Chatper 6: 18 miles out

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We're about 18 miles out of Boston. You know that van Jon saw outside of the hotel.. will he get it  running after  Lacy Hotwired it but it was low on gas but we Solved that problem too. We sucked out all of the gas from another car that was also in the Parkin lot at the hotel.

Okay People it's time to leave, next stop Boston Danny reply back as he hopped into the drivers set. (It's been like two weeks since the world end. And thing could worse. But at least for now things aren't that bad but things will get worse over time.) so they get back on the road and continue their journey to Boston. What hotel is your family staying at? Tiff ask Danny. They are at the Boston Marriott Copley Place
And I'm hopping they are still there. They will be Danny Angela reply back. And if they aren't there? Will than we won't stop until we found them Danny Donnie reply back. I bet if they aren't at the hotel than they are at one of our houses Jordan reply back. Yea that's true, they do know where we all live Jon said trying to cheer him up a little. Thanks guys but I'm not going to stop worrying until I get my family back in my arms. And no one saying not to worry Danny. But they are fine Jenny reply back as she put her hand on his. I already lost the love of my life and I can't lose them too. You guys don't know this but we was going to get married. We was going to tell you guys before all of this happen. Oh my gosh Danny. I had no idea Jenny reply back. I'm sorry Danny, she would have made a perfect bride Angela reply back. I was going to get married to once but it didn't work out tiff reply back to get his mind off of things. Oh sweetie why didn't you? What happened? Jenny ask her. Will he sobered up and took one look at me and left. Than everyone started to laugh.

They finally made it to Boston and it was like a ghost town. They was a few blocks from the hotel but had to walk the rest of the way because of the road was block with cars. So they got out of the car and started to walk. So when we get there me, Jon, Jordan, Danny and Jordan are going to go in and make sure it's safe before you all come in Donnie said. Okay sounds like a plan Jenny reply back. This is odd lea said as she continue to walk. What do you mean Angela reply back. Will I mean, there no one here or there's not one geek here either. Why is that? We are in a city. Um... that's a good point tiff reply back. She does have a point donnie Jenny reply as she grab even closer to her. Let's all be on high alert and let's all stay quiet and move as fast as we can Donnie reply back. How far are we away from the hotel? Lea ask. Just a few block and we should be there In a few minutes.

As we continued to walk down the street and while pasting a few geeks. Even didn't watch where he was going and hit into a car and......... the car alarm want off and geeks started to come out and started to cheese them down them. They run down the street the geeks was right behind them catching up to them. So Danny, Donnie, Joey and Jon grab rhys, Kira, griff and even and put them on there shoulders and started to run again. The geeks was right behind them now. As a geek was catching up to Jon and Kira. It was in Grabbing distance. Jordan turn around and hit the geek right in the face and it won't down and started to trip a few with it. As they make it to the hotel. They run inside and closed the doors behind them an started to take the tables and chairs to block the doors so they couldn't get in.

This place is huge, how are we going to found your family lea said i don't know Danny Reply back. We can split up into groups Donnie reply back. yea that's a good idea, you can cover more ground Jenny said. Theres 20 floors. It's not going to be easy and it's going to take alot of work. But I know we're down for doing the Challenge. Nothing can get in our way from saving Danny's family. Okay so Jon and Jordan can go together and you can take the first floor. Me and Danny can go together and we can take the next floor and so on. How would we know if you already look on that floor? Jordan ask. We are going to mark the stairwells doors with sharpies and if one of us finds them leave with them quietly and come back here and leave a note on the stairwells doors saying you found them. the rest of yous can stay in here and close the doors after we leave. But after I leave no one can leave this room, okay! Joey look after them! Donnie reply back. I will Donnie, I won't let you down Joey reply back then he close the doors to the room.

As they continue to look and look. Floor after floor and nothing. Do you think they are here still Jordan ask Jon. I hope so. I just want them to be safe where ever they may be. I just wish we found them already. But all we found was a few geeks. Also we found some candy too and a sweet ass suit. Yea that's true. Here's a room we didn't check yet. As they open the door slowly an continued in with there knifes ready to attacked. They walk in and started to call out for chance, Vega and Daniel. But nothing. As they started to look around the room to see if anything was useful but no luck. As Jon continued to look he found a suitcase in one of the bedrooms. It's not just a regular suitcase. It was a lot longer. So he open it up and..... holy crap!!! Jordan reply back. I know right!! These are bad ass Jon. Oh I'm so taking one and you can have the other one. Really!! My very own Samurai sword, you shouldn't have Jon. But I did... Okay no more messing around Jordan. We have to found them. Okay you're right. Let's go

Meanwhile with Donnie and Danny. I hope they are having better luck than we are. Because I'm getting worry that they aren't here. Danny we will found them alive, I just know it. We just have to keep looking for them. You will see your family again. I know but there only a few more floors left and we haven't found them yet. And if they aren't here than we'll look at my mothers house because it's the next closest place and if they aren't there than we'll go to Jon's and Jordan's house. We will not stop until we found them. Thank you Donnie for everything. It's no problem, I know you would do the same thing if it was my family out here alone. Will this is the last door on this floor. As donnie rise up his knife and Danny open the door they slowly walk in and.... saw them, finally they found them. They was sitting on the couch scared. He drop his knife and run to them. They was just as happy to see him as he was to see them. I'll leave yous alone and you can meet us back in the lobby Donnie said than he left to let the others know.

Go and grab your stuff. We're leaving to go to Donnie's house. So they started to pick up there stuff. What are we going to do when we get there? Chance ask. Will we are going and getting his family and heading to Jordan's house and Jon's house. But after that... I don't know. You just have to trust me. We do dad vega reply back. It's not going to be easy you guys but this is the new world we live in now. And we have to adapt with it But as long as I'm around then Nothing can hurt yous. Now Is everyone ready? Good now let's go and get out of here.

Back with Angela boyfriend and he's friends. No!!! Shit!!! I told you to watch your back man! I... know... I... I didn't see it. I'm sorry man. It's.... okay, it was worth it thought.... (as he take deeps breaths) Getting to kick some zombie ass before I die.... that's... Thats a dream... come true.. You guys have to... keep moving. You guys are almost there. I know man, I love you man. I love you too... As his friend takes he's last breath and dies in his arms. He pulls out a knife and stabs him in his Brain. I'll see you again brother.

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