Juliette and Sidney fall over giggling and Thomas blushes.

"Girls!" Your Mom and Dad step forward, your Mom scolds them, "Leave the nice young man alone! We don't want to scare him off already."

Your Mom, gives you a hug and then quickly moves onto Thomas, barely paying you any attention. You grin. Your Mom likes EVERYONE. You look at your Dad, who is also studing Thomas but he turns to you and smiles. You wrap your arms around him, "Hi, my Daddy!"

"Hello, dear." He smiles. Your Dad's hair is white and his brown eyes have already started to look a little foggy, from old age.

Your Mom still looks very young, however. Her blonde curly hair, and blue eyes still shine.

You listen as your Mom chatters with Thomas, doing most of the chattering herself. Finally, your Dad cuts in, "Dear...."

Your Mom looks around, "Oh, yes." She quietly says to Thomas, "He's going to give you the 'you're the man that's going to marry my daughter' treatment, now. Not to worry. You'll be fine."

Your Dad steps forward, shaking Toms hand, "How are you?"

"I'm grand, sir. Thank you." Thomas nods, trying to sound as respectful as possible.

You hear a friendly voice from behind, call out, "Okay, people! Out of the way! I'm trying to say hello to my cousin!"

Percy makes his way through the crowd. He holds onto Thalias hand, pulling her along. His green eyes shine, his brown hair fluffed up. Thalia looks as pretty as ever, her long orange hair falling over her shoulders, her big gray eyes searching.

You embrace your cousin, laughing, "Hey, Percy. How's life?"

He pulls away, grinning, "I'm living it."

You nod, "That's good."

Percy turns to Thomas, "I cannot tell you how glad I am that you're here. Before now, the men were vastly out numbered. And two of them are old and grumpy."

"I resent that!" Sanders says.

Thomas laughs as he shakes his hand, "Glad to meet you."

You KNOW that Thomas and Percy are going to get along great. They're going to cause a lot of trouble over the next few days.

Sidney, Juliette and Thalia realize this too because all of you share uneasy glances and then burst with laughter.

You turn to Thalia and hug her, "I'm glad we have someone that's sane here."

She laughs, "Hey, I'm only sane to a certain degree."

Everyone laughs. You are filled with the happy feeling that you only get when you're around your family. That's one of the things you miss about home so much. The family time. You and your family had always been so close, it was hard living away. Somehow, it's even better with Thomas here. Even if he is being shy.

Your Mom calls out, "Okay, guys! Time for dinner!"

"Alright! Let's eat!" Percy yells, excitedly.

Chatter breaks out all around everyone.

Your Mom leans over to you, "We were just waiting for the two of you to get here before we ate."

You look at her as you make your way to a seat, pulling Thomas along behind you, "Oh, Mom! You didn't have to do that!"

"Sure we did! First meal with us all together! This should be good!" She nods.

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