A Bad Journey

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Ugh, my head...

This was my thinking as I started to regain consciousness. As I woke up I opened my eyes with a very large headache and a sore chest, I found that I had blurry vision, but I regained normal vision a couple of minutes later.
Looking around I saw that I'm in the back of a truck, and there was a man in vet's clothes sitting with his back against the wall separating us and the driver, I was on a bench sticking out from the right side of the truck. I wasn't making quick movements either, I wasn't sure if I wanted to let this man know if I was a awake or not. Mind you it wasn't that hard, we were clearly driving on a dirt road because we were bouncing around everywhere, therefore my movements weren't very obvious. But looking at the man I didn't have any further information on where I was, who they were, why I was here, or how I got here. So I decided to focus on something else, but it was hard in such a grey and tasteless environment.
Soon the aching of my chest gained my attention so I looked at it. And I saw my snout, it was covered with some sort of plasticy/leathery material which was layered in strips causing it to form a overcomplicated lattice of which covered my whole snout. I tried to open my mouth, just to check. And it was true, I had a muzzle on. After coming to terms with the fact that they're actually treating me like a dog, I went back to looking at my chest. There were two spots where it has clearly been bleeding but had now dried up. But I only thought I got shot once? Wait! I got shot?

That's when it all came back to me. The fight, the shot, the punch, and... Chelsea. My mind was now preoccupied.


I must have gone to sleep for a while because the next thing I remember was one of the guys prodding me, telling me to get up. "Quick! Get up!"

I didn't see a way out of this, and I did want some information so I decided to follow their instructions, for now.
Getting out of that vehicle made me realize how much of a stiff back I had, it hurt really bad just to stand up.
Once I was out of the truck they quickly ushered me along a smooth concrete path, we were in some form of large garage, into the main building. There I was pushed along a long path of corridors that twist and turned every which way that I couldn't remember the way back. It was almost like an unused hospital with no-one in it, every room was empty. We took so many turns that retracing my steps wouldn't be an option of escape.

After the about six hundredth turn we stopped moving because (I assume) we had found the man we were looking for.

And indeed we had.

"Here he is sir!"

The man in the white lab coat was very old, and he had that typical look that old people have, that look of compassion and concern mixed together. He was a strange man though, his voice didn't seem that old when he spoke.
"What are you two idiots doing? Why is he looking like he just had the crappiest trip in his life? And why, just. Why? Who thought it would be a good idea to put a muzzle on the poor boy? Take it off immediately!"
Too be honest, it did make me smile a little bit, but only a little. Once the two 'idiots' were finished removing the muzzle and I could finaly move my jaw (which I did), I looked at the man again, which by now had his (I assume pet?) fox standing next to him and I finally clicked, I realised who it was, so I asked him the main question I've been wanting to ask for ages now; "Excuse me Dr. Wever, but what do you want with me? Why do you wish to have me speak with you so much?"
"Dear James, I've wanted this for a long time, but not to speak with you, but to show you"

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