Fourth life prt:6

568 21 6

For reference, the 'Box' that Bāsuto uses is basically just a rubik's cube, but with seals on each square.


This is about where I'd expect a training montage to happen, but unfortunately I will have to go through this entire month of training.

"Before we begin training, I would like for you to give a detailed description of your current capabilities." Danzo asked as we stepped into his personal training ground.

"I believe you have already seen my file Danzo-sensei." I deflected, already knowing the next words that would come out of his mouth.

"You know as well as I do that they are not acurate of your true capabilities, even if your performance in the chunin exams is taken into acount." He replied, almost amused by my attempt.

"Hai, danzo-sensei. Using the shinobi system, from rank D To S, my skills are as follows.

Ninjutsu: B
Genjutsu: Low A
Kenjutsu: High B
Chakra control: A"

"And what of taijutsu?"

"...Taijutsu: D..."

"It seems that one thing about your file that is acurate." Danzo noted, but I could see the small look of disappointment on his face.

He nodded his head as he thought over the estimates I had given him.

"Considering who your first opponent is, it would be highly improbable taijutsu would help you at all, so we won't focus on that over the course of this month, but know we will fix that issue before it becomes a potential risk." His gaze hardened at this remark, promising painful training in the future. "For now though, we will most likely be working on ninjutsu, chakra control, and kenjutsu. Genjutsu will not be of much worth either with the amount of dojutsus in the finals." He explained, while leaving no room to argue.

Not that I would anyway, everything makes logical sense.

Finally finished with his mental evaluation, he called one of his Root anbu.

"Before we move forward, I would like to reiterate this a final time. Root is a secret operation and no knowledge of it must be shared to anyone, no matter whom. I have informed you of it's existence because I believe you will be a valuable asset in the future, and I believe you know what would happen should you reveal anything about it." The threat was left unsaid, but I'd have to be blind not to notice it. Once it was clear I understood, he continued. "That being said, any new techniques or jutsus you see or learn within this organization must be kept secret. Many of my members have very specialized and unique skills, and any mention of them could put the entirety of root at risk. Is that understood?"

"Hai Danzo-sensei."

On the bright side, this will also mean danzo won't let any Yamanaka's look through my memories.

"Good, now head to the ring and face your opponent to the best of your ability. Do not hold back, even if it means maiming or potentially killing your opponent." He ordered, moving to the side line to watch aswell.

There wasnt much to see in the Ring itself. It was a 20 meter by 20 meter square, the only thing discerning it from everything else was a small elevation difference. It blended well with everything else in the underground base, and would be hard to notice if your weren't really looking for it.

"Spare no mercy for the enemy." I stated as I also got into position. He nodded in approval.

There was no warning to the beginning of the match, only the Nameless Root member charging at me at a high speed. I dodged to the the left of the strike, retaliating with a slash to the jugular with my kunai. He dodged the blow with small backstep. Seeing the opportunity, I pressed the advantage and moved to take another swipe with my kunai, this time at his legs. Instead of dodging again, he grabbed my wrist and threw me over his shoulder, but not before striking my right forearm. I quickly flipped and landed on my feet, throwing a few shuriken with my left arm at him while doing so.

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