Fourth Life prt:2

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I watched as the small bunny hopped towards our camp, it's innocent looks a decade for it's true intent.

I quickly pierced it's heart with a kunai, sending it flying away in the process. I assumed it would take about 30 seconds before they come out to face us.

"Everyone get ready."


"Yoshi, You're on defense."

"Got it!"


"Sachi, take whichever one looks most weapon heavy."


"Jade, me and you are going to tag team the other 2."

"Will do bossuto."

"That was bad one."


"Oh my, I'm suprised you managed to see the tag on that bunny." A voice said from ahead of us. There was no doubt in my mind about who had said it, The sound team was here.

My calculations were off by 10 seconds.

"Hah, no traps either. This will be easy! I expected more from you guys." I heard someone else say, likely Zaku.

The team finally emerged from the trees ahead of us. Dosu was in the middle, Zaku was on the right while Kin was on the left. It seemed as if they were trying to intimidate us, as little good that would do for them.

"Hand over the uchiha boy and we will let you live. Our orders are simply to eliminate Sasuke Uchiha." Dosu said, speaking as though he was giving us a choice. We all knew the truth though, we weren't going to give up Sasuke.

Yoshi immediately got more alert, ready to defend against any kind of suprise attack. In that subtle movement Kin was able to see her hitai-ate, previously hidden away by her hair.

"Wow, Kumo and Konoha working together? That's unexpected." Kin noted, incredibly suprised.

"Sachi, they use sound as their attacks. Your fighting style that you told me about isn't going to work. The girl looks to use senbon." My only reply was a subtle nod from Sachi, and a slight shift in her stance.

I looked back at Jade to give her instructions aswell, but stopped when I noticed her axe was mysteriously missing from her back. I looked back at the sound team only to see Zaku unconsious with Jade's axe lying nearby.

I stared at jade quizzically. "You know your now weaponless right?" She remained silent to my remark, only giving a snarky grin as a reply.

"He is right. Now I have your weapon." Dosu mentionned as he grabbed Jade's small axe... only to not pick it up.

He did a double take, but just shook his head and tried a second time. Now with both hands on the minuscule axe, and putting a fair bit of strength, he still could not make it budge.

"Why is it so heavy?" He said, finally giving up trying to pick it up.

His only reply was her continued smirk, the uncharacteristic quietness almost unnerving.

The small lapse in action allowed me to look over at our other opponent, only to see Sachi and kin were already fighting. Sachi was using her crowbar to deflect the senbon, letting none move past and get behind herself. Kin's entire strategy had been completely negated by Sachi's actions, and the fight was already determined.

Blocking all of those senbon though, the silent and belled ones. Impressive, but I guess they would give one of the village jinchuriki one of the best teams.

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