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T-Tanya   TAA-Trent AA

"Yeah, maybe in your dreams ;)"-T

"Haha,why would you come into my dreams?"-TAA

"Because i'm a special person in your life"-T

I just can't believe what i am saying because it's just a random answers but quite awkward..

EHM, i clear my throath.


My phone was ringing.

It was Diya.

T-Tanya D-Diyana TAA-Trent AA

"Hey Diya"-T

"Hey Tanya,bad news"-D

"What? What happened"-T

"Uhm,my car tyre is punctured. So i think it will take quite longer to pick you up.. I just called a tow truck.. So can you go back home with Trent?"-D

"Ehm,wait in line"-T


He was scrolling his twitter.


"Uhm can you drop me at my home.. Because (i tell him everything)"-T

"Oh sure, no problem. What about Marcel?"-TAA

"Ehm i think he will be there with Diya"-T

"Ouhh,okay.. Are you sure you can be discharged today?"-TAA

"Yeah i'm, the doctor just informed me earlier."-T

"Okay come on."-TAA

I put my hand on his shoulder and he bring me to his car. He helped me to get inside and shut the car door.

*On the road,*

T-Tanya TAA-Trent AA

"Are you still single?"-T

He laughed, and asked

"Nothing just a main question of all of your fan girls"-T

"Soo you are my fan girl?"-TAA

"Yeah you could say like that but i just  know you at the party"-T

I choked and realise back that i want to keep it secret.. NOOOO

"Party? Which party?"-TAA

"Ah-ah nothing, i just uhm em you know it's nothing"-T

He quickly stopped his car at the roadside and turned looking at me

"Tell me now. Which party?"-TAA

His face changed. He was so serious on that time.
And i need to tell the truth,

"I don't know whenever you still remember this  or not because it's just happened some days before. I just bring you to my room because you were drunk on that time after the party"-T

He started to feel embarrassed.. And drove his car back.

"Did i said anything wrong?"-T

He kept silence.

And i stopped to ask questions.

Then he stop his car at a beach.

He bring me sit at a bench there.

"Why did you bring me here?"-T

"I need to tell you something"-TAA

"Go ahead"-T

"I already know that it was you"-TAA

"Then why did you act like you didn't recognise me?"-T

"I just want you to admit it by yourself"-TAA

I smirk and said


"Then what?"-TAA

"Why did you bring me here?"-T

"Oh uhm i just want to spend some time with you"-TAA

"You should tell me earlier"-T

"Why? Is there anything that i don't know"-TAA


"What's that?"-TAA

"That i also wanted to spend time with you."-T

(awkward moments)

"You want some ice cream?"-TAA

"Omg yes i love to have it rn"-T

"Wait, i will get it for you"-TAA

"Get one for yourself too"-T


He went to an ice cream truck there and get two ice creams.

"Here you go"-TAA

"Thanks and how did you know that i love vanila flavour"-T

"Really? I just ordered my fav"-TAA

"We got the same taste huh?"-T


Then we just enjoyed the ice cream while seeing the sunset.
(At home)

T-Tanya D-Diyana

"How is your car right now?"-T

"I think it's good.. I need to pick it up in two days.. And bad news we don't have transport to go to the uni"-D

"Yeahh,how can we manage this?"-T

"Um, i think it's not "we" but "you". Because obviously you are not going to take bus and go to the uni in this condition"-D

"Then you are going there by bus?"-T

"Ofc what else"-D

"I thought i want to call Marcel to pick you up"-T

"What do you mean?"-D

"Haha, he studied at the same uni you idiot, you don't ask him yesterday?"-T

"No i don't, i was busy with my car and stuff but what? Are you serious?"-D

"Yes i am. I just know about this when i was talking with Trent yesterday"-T

"Cool! But ain't it kinda weird"-D

"What do you mean with weird?"-T

"Yeah, the brother of the professional footballer Trent Alexander-Arnold, Marcel Alexander-Arnold comes out from car with a girl who he just know for two days???"-D

"Gurl it's not a problem if he agree to pick you up tomorrow?"-T

"But just if he agree?"-D

"He did"-T

"How can you decide it by yourself?"-D

"I just texted Trent for Marcel number and later i texted Marcel asking for a favour to pick my bestfriend Diya to go to the Uni tomorrow together. And i got a reply which he said "ofc i can"?"-T

"You are kidding right? How can this happened"-D

"Hahaha it's me,Tanya."-T

"Aww Tanya ily"-D

"Ily too"-T

Then we hugged and laughed before someone knock our apartment door.
To be continued.. :)
First update after months.. ;) and it's kinda long and a lot of dialouges.. Just ignore the grammar mistakes.. Sorry and enjoy!

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