Chapter 20: The Three Amigos

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I had finished my shopping trip an hour later than expected, I was worried that I had left James by himself for too long, but then I entered the house.
When I stepped into the lounge room, I saw Shell sitting on the floor with James's head on her lap, he looked so cute! His head was crossing over her legs with his neck down to his tail on the floor, legs tucked in and eyes closed. He was asleep. I quietly begin to chat with Shell.
"hey Shell"
"hey Liz, you're a bit later back than you said you would be. nice hair"
"thanks, I got it done in town, that's why I'm later than I said I would be"
As I said this I sat down next to Shell and, without realizing, started to scratch James's head. We started to talk about girly stuff as you do, and we probably spent too long chatting. We wouldn't have stopped if it wasn't for James waking up.
"Wakey Wakey"
"Wha... Liz?"
"You're here now?"
"Yes, I've been here since 2:00"
"What's the time now?"
"Two thirty"
"Goodness! What's for lunch?"
"Yes! I can't wait!"
"You're staying for lunch Shell?"
"Of course I am James! Why wouldn't I be?"
"OK, what's for lunch then Liz?"
"I got us some chicken and bread rolls, you can have the two separate if you want though"
"Sounds gr- gra- graw-" James' sentence was interrupted by a huge yawn, exposing his long, sharp canines. "Excuse me! Sounds great"
"Come on! Let's get up and have lunch"
"But it's comfy here"
"James" both Shell and I said in unison.
After we had lunch, where James and Shell sat close together and I tried to sit close to both them and Hannah (who was conveniently sitting at the opposite end of the table) I hope she'll get over this eventually, I let Shell spend time with James as I went to my bedroom to work. I decided to be the one to keep an eye on James so I said I would work from home today, so I really should have done some.
But I could hardly do anything, I kept thinking about James. And Shell. I do really appreciate everything she's done for him, surely she likes him too? As if she only likes him as a friend. I know they're best friends, always have been. But I'm sure they could be something more. And my little bro, I know how he feels about her, maybe I'm just thinking this for his sake. Anyway! Not what I was meant to be doing! Back to work!

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