What Just Happened?

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-Shell's pov-

Well, that was an interesting way to finish the day. With Ben showing up in our year 10 class, making a heck of a noise, even though he's in year 9! Anyway, I'm now walking with Chelsea down to the bus stop, we were both looking for James when, out of know where.
I screamed like a little girl, and Chelsea just stood there, unfazed by what just happened.
"Alright, what little b**** just did that!"
I don't take being embarrassed infront of the whole school (most of it anyways) lightly.
"Calm down Shell, it was just me, James"
Unless it's James.
"Haha, very funny."
"So you're catching the bus?"
"Yep, and Chelsea is coming with me"
"To the bus or to your house?"
"House, but not mine"
Hopefully I'll be able to get out of Chelsea what I couldn't get out of James.
"How are you leaving school?"
"Someone's gonna pick me up here"
"Okay, our bus is going to leave soon so we've gotta go, bye"
We then hugged, James and Chelsea looked like they both wanted to hug but was too embarrassed to do so (cute). Then we left.
I felt bad leaving James by himself, but it was okay, he messaged me when he was picked up, and it was only a few minutes after we had left.
Once we got off the bus, we walked a short path and down Chelsea's house driveway, and to the front door. A medium sized woman opened up the door, she wasn't short, but she wasn't overly tall either.
"Hey, Shell. I'm Chelseas Nan, Candace. But you can call me Candy"
"Nice to meet you. I can see where Chelsea gets her good looks from"
"Thanks, but I know that at my age makes me not much too look at. Come in though, I've already prepared some afternoon tea for you two"
The whole night ran pretty smoothly, Candy is a pretty good cook, dinner was especially delicious. It was butter chicken like I've never tasted before. It was amazing. After dinner, Chelsea and I grabbed some deserty snacks and drink and went into her room.
"So, what do you think of my school so far?"
"G-give me a break. I've only b-been here for three days"
"Yeah, but still, what do you think?"
"It's good, got a whole lot of d-different personalities there"
"Yeah, our old sc-school was a brainy one. So e-everyone was the same"
"Everyone was like you?"
"N-no! Everyone was boring. Except for m-me"
"Is that why you chose to move?"
"Yeah, mostly. This school is way more fun"
"It's cause I go, isn't it?"
"Y-yeah, sure. What some soft drink?"
"Sure, why not?"
She began to grab the bottle.
"What have you got planned for the rest of the night?"
She grabbed a cup and began to pour some soft drink into it.
"D-depends how long you plan to st-stay"
"I think I'm getting picked up ten thirty ish. That gives us about two and a half hours. What ya got planned?"
"Here you go," handing me my drink, "how about an ice break-ker?"
(I was drinking soft drink, okay?)
"You know, a question to make the party you're talking with feel mo-more comfortable"
Good soda.
"Oh, so like, if you found a genie, what would you wish for?"
"Yeah! Exactly like th-that. In f-fact, let's start with that"
"Okay, I'll go first. I'd wish for infinite money, to have the ability to eat as much as I want without worrying about my weight, and..."
"Can't think of o-one more?"
"No, you go while I think about my third"
"Well, I'd wish to g-get rid-d of my st-st-stut-t-t-ter, the w-world have infinite resources so there's no su-such thing as overpopulation, and to have the guy I like like me"
"Ohhhhh! Tell me!"
"No, I'm n-not telling you, it's a secret!"
"Mmm, okay then," I already know who it is anyway, "my third one, is for each country to have their own president, or prime minister, or hierarchy. Whatever. Have a leader which they all agree on and aren't dissapointed in or can make a huge argument out of. Because of all the political rubbish I've been hearing recently, it's been driving me insane!"
Whops, I just did a mini rant, I tend to do that.
Wow, she's so patient. I wish I could be like her.
"Now it's my turn for making the ice breaker, it's a bit more personal though"
I started to drink again, bad timing.
"Why i-is James p-part wolf?"
*Hmkmfff* that was the noise of me snorting out soda! It burnt.
"Ha" I looked strait at where the noise came from, and I saw Chelsea with her hand covering her mouth. A huge grin across her face.
"Are... Are you ok-kay?" she managed to get out.
"Yes, heh, it just burns!" I was crying at this point, but I couldn't tell if it was pain or laughter.
After about 30 minuets of trying to calm myself down, I managed to compose myself again.
"What did you say again?"
"About J-James"
"Oh, right! Asking why he-"
Hold on. That's why I snorted out my drink, HOW DOES SHE KNOW THAT? I need to act like she's making it up herself.
"what did you say again?"
"Why is J-James part wolf"
"Part what?"
"Why do you ask that?"
"Because he looks like he is"
"That's so rude! Why would you say that?"
"Why w-would you lie to me?"
"I know he at least lo-looks like a wolf, you don't get that close to so-someone with out realizing something that obvious!"
"What did you just say?"
