"So, she psychic and you can turn invisible? that seems likely." Curtis said. "I have powers too," you said aloud. "Oh really? What you can fly?" Nathan asked you.

You swiped your hand and next thing everyone knew Nathan was flying through the air and hit the wall. "No... at least I don't think so. I also can time travel and teleport, along with telekinesis.

"I don't know what else I can do. But I think I have power mimicry. I can do all powers I can think of." You finished. Nathan's eyes were wide then he stood up.

"Your psycho thats what it is." Nathan says before starting to wheel over to the door. Kelly stepped in front of him, "Don't go out there he will kill you."

"Of course he will, 'cause he's such a badass." Nathan says mocking her. "She's telling the truth!" Curtis said, everyone turned to look at him.

"And you know this how? I suppose your psychic to?" Nathan questioned Curtis. "It's already happened once. I open the door, the probation worker, he killed you." Curtis said directing his attention towards Kelly.

"What are you saying? What, you turned back time?" Alisha asked him. "This just keeps getting better by the second." Nathan comments

"Everything happened again. Exactly the same." Curtis added, "I'm telling you. Don't open that door!" But, the twat Nathan is, he still opened the door.

He quickly closed it and locked it. The pw started banging on the door. "Maybe he's on Crystal meth. I mean, that stuff'll make you crazy." Alisha predicted.

"The graffiti. I'm going to kill you. He wrote it," Simon said to everyone. "What did I say? I said there was a hidden meaning to it," Nathan responded, "or not."

The pw continued banging on the door. "Did anything happen to you?" Kelly asked Alisha. "No. We should call the police."

"He took our phones. He's got all our phones. Except, y/ns but hers is in her locker." Simon said, as you frowned.

"He's stopped," Curtis said noticing the silence. " Dickhead, why did you come back? You should have gone for help," Alisha yelled at Kelly.

"What do you know, bitch?" Kelly responded. "SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!" You yelled, then everyone kinda stood back.

"Out the back way, come on!" Curtis said walking towards the back door. You soon were the first one to reach the door.

You heard Nathan fall and you turned around. "Oh, fuck! Jesus Christ! Get it off me! Jesus!" Nathan yelled wiping the blood on his jumpsuit.

You looked at the locker th at the blood was spilling from. You opened it and the psychotic kids, Gary, body fell out. "He's gonna kill is," Alisha said.

"NO FUCKING SHIT ALISHA!" You yelled then looking at the body. "Turn back time. Stop this happening." Nathan demanded at Curtis. "I don't know how it works."

"That's great. That's really useful!" Nathan complained, you look back to Alisha and see her crying. "Come on, don't look at him," Curtis told her.

He grabbed her hand and gasped.

Your POV
I heard Curtis gasp and immediately look at him. His veins in his neck, popped out. "Your so beautiful."

"What's up with him?" Nathan asked. "Let's go! Let's do it, now!" Curtis yelled. "Get off me you freak!" Alisha yelled then Curtis let go of her.

"What?" Curtis asked acting oblivious. Alisha went to punch him but he grabbed her wrists. "Your so hot! I'm gonna bone you! I'm gonna shag you sensless!" Curtis yelled at Alisha.

Alisha got rid of his grip and he backed up and gasped again. "What did I do?" Curtis asked. "Yous said you was going to shag her," Kelly mentioned. "And you were getting your chap out," Nathan continued.

"It's when you were touching her," Simon said to Curtis. Alisha looked at her hands, shaking. She reached over to Simon and his veins popped out his neck too.

"I'm so hard for you," Simon started to say, "I wanna tip your clothes off and piss on your tits." "What is happening to me?" Alisha yelled.

"You sick bastard!" Nathan yelled. Right after he said that the pw crashed through the door and onto the floor.

Everyone screamed and I backed up. Alisha hit In the head with a propane canister. The pw lied on the floor sensless.

"What did you do?" Nathan asked Kelly in a weak voice. "Is he dead?" Alisha asked. "Well I'm no doctor, but you see the way the back of his head is caved in like that..." Nathan said answering Alishas question.

That second the pw grabbed hold of Nathan's ankle, which made me feel protective. I held out my hand and swiped it towards a wall that had a fire extinguisher on it. The pw went flying and hit is head on it.

"That should do it..." Nathan started to say. "You killed our probation worker," Alisha said in suprise. "This is very, very bad." Nathan finished saying, which his hands on his head.

"Well he was gonna kill you!" I yelled at him.

Later that day after everyone left, besides me and Nathan, I sat to where the mattress was and cried. "I'm a murder Nathan!" I yelled at him. He pulled me into his arms and held me there as I cried.

"We have to get rid of the bodies. The police will show up and find them." Nathan said to me after a while. We called the others and told them to meet us up here.

They soon arrived and started to panick. "How will we move them? If others see them we will go to prison." Kelly said.

"No, no, no, no, no. We give them a quick little," Nathan starts to say then whistle. "We put them in those wheelchairs, we wheel them up there. If anyone sees us, we are just a bunch of young offenders taking a couple of specials for a walk in the sunshine."

"How do you come up with this shit? I mean I guess it works, but seriously." I ask him.

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