I should be in bed with Liam, that's all.

"I know what Jeremy did to you, and I know he deserves what's happening to him right now and even more." He pauses. "But there's something you should know, and I was hoping we could meet and talk in person."


Frowning, I reply, "I don't think I'm interested to hear anything that involves your brother. I've had enough with him so please don't do this, Jonathan." I try to stay polite.

"Kira, I'm perfectly aware of that," Jonathan insists. "I only want you to hear me out, and then you can do whatever you want, afterwards."

What is it now? Why can't they give me a break, damn it?

"Please, Kira. It won't take much of your time, I promise," he adds. "I can go to you, wherever you are. Please."

What should I do? I ponder for a while and in the end I fail to say no to him. He hired me when I had no experience at all, even when his mother condemned him for that. He managed to make my college life a bit easier as I could earn a decent living and study at the same time.

Will it hurt to just hear what he has to say?

I return to the bedroom and sit down for a moment, right next to Liam. He is sleeping on his stomach, his face cupped into a pillow. I smile indulgently, running my hand over his hair. He's tired; we slept pretty late. Gently, I plant a little kiss on his shoulder, and his back muscles tense.

He doesn't wake. He's indeed tired and sleepy.

I write him a note after I shower and dress up.

          Morning, Liam.

 I'm positive you won't be impressed by this but I promise I won't take long. I'm meeting someone nearby; I'll explain when I return. Love you.

Outside the sun is beaming wildly as I head to the restaurant across the street where Jonathan and I are going to meet. My tummy is in knots, and I feel like something bad is about to happen. Sighing, I draw away all my anxiety by focusing on the high-end buildings along the road.

Cars and people comingle. Typical city life. But its still early so I find no congestion until I find the small out door restaurant that's buzzed with customers. Luckily, I manage to find an empty table and sit down facing the main road.

I order coffee and wait after a call from Jonathan. He's almost here, according to him. I keep checking my phone closely from time to time, in case Liam calls. The fact that I'm here without his knowledge doesn't leave me in peace. He'll eat me alive, I swear.

Five minutes later I catch a glimpse of Jonathan from the main entrance. I recognize him right away, given his looming height, and old-school fashion sense.

He is not the one to call super handsome, but he has unique looks that deserve a second glance, a nice voice that doesn't tire anyone's ears whenever he talks, and a person you can easily rely on.

Right behind him, I notice two other people that I recognize as fast as I did him. My heart sinks when I discern one of them as a tall, beautiful woman with platinum blonde hair.

Samantha Ford.

What's going on here? I stand up reflexively and they finally reach my table.

"Kira, how are you? Long time, huh?" Jonathan greets and we share a stiff hug.

Sam is right in front of me, and she regards me like a total stranger. I'm not even surprised.

"I'm good," I answer softly.

"Hi, K. I'm very sorry for what happened." It's Traven.

Sam doesn't say a word as she sits across from me. I do the same because this time I'm not going to follow her whim. If she wants to be a bitch, I'm gonna be a bitch, too.

"So, what is this all about?" I finally ask, watching them in turns, and only take a little longer at Sam.

She sternly looks away to avoid my gaze. I try to ignore and focus on the most important matter.

"Well," Jonathan starts haltingly, taking a sigh. "First of all, I'm sorry, Kira. For what my brother did . . . or tried to do. Are you okay?" He lifts his calm green eyes at me.

"I'm fine, I guess. At least I'm in one piece," I answer tightly.

He takes another deep sigh. He's nervous.

"Kira, I know what I'm about to say may sound hard for you. You may not be able to accept it, but I swear it's the only thing I can do regarding the situation we are in." He beats around the bush, and my patience is starting to run thin.

"Can you just go straight to the point?" I find myself snapping. "It's about Jeremy, right? What do you want from me?" 

Sam shoots me daggers but I hardly care about her opinion of me right now. I just want to get this over with, and go back to where I came from. I cast another impatient glance on my phone. There is nothing from Liam. Should I be relieved?

"Okay." Jeremy halts my train of thoughts. "It's about Jeremy, but—" He stammers, and it's a rare scene.

I remember him to be very direct, and not this anxious guy I'm seeing here.

"Let me help, cousin," Traven offers and I turn my eyes on him. "Kira, we want to ask you"—he laces his fingers together and clears his throat—"No, to beg you, to please drop the charges against him."

"What?" I stifle a laugh as I nearly boomed into an uncontrollable one. Drop the charges against him? That's a good one. "Do you realize what you've just said?" Now I laugh for real.

"Yes, we do," Jonathan replies. "And that's precisely why I wanted to personally talk to you, since they've totally refused the bail until he's taken to court. But we don't have time for that, Kira—"

"No!" I immediately sit straight, fuming. "You're not serious, are you?" I try confirming their words, and they seem to mean it. I break into a ridiculous laugh of utter disbelief.

Looking dismayed, Traven starts, "Kira—"

"Your brother, that bastard, attacked me at my own house! And not once, but twice! And he could've hurt me on both occasions!" I snarl and they both simmer. "He tried to rape me! How can you plainly ask me to drop the charges, huh? No, if this is what you summoned me here for, then I'm off." I grab my handbag and get up ungraciously.

"Jeremy is dying, Kira," Jonathan says deplorably. I halt in my tracks. "He is very sick and if he doesn't get the operation on time he may die sooner than expected."

After a moment of silence, I huff a quick laugh. "Dying? Yeah, right!"

I simply can't believe this! Seriously, who do these people think I am?

"It's true, Kira. We are not making this up," Traven says, backing up his cousin.

Swallowing hard, I turn around and face all of them. Sam is looking at me coldly with her arms folded across her chest. She's on their side, and I'm alone against three.

I'm too dumbfounded. I feel like laughing and crying at the same time. I shouldn't have come here. What was I thinking anyway? I'm so stupid. Always.

"I'm not sure what you guys were expecting, but I can swear to my unknown parents that this girl here won't care a dime of what you say," Sam snaps abruptly. "She's way too selfish to care about anyone but herself," she adds with utmost disdain.

Now I want to pull her hair out.

"Sam," Traven butts in, seemingly in disapproval. "Not helping!" he tells her.

We all hear Sam's deep exasperated sigh as she leans heavily against her seat.

No, Kira, keep calm! I sigh deeply, trying hard to control my composure from all the mishaps.

"Okay, I'm listening." I turn my full attention to Jonathan so that I can hear the rest of the story. While sitting back, I endeavor with everything I got to stay poised, despite the anger eating me inside. "Not that I believe anything you people say, but tell me why I should care whether he's sick or not?" I am curious.

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