All the colour drained out of her face then.
"I, uh, um..."
I recognise that blush. She looked the same way when she saw James in the library.
"*cough* yes...?"
"What exactly happened when you two first met?"
She started tugging at her shirts collar.
"Uh, um, woh! Is it g-getting h-hot in here?"
"No, stop avoiding the question"
"Well, w-we, k-kinda r-ran int-to e-each oth-ther"
"And f-fell. On top of e-each oth-ther"
"Okay, don't worry, it's not that bad, I've been through worse, trust me. I did the same thing once, only we also-"
"What no, he, well you know. His hands, my, yeah"
"No, we did"
"Huh? You did wha-"
"Oh my goodness! Did you actually? Like, lips?"
She was blushing brighter red now.
"You did! What? Wow! What was it like? Was it good?"
"Y-yeah, he's actually a good kisser"
"Really? It's his first time to!"
"Really? S-seemed experienced to me"
"And it actually felt nice?"
"Yeah, w-why not?"
"No reason, I just thought it would feel weird with all that fu-"
"Sorr-ry, what?"
"No, you said with all that what?"
She had a little smirk on her face. Dang! She bet me at my own game.
"All that fur"
"Knew it"
"I'm not surprised, you would have seen it and felt it"
"Why is he like that?"
"I don't know, one day he was a normal human being, then all of a sudden, he was a normal not-so-human being"
"Weird, how long has he been like that?"
"Let's see, he was at school today, I was with him yesterday, and the chess before that. Two and a half days"
"WHAT? And he's already back at sc-school?"
"Yeah, don't worry, you can spend all day tomorrow with him if he goes to his actual classes, you're in the exact same classes as he is. Every day"
"Yeah, but what if he d-doesn't like me?"
"Girl! I thought you were a people reader!"
"I am, but I mean, likes me likes me"
"Trust me, he does"
We then played monopoly for the rest of the night, it got to 10 and Chelsea stopped the game to do one last activity.
"H-hey Shell, can I call you that?"
"Yeah sure. I'm not sure why you didn't earlier, but anyway. Yes?"
"One l-last game to play. We'll b-both pretend that we h-have one hour left to li-live, and we only get to write one let-tter. We'll write those letters, and then exchange them to each other, and no-not read them until the other gets home. Deal?"
"A bit random, but sounds like fun, let's do it! But first, can we write, the description of who we were killed by, so justice is served after our deaths?"
We both spent the rest of the night writing our 'last letters' I was writing to James, he's my closet and best friend, if I actually was going to die, I can't think of anyone else I'd choose over him. And we all know who Chelsea was writing too. Lucky James.
As I heard my dad enter, we folded up our notes, handed them to each other, said our goodbyes and thank you's, and then left.
Fifteen minutes in the drive home, dad perked up.
"How was it, did you have fun?"
"It's good to see you're allowing new kids into your friend group, she seems nice"
"Thanks da-"
Did a tyre just blow? But you don't normally hear glass shatter with a blown tire. Then I saw a dark piece of ruby liquid form on the side of dads head, and then drip. He'd been shot.
"Dad! Dad!"
He turned towards me, his deep red blood, flowing out of his mouth as he tried to form his sentence.
"I... Love... Yo..."
His head then dropped onto the steering wheel, horn blaring, car swinging. This is one death ride I didn't want to be part of. I tried to wake up dad but it was too late, he was already dead. I tried to unbuckle to jump out, but the seatbelt wasn't coming off. We were really turning sideways now. We, well, I, hit a lamppost which turned us the other way. The car was now facing a cliff edge. This is it, I'm going to die. Half a second turns into a million years, I realised that I am going to regret my life. Not because of all of the good things, they were fun. And not the bad things either, we need them in our lives. It's the things I didn't do. Such as joining the productions at school, dating that guy who could have been the one, cutting James' hair myself, telling Chelsea how good she looks. If I was to rewrite the letter I wrote to James, I would tell him to not morn my death, sometimes life sucks, you just need to suck it up and keep rolling, because if you don't, and you miss out on those opportunities to have fun, when you desend into your bed of death as I am, you will regret your life. And now that I've told you this, I won't regret mine.
I quickly realize that I was self-consciously recording that whole thing! I pray to whoever the mighty power is up there, that the audio survives. Not me, the track. And as I go over the edge, as I fade out of existence, to meet my father who had a much quicker trip, I go with a smile, knowing that James will always love life, love me, and love himself. If I can't be anything else because my time was up to quick. At least I was a good friend. Go James, prove the world wrong, you're unique, special, kind. I know that you just need to open the eyes of everyone else. Goodbye my friend.

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