24: Taehyung

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I just stepped out of the cafe when I see the girl from the day before.

"Hey," she says sweetly.

I sigh and say, "I already told you that I'm not interested."

"Because of Park Luna," she says, which startles me.

I look at her with wide eyes, "How do you know her?"

"We're schoolmates," she rolls her eyes and says matter-of-factly. "I can't believe you're dating her. You do know she has depression right? And she has family problems too."

Well, I am dating Luna now. Yet, I wasn't dating her when I first met this girl, but I don't tell her that. How dare she criticises Luna like that, when she obviously doesn't even truly know her?

"Is there anything wrong with that?" I say and cross my arms. "Because I don't think there's anything wrong."

She flips her hair back and says, "She's always so miserable. You'll be better off dating me, but too bad you rejected me. Yet, since you're so handsome, I'll give you a second chance."

She looks shocked when I taunt, "Who says I want to date you? Besides, how do you know I'm not miserable? Because, the truth is, I am."

"Yeah, right," she scoffs.

"You think I'm lying?" I say as I lean against the wall of the cafe.

"I know you are," she says as she stares right into my eyes.

I chuckle, "You don't even know me."

She walks towards me and presses her hands against the wall, her body only a few inches away from mine. I can feel her heavy breathing on my face. Her other hand is placed on my chest as she studies my face. She's about to lean in for a kiss, but I push her away before she can do anything.

I look her dead in the eye, "I told you I'm not interested, I have a girlfriend."

She grips my chin up with her fingers as she says, "And that's me."

"No," I say simply and push her hand away.

"I'm the Min Hera, I can make any boy fall in love with me," she says with a smirk.

I shake my head and chuckle, "Don't be so self-absorbed."

I hear a sudden cough in the distance, so I turn my head to see who it is and Hera does so too. I see Jimin wave as he walks towards me.

"When did you become such a flirt," he says and winks at Hera.

He then whispers into my ear, "She's a hottie."

I roll my eyes, "In that case, she's all yours."

I push Jimin towards Hera and walk away to get my car. I hear Hera scoff as Jimin hurries to my side.

"Whoa, dude. What's up with you?" he says as I quicken my pace.

I sigh, "That girl was harassing me and talking shit about Luna."

"At least she was hot," Jimin says and I roll my eyes.

"That's not the point," I say in annoyance and we get into my car. "Anyways, why are you here?"

Jimin shrugs, "I was just bored and Jungkook is busy, probably making out with Coral. So, I decided to come find you."

"Couldn't you go find one of the many girls you've hooked up with?" I answer.

"Hey, is it wrong to want to hang out with one of my best friends?" he says in a slightly offended tone. "Besides, I want to know how are things with Luna?"

"Things are going great," I reply simply and Jimin just stares at me, so I sigh and say, "We had a date and spent the night together last night. I took her to the place we first met; the place I was supposed tho take Haneul to. Luna's been very understanding with my situation with Haneul and we're going to take things slow."

Jimin nods, "I'm proud of you Tae. You've finally moved on from Haneul, you were always stuck to her like a magnet."

Have I really though? Have I really, truly moved on from her? If I had to be honest, I don't know. Sometimes I feel that I have, but other times I'm not so sure.

"Thanks, Jimin," I reply with a smile. "But, I still think about Haneul sometimes... about the memories we've made..."

Jimin pats my shoulder, "You'll soon only think about the memories you'll make with Luna."

Can I though? Am I replacing Haneul with Luna? Is that what I'm doing? I don't want to be doing that. I don't want to forget Haneul, I just want to move on from her. From her death. I don't want to have to think about someone who I can't see again. Yet, I still think about her because I miss her... because I'm still in love with her, even though I'm falling in love with Luna... I know I can't erase Haneul from my memories, she'll be in my head forever because I just love her too much.

"Taehyung..." Jimin begins to say gently as he places his hand on my shoulder. "You're shaking and you're driving too fast."

That's when I realise I've been speeding and my hands are slightly trembling.

I take in a deep breath to calm myself, then slightly lift my foot from the gas pedal and mutter, "Sorry."


Once we reach my apartment, Jimin says cautiously, "Are you... are you still in love with Haneul?"

I sigh as I look down at my feet and rub my neck, "H-honestly? Yes, I am still in love with her... but I... I'm in love with Luna too. I don't know... my feelings... they're a mess. Sometimes I feel like I've moved on from Haneul, but other times I just want her to be here with me."

I shake my head and avoid looking at Jimin, "I know I shouldn't be dating Luna when I'm still so unsure of myself... I shouldn't lead her on like this... but I really do have feelings for her... I really have moved on from Haneul. I no longer have dreams about her... but I still think about the future we could've had if she hadn't gotten into that car accident. Yet, I'm glad to have met Luna. She's such an amazing person."

My mind is filled with memories of Haneul. The first time we met, our first date, our first kiss, the first time we slept together, her birthday, her high school graduation, her acceptance to college, and... her death. I can't get rid of these memories, they are forever tattooed in my brain. Both the good and the bad.

"Taehyung... its never easy to stop loving a person, especially someone you were so attached to," Jimin says softly. "I can tell you're happy with Luna. She makes you move on from Haneul. I think being with her would be good for you. With time, your love will grow stronger for her and you'll slowly stop thinking about Haneul. She's just your past, whilst Luna is your present and future."

"How am I supposed to erase Haneul from my mind when she's been such a big part of my life?" I say as I rest my head against the back of the couch we're sitting on. "How could I forget about someone who I dated her for almost seven years? Someone who meant so much to me."

"I'm not telling you to erase her from your memories or forget about her. And I'm certainly not telling you to replace Haneul with Luna," Jimin elaborates. "I'm just saying to move on from her and make more space in your brain for the memories you'll make with Luna. I'm saying that you and Luna would make an amazing couple; that Luna is making you happy and that you should be with her. You can't hold onto Haneul forever. She's dead, that's a fact. I want you to remember that."

"Of course I know she's dead," I say and tears pool in my eyes. "I watched the car hit her; I watched her die... it's just that... I don't want to believe it..."

Jimin pats my back, "Well, you must."

"I know," I say. "I'm trying. Being with Luna makes me move on from her."

"Then spend more time with Luna," Jimin says and I nod.

I want to love Luna the same way I love Haneul. But, can I really do that? Haneul was my everything. Can I treat Luna in the same way? Will I be able to love her like that? I'll try. No, I have to, that's the only way I can completely move on from Haneul and stop thinking about her.

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