Not Quite Seeing Double

Start from the beginning

Arriving to the island she hurried into the guild hall through the window at the top and to her great relief there appeared to be a guild meeting going on.

"Help!" She yelled as he wings finally gave out and she would have hit the ground if not for Mario, who was closest to the window, lunging to catch her. "Please you have to help him!"

"Whoa slow down." Ritchie commented hurrying over. "Who needs help?"

"And can they pay?" David snarked from where he was wandering over.

"Brandon!" She cried out ignoring David. The air in the guild hall changed immediately.

"What!?" Kit yelped jumping over to the group surrounding Mario and the spirit.

"Mr Brandon needs help!?" Inmo gasped joining the circle as well.

"Yes! We were out training when he was attacked!" She sobbed. "He took him! He also gave me a message before knocking me out!"

"What did he say?" Lucas asked frowning at Ritchie, who no one else had noticed go stone still.

"He- he said to tell Divinus Magia to "Hurry or they'll be down to one guild leader!" Please you have to hurry!"

"Where was this?" Ritchie growled. His eyes seemed to glow with his anger as he spoke. "And how long ago?"

"It was at the mountain training grounds! And I don't know how long exactly! It took me an hour to fly here and I don't know how long I was unconscious!"

"Who is he?" David asked as he grit his teeth. "Who the hell thinks they can threaten Divinus Magia?"

"I don't know!" She wailed again. "It was really dark and all I could make out was white hair and an eye patch!"

"Common Divinus Magia." Ritchie's voice was an icy calm of barely contained rage. "Let's go."

While the guild hurried to where the incident had happened, in a new location Brandon was slowly waking up.

Brandon couldn't see and quickly determined that he was blindfolded. He grit his teeth and attempted to move his arms deemed them chained to the wall above his head. His legs also seemed to be strapped down. The  air devil slayer was completely immobile.

"Oh I see you're awake! How good!" A familiar voice cheered from a bit away. Brandon jerked and glared trying to focus his magic but couldn't seem to do so.

"What did you do to my magic!?"

"Oh you won't need that. Besides you should have plenty of practice being without magic, right? Growing up in Saloade and all."

Brandon sucked in a breath. "How do you know that?"

"I know a lot of things!" He giggled. "For one I know how much this will hurt you!"

Before Brandon could react a sharp burning pain shot through his leg. He threw his head back and screamed as he felt liquid he could only imagine to be blood ran down his leg.

The other laughed content with his screams. "See I was right! Now let's see..."

Brandon tensed when he felt a hand drag up his injured leg. Then it vanished and the other let out a content hum. Brandon felt I'll when he realized what had happened. His tormenter was licking his blood. He gagged slightly and glared uselessly behind his blindfold.

"You're damned sick, you know that?" He spat, trying to desperately hide his fear. The other abruptly fell silent and Brandon realized he'd made a serious mistake.

"I'm... Sick?" All the laughter was gone and the voice was left dead and cold. "I'm sick!? You have no right to talk to me like that!"

As he spat these words Brandon felt the sharp edge of a knife in his side slowly carving downwards. He grit his teeth refusing to give this thing (he refused to believe any one human could hold such insanity and hate) the satisfaction of knowing he was in pain.

"I'm better than anyone! I'm better than everyone!" He twisted the knife and Brandon writhed trying to get away. "You are scum! You're nothing but garbage which I'm going to enjoy removing from our plane!"

Brandon gasped as he felt nothing but burning pain. He couldn't breathe and he couldn't speak. Everything was blurring while he tried to figure out whether to let himself fall unconscious or fight the pain he felt. His lack of sight was increasing his other senses and the pain was, sadly, included in that.

After the other ripped the blade out of his side he felt blood pouring from the wound.

"Oopsie!" The voice returned to it's giggling and cheerful tone. "Looks like I cut a bit deep! Oh well, I guess that's what happens when scum doesn't know their place." He sighed. "And what a shame that is. I wanted to play a little more. It seems your guild isn't coming to rescue either." His voice took on a whining tone. "If I knew that  stupid spirit would take so long I would have just killed her instead!"

Brandon shifted. "A-Aurora?" He asked weakly.

The other voice giggled again. "Or maybe I did? I didn't hold back after all." He laughed loudly. "How great would it be that your guild never got my message? That they have no clue where you are? At least until they get sent to deal with us and find your corpse strung up for all to see..." He paused before adding. "I'm sure your brother would enjoy that surprise!"

"Stop it..." Brandon muttered weakly as the other laughed. "Leave them out of this..."

"Leave them out? But they're already involved. And that's your fault too."

Brandon felt tears well up as he hung limply in his bonds. This psycho was targeting them... Because of him? That removed any fight he still had and he felt himself just give up.

"Well, toodle pip!" The other laughed and Brandon heard footsteps walking away. "I'll be back to see if you're still alive in the morning. Or not."

And with that he heard a metal door open and shut. Then he was alone, trapped in darkness, silence, and pain
Already given up on everything.

He didn't know how long he hung there fading in and out of consciousness when he heard the sounds of footsteps coming towards him. He swallowed as he readied himself for more pain. The door was opened and whoever opened it froze.

Then a there was a quiet shocked whisper. "Mr Brandon..." His mind was barely able to connect the dots of who to was before they were screaming. "I FOUND HIM!" And another barrage of footsteps where heading their way.

He heard a familiar sound of electrical crackling and then someone was touching him. It was a gentle touch on the side of this head, but he still flinched and tried to move away, until they spoke.

"Brother!" Ritchie's voice was alight with panic as he hurried to remove his twins blindfold. Brandon winced as he was suddenly assaulted with the dim light in the room. Ritchie froze staring into Brandon's eyes as he started to undo the chains on his wrist. "David help me!" He ordered and that was the last thing Brandon recalled as he fell unconscious once again.

A/N: Wow that got a little dark... Not sure where the inspiration for this came from. I was just laying in bed trying to sleep but them my mind was telling me to write. So I did and this happened. As always let me know if you enjoyed and if you find any typos.

Also if you can't tell (you probably can't after this one) Brandon is my favorite. I don't know why I like to torture his characters so much.

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