Shell Figures it Out

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-James' pov-

"I, I don't normally. It's just, I've recently changed"
Chelsea had a bit of a puzzly expression on her face, but I don't blame her. Even though she can't speak too well, she seems different. I reckon she's a people reader, judging by how she takes a while to respond, I can tell that when she's having a conversation with someone, she analyzes everything they say. She can read people. She is one interesting person.
After thinking all this, I realized that no one had said anything after my comment, so I decided to bring up the conversation again.
"S-so you p-play chess?"
But she bet me to it.
"Yeah, I'm not that good"
"Lies! Your better than David! And Ben. And you've gone up against Mr. Jackson pretty well too! Don't listen to him Chelsea, he's good. Would definitely beat me"
"Thanks Shell"
"Wow, i-it seems l-like you know w-what you're doing"
"She's talking me up, I'm really not that good. The lowest rank in chess is 1 and the higher the rank, the better you are. I'm only rank 500 and something"
"That s-sounds pretty high t-t-to me"
"It's not, I know of people that reach in the mid two thousands. In Victoria alone. Anyway, enough about me, did you do anything different at your old school?"
"Um, I, did the BAD program"
"The bad program?"
"No, the B, A, D, prog-gram. As in, Brains, And, D-dialects"
"Wait, your school actually had an official program, which it's name could be abbreviated to the word bad?"
"Y-yeah, after they r-realized their mistake, they renamed it to the BD p-program"
"But was too late then wasn't it?"
"Yeah" I started to see a smile appear on her dark, shadowed, freckley face. Did I mention she had freckles? Well she does. Goodness, she a picture of beauty, and a good kisser too!
We were kind of accidently gazing into each others eyes, until Shell intervened.
"Do you have a class you need to get ready for Chelsea?"
"Y-yeah, I p-probably should"
"Okay, if you're alright to walk to the locker area yourself, I'll catch up. I'm just gonna have a quick chat with James before class starts"
"Y-yeah, that's f-fine"
"See ya Chelsea, nice meeting you!"
"Yes! Y-you to J-James!"
After she disappeared from sight, Shell turned towards me.
"Okay, what do you think?"
"She's nice"
"That's all?"
"Hey Shell, would you care if I didn't like you?"
"Of corse I would! Don't you want to be my friend anymore?"
"No no, the other like"
"Ohh! No. I wouldn't care. No offense"
"None taken, because I don't"
"You don't? What? Like me? That's fine, it's easy to find another for my bed"
"Shell! No! Why would you even say that?"
"I'm joking! Calm down. But now I'm curious, why don't you like me anymore?"
I started to fidget a bit in my seat.
"No way!"
"Heh, maybe?"
"You do! You do! Oh my goodness! That's cute! Hold on.... What did happen when you two first met?"
The bell went, thank goodness!
"You should be heading off to class now"
"Well played James, but as you know, have known for a very long time. I always find out. Until next time, goodbye friend"
"Goodbye friend, until next time"
And then she disappeared from sight, then I had a new list of things to think about, Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea and Shell, Shell and Chelsea, Chelsea and Shell. And what they were talking about during class.

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