Chapter 16: Homecoming

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"Who? What project?"
"I'm docter Wever. May I sit with you?"
"No. You don't want to see me"
"Yes I do"
"No, you-"
Who was that? I recognized the voice.
Mr. Whatshisname took a quick look into the distance, then back at me.
"I have to go now James Wolf, but believe me. I'll see you again"
"Who's there?"
As the man came closer, I started to see his badges and his dark navy blue uniform.
"Where are you?"
"I'm here!"
I grabbed my phone and turned on the flashlight, he saw me then.
"There you are!"
"Dad!" I yelled, then tried to get up to run to him but failed.
"Stay there James!"
He got over to me relatively quickly and gave me a big hug. I pretty much poured out all of my stored up stress and anxiety onto him.
"Dad I, I didn't mean to- I tried not to- I couldn't-"
"It's okay James, I'm here now"
We just kinda stayed there for probably a lot longer than we should have, dad eventually spoke up.
"Do you want to follow me to the car?"
"Y-yeah" I replied, along with a few sniffles
"Alright" he said as he stood up, I tried to follow suit but felt something sharp stab my leg and I collapsed back down which made the pain even worse.
"James! What happened!?"
I then looked at my leg and there were three parallel deep cuts on it, bleeding like there's no tomorrow, I assume from the fight a bit earlier.
"Oh, Um, I think I've cut my leg"
"And your arm, and the side of your stomach!"
"Yeah, that too"
"Do you want some help up?"
"Yes thanks"
He then helped me up and supported me all the way to the car, which wouldn't have been easy for him, before all this happened I was already taller than him, and now I'm even taller. We got into the car and he started the engine.
"Dad, where are we going?"
The trip home was mostly silent, dad had the radio on a low volume, but the rest was me making noise continually trying to get in a comfortable position because of my tail (something I'm going to have to get used to) and my tounge noises from me cleaning my wounds. The noise dissipated once we arrived home and dad had cut the engine. I started to feel a bit more anxious when we arrived at the door (dad was supporting me again) the rest of my family seeing me like this. Dad must have noticed because he spoke up.
"James, we're your family, you can trust us"
"I know"
I still wasn't sure about entering but then I remembered the promise that I gave to Shell, I had to trust her, and I had to trust them.
"James, are you okay?"
"Yeah! Yeah. Why are we standing out here getting cold? Let's go in"
He knocked on the door and Mum opened it straight away. As she looked at us two she didn't seem the least surprised which seemed odd, your son just turned into an anthro and you're not the least surprised? Now that I think about it, neither was dad, strange. "James?"
Right! Focus!
"Hi mum, um, sorry about everything"
"No, no. It's okay, I probably would have reacted very similarly. Come in! Come in!"
As I stepped in, mum shouted out.
"Girls! James is home!"
As soon as she shouted that, I heard two pairs of feet running to the front door. As the feet ran into view I saw my two sisters, Liz who was 26 and Hannah who was 8, who were currently staying home, running towards me, eyes full of tears.
"James!" without even looking at me they wrapped their arms around me and bawled their eyes out, onto me, thanks.
"Why would you do that! Don't scare us like that! Why would... Why, why are you so fluffy..."
They both lifted their heads up and then just looked at me, I think Hannah forgot to shut her mouth because she left it open. She was quick to get to the point.
"That's Not Ja-mmmm"
Liz had covered her mouth which caused Hannah to run away screaming. That made me feel really bad, my ears must have gone back because Liz began to make me feel better straight away.
"James, it's okay, she's only eight remember?"
"Yeah, I know..."
She then began hugging me again, and I hugged her back.
I then whispered in her ear "thank you", I thought I saw her cry again, but she hid it well.
"Are you hungry? Thirsty? Do you want anything?"
"No, it's okay, I can do that myself if I want it. I think I'm just going to go to bed now"
"Okay, sounds like a good idea"
"Goodnight everyone"
"Night James!" they all replied in unison.
It felt good to be home, I still had a lot to adjust to, but hopefully it would get better over time.

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