Emma opened her phone as she walked to class to read the message Itachi sent and save his number.

She hesitated to knock on the door of her class room when she reached it. Her teacher looked at her when she opened the door telling her to just take a seat.

Emma could feel the eyes on her and she quickly made her way to her spot; not looking up until taking the notes her teacher provided on the screen.


When school was finally over and emma was grabbing her math textbook from her locker to take home she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. When she took it out to look at it she seen a text from Itachi.

Itachi: meet me at the bleachers.

She stuffed her phone in her pocket before closing the door of her locker and making her way outside. She tucked her hair behind her ears after pushing the doors open and revealing the hot and humid air.

She stared at the ground as she walked, occasionally looking up to make sure she didn't bump into anything or anyone.

When emma got closer to the bleachers she could see Itachi sitting as he scrolled through his phone. As if he heard her coming Itachi looked her way and stood up, walking toward her.

"We're going to go to a cafe, its usual quiet there."

"O-okay. Um I thought we were going start our sessions at four."

"Yeah but I didn't feel like going home. So we we'll do our session for now to four." He sighed as he looked somewhere random. "If you have something to do you can just meet me at the cafe shop after."

Emma looked at the time on her phone, it's was only two-forty. Did she need to go home? She couldn't think of a reason to, other than wanting to be in her own space.

Should she just go with him? She was kind of hungry too now that she thought of it.

"No, i don't."

Itachi nodded and began walking, Emma following. Neither of them said anything as they walked. They ended up stopping at the same restaurant as they did the other day. Emma didn't mind though.

"Hi, what would you like?" The woman at the restaurant asked, her thick accent almost made it hard to understand her.

"Can I get an order of dango, please." Itachi asked as he stepped up to the counter. The woman seemed like she was slightly nervous around him.

"Of course!" She smiled. She kept looking over at him as she made his order but Itachi didn't care to notice.

He was use to girls always looking at him, it annoyed him but he did his best to ignore it. He didn't care for girls, he didn't have time for them anyways.

He just wasn't suited for a relationship. It would just end up in the girl getting hurt. Not because he was a bad guy towards girls but because he had secrets he couldn't tell.

When the girl came back she gave itachi his food.

"Is that all?"


After giving him his change Emma ordered herself a plate of chicken teriyaki. They both sat down at a booth near the window as they ate.

It was around three-thirty when they finished so they walked to the café where they would be studying. They once again sat at a window seat. Emma placed her math textbook on the table along with her pencil and eraser.

Itachi moved closer to her so it would be easier to help. Emma got a little nervous at the fact he was so close to her. Itachi pulled out the sheet Mr. Newman gave him from his bag and placed it with Emma's things.

"So it looks like you're having trouble with long division." Itachi said as he wrote down an equation.

Itachi helped emma with the first question, explaining it a little more clear than what the teacher would. Which emma was thankful for cause sometimes she needs it to be broken down more to understand.

He gave her two more equations to do on her own and he sat there on his phone as he waited for her to finish. When she would finish Itachi would check it and show her what she did wrong or right.

This went on for the 2 hours they were there. They had lots to cover still but that's okay. As long as in the end Emma understood better and was able to pass.

"I'll see you, tomorrow. If you really want you can practice more at home." Itachi said as he got up. Emma swung her bag over her shoulder.


With that they both went their separate ways; Emma was getting picked up by her dad so Itachi walked home.

Though he didn't really want to go, he needed to spend time with his brother. Itachi sighed as he walked down the street, the sun was setting so it was cooler than earlier.

Suddenly Itachi felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He wasn't surprised to see a text from his best friend.

Kisame: meet up tomorrow is at the tunnel under the bridge on second street. Meet me at my place at 5.

Itachi responded with and ok. He sighed as he stared up at the bright moon. He thought of his brother Sasuke, he really just needed to see him. He was his happiness, the light he needed in a world so dark.

Itachi frowned at himself because sometimes he really wished he chose a different path.

I dont like this chapter that much but whatever lol, vote and comment!💙 -Mia

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