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Uff finally the class is ended! I walked together with Diya straight to the place where she parked her car..

T-Tanya D-Diyana

"Hey,how if we just walk around this area?"-D

"For what?"-T

"Um just like that idk??"-D

"Hm okay, Come on"-T

Then,We started our steps..

We walked at the roadside and we decided to cross the road to have a cup of coffee at the Starbucks there..

So we quickly crossed the road because there was no cars there..

But,suddenly a car come with full speed and just hit me! But thank god,they just quickly pressed the break so it's just hit me a bit.. But it was quite painfull..


Diya quickly go to the car and opened the car door because she wanted to ask for "justice".

"Hey diyaaa wait don't!"

I want to stop her or this gonna be a big problem.. I dont want to get involved in any problem since we are still new here and bla²..

But after Diya opened the car door she was shocked and doesn't say anything..

"Hey diya! What happened"

I helped myself to stand but i can't..


A guy came out from the car..

I didn't see his face because i'm busy with my paining ankle...

Yes,i just broke my ankle.

He just comes straight to me and said

"Sorry,i'm so sorry"

Then i looked Diya's face and turned to look at the guy..


It was


I was shocked for a second then my ankle feels hurt back..


And i saw his brother.. As i know his name is Marcel.

"Come on! Let me take you to the hospital"

"No it's alright i could go by myself"

I tried to stand up but i just can't.

"No it's alright.. Come on i'll help you"

He picked me up and carried me..

I swear this will be one of my fav moment in my life!!

Then he put me in his car..

Diya also followed to the hospital..

After we arrived at the hospital,

The hospital staff bring the strecher for me..

But Trent refuses it and just carried me straight to the emergency room...

I didn't feel my pain when he carried me..
It was like i'm in another world..

TAA-Trent D-Diya M-Marcel

"Uhm,how did this happened?"-D

"What? You mean the accident?"-TAA


"It was all his fault"-TAA

"This your brother?"-D

"Yeah Marcel."-TAA


"Umm we just got fight for something.. So i just didn't saw you guys were coming.. I'm sorry again"-TAA

"I'm sorry too."-M

"Oh oh it's alright! As long she is still alive"-D

Trent and Marcel smiled a little bit and continue staring at the ward and waiting for the doctor to come out..

"Hello Doctor,what happened to her?"-TAA

"She is alright,but she got a small fracture at her ankle.. So you need to take care"-Doc

"Oh okayy thanks doctor"-Diya

"You're welcome"-Doc

"Can we see her now?"-TAA

"Yeah sure"-Doc

We get into the room.

Tanya's POV,

Diyana,Trent and his brother Marcell comes in..

I was lying on the bed, my ankle got bandaged..

"Hey. How are you feeling"-TAA

"Feeling better"-T

"I'm sorry it was all my fault"-M

"No,it's okay.."-T

"Hey Tanya.."-D


Diya hold my hand as a "friendship love" sign..

She looked sad..
But what can i do..

"Um Tanya i'm sorry to say this but i need to go back to the university and take my car there..but i wil come back here after that"-D

"Oh yeah your car.. You should go now. i'm okay here.."-T

"I can take care of her here,until you come back.. Marcel can bring you there"-TAA

"Oh! Sure! Come on Marcel"-D

"Uhm okayy.."-M

We laughed.

After Diya and Marcel leave, Me and Trent didn't talk anything for some minutes..

Until he started.

"I think i have seen you before?"-TAA
To be continued... :)

Without Me✨ - Trent Alexander-Arnold Where stories live. Discover now