home and she greets me with a wide smile plastered on her face. My parents' are glad that they finally get the chance to spend Christmas with me after all these years. Everyone seems to be beaming with joy. Luna's sisters and mum are sitting by the Christmas tree and I realise that they are all wearing matching Christmas sweaters.

I peck Luna on the cheek and say, "Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas!" she says with a huge grin and leads me to the Christmas tree and motions for me to sit down.

She sits down beside me and my parents sit down as well, so we're all gathered by the Christmas tree that is filled with gifts under it.

Luna's home is decorated with so many Christmas decorations, it makes me feel so warm and happy. There are little statues of Santa and his reindeers on the shelves, and there are string lights hung all over, as well as a wreath on the door. Red cushions with Christmas sayings are placed on the sofa, as well as a plaid throw blanket too. I also notice that a Christmas song is playing in the background.

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