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"What, so you killed her?" Alisha asked Simon, "That's... that's brilliant, problem solved." "She was going to the police. I-I didn't mean to kill her, it was an accident," Simon said almost in tears.

"'You're a weird little psycho, and now everyone knows it," Nathan said then walking out. "Don't walk away! This is on all of us!" Kelly yelled at him. "I thought we were through with this shit," Curtis yelled at Simon.

Everyone heard the toilet flush, but we all got confused. We heard the door knob move and then Nathan walked out fanning a magazine. "I dont know what is going on with my guts. It's all hot cross buns and Easter eggs, when Jesus gets resurrected." Me and Simon looked at each other. "That wasn't Nathan," Simon said looking at Nathan. "Whoever it was, they know we killed our probation worker," Curtis said.

"Did someone kill our probation worker?" Nathan asked looking at her. "Holy shit. We have to tell Nathan what happened," I say to everyone.

We told Nathan everything that happened. "Seriously?" Nathan asked us. I nodded my head.  "I spent a few hours in the toilet and I missed all that? Life is just passing me by."

"Who was that just now?" Alishia asked. "I think it's a shapeshifter," Simon mumbles. "It can take on other people's appearance. I saw it on an episode of Star Trek," he says a little louder.

"We should probably watch more of that science fiction stuff. We might actually figure out what's going on 'round here," Curtis replies. "So that wasn't you that said those very hurtful things about the size of my cock," Nathan asks looking at me.

"What?" I asked, "no." He groaned and sighed, "oh, then you're probably wondering why I said you had a  huge fanny." He paused for a moment, "there may have been a bit of a mix up." I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

"We should set up a password," Simon says fixing his collar of his jumpsuit. "We can say it to each other so we know it's us." He finishes. "MONKEY SLUT!" Nathan yelled pointing at all of us.

"We are not having Monkey slut as our password," Alisha said sassing Nathan. "What are the chances of that being used in a normal conversation? Kinda low, no?" Nathan asked almost immediately after Alisha's comment. "How do you come up with this by stuff?" Kelly asked.

"Oh, just go with it. Monkey slut," I responded. Nathan made a weird face and did a yes motion. I look at him in disbelief of what he just did, and shake my head.

We all walked into the locker room, cautiously, as if the shape shifter was there. "We need to find out who it is, before they go to the police," Curtis told everyone. "It's the new probation worker, it's always the probation worker," Alisha threw out.

Nathan points up his finger, "that dead chick was the other probation workers fiancée, what if this new ones his brother?" I look at him thinking, 'how stupid can he possibly be,' but the truth is I find it kinda adorable.

"He's white. Tony was black," Simon responded pointing out the main fact. "Uh... adopted brother? Adopted kids are nut jobs." Curtis looked at him then looked forward again and rolled his eyes, while I smiled.

He looked at me smiling, and raised his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes. We turn around the corner and see, the mental girl, Lucy. She ran away, but, Curtis yelled at us before we ran, "Wait!" We all saw the
probation worker walk in front of us.

"Right, I will see you all tomorrow," he told us swinging his keys. "Ah, good one very convincing," Nathan replies sarcastically. "It's not her." Curtis spoke up. We all looked at us. We huddled up and he talked to us, more like whispered.

"I went back in time. The first time, we thought it was her, but it was him. Kelly killed him, and then we saw Lucy in the window. I came back in time to where Nathan was talking about him being adopted. Trust me, it's not Lucy, it's actually him."

"Alright what's going on?" He asked. We all looked up. "Nothing..." Simon fibbed. "You're obviously lying..." he started talking walking towards us, "but it's five o'clock and I couldn't give a shit." He walked away out of the room. "Have a good one," Curtis sighed in relief.

Once we couldn't see him we all ran towards where Lucy ran. We saw her in a room, and when we walked into it, there was only a mouse. "She's turned herself into a mouse," Simon applied. Nathan snapped, "get some cheese!" "Are you fucking serious?" Me and Kelly asked at the same time.

It's short Ik. I've been busy lately! I'm sorry
Words: 817

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