Chapter 18: It's so Fluffy I'm Gonna Die!

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A/N - I like the despicable me movies, don't judge!

Where am I? It's cold, and dark. I'm in the same bushland as before, but how did I get here? What's that noise? It sounds like another fox.
"Come out! I'm not afraid of you! I've defeated one of you before, I'll do it again!"
It actually replied.
"I'm not like the others, I'll rip you to pieces, and I'll break every bone in your body. Don't threaten me"
He then stepped out of the shadows, and oh my goodness! He was twice the height and width of me, he looked like a mutated fox, sort of anthro, with a white lab coat that had a few rips and some blood splatter on it too.
"I'll rip you to pieces!"
I tried to run but my feet were frozen, I couldn't move. He ran towards me and pounced. I tried to fend him off, but it was extremely hard, because of his size. He began to snap his jaws at me, just like the fox I originally fought did. That image will never leave me.
"I told you I'd see you again!"
Wait! Isn't that what the guy said to me the other night?
"Dr. Wever?"
"Who else did you think it was? You're coming with me."
He then proceeded to grab me by the scruff of my neck and drag me into the dark. I couldn't think of anything else to do but to call for help.
"Help! Anyone! Please help!"
That's Liz!
She began to run after me, but as I was dragged into the darkness, my vision started to fade too.
I was surrounded by darkness.
I tried to call back, but nothing came out. Unable to see, hear, know, feel. I was once again truly alone.

I was instantly blasted with light in my eyes, lying in my bed. Liz was in my face, staring at me with concerned eyes.
"James, are you alright?"
"No! What happened? Where was I?"
"I don't know, I'm not in your head"
"Wait, do you mean-"
"You were having a bad dream? Yes"
"Oh, OK. Sorry if I woke you up"
"It's okay, it's 11am"
"Eleven AM! It's nearly lunch! Why did I sleep in so long?"
"You did have a big night last night"
"Yeah, I guess so"
As I got out of bed, Liz looked away from me, her face was flushed to the colour of a tomato.
"What's wrong?
"You're, um..."
"Yeah, that"
"Don't worry, I'm covered in fur, it's basically the same as wearing clothes"
"You sure?"
As she said this, she slowly turned towards me, uncovering her eyes. After she saw I was telling the truth, she spoke up again.
"You hungry?"
"I am a bit, actually"
"I'll get you breakfast"
She started to walk to the door but I stopped her.
"No, I can get it myself"
"OK then, there's egg and bacon in the oven, we left some for you. You have to make your own toast though"
"OK, thanks"
During breakfast I saw Hannah. I made sure I didn't get too close, I didn't want to scare her away.
"Morning Hannah."
"How do you know my name?"
"Because I'm your brother."
"My brother doesn't have a blue face"
"Well he does now"
She then proceeded to pick up her iPod, put in her ear buds, and leave the room.
After breakfast at 11:30, I had a shower. Somehow I didn't notice until I was in the shower, trying to avoid getting soap in my wounds, that they weren't there anymore. I had a good look at all the places I remember getting cut, and where all my tufts of fur were pulled out. I was completely back to normal. Well, as normal as you can get when you're part dog part human.
I got out of the shower and tried to use my towel, but it didn't dry me at all, I do believe that towels are made for human skin, stuff that has hardly any hair at all, I wasn't sure what to do.
"Liz! I need help!"

Was that James? I went over to the bathroom, to see if it was him.
Yep, it was. I knocked on the bathroom door.
"Can I come in?"
I opened the door only to see James standing there, soping wet. When I first saw him I quickly looked away, forgetting about his fur, but because this situation had happened just an hour ago I quickly remembered and looked, at my wet soaked brother.
"Yes James?"
"I need help"
"With what?"
"My towel doesn't work"
"What, in drying you?"
"What do you want me to do about it?"
"Do you know any other way for me to get dry?"
"Well... I guess, you could get blow dried"
"OK. Could um, you do that?"
"Yeah, sure"
I then went and got out my hair dryer, and used it on him. This also gave me an opportunity to get a closer look at the new James, so I took it. It's interesting, it's not all bad. He's now completely ripped, perfect physical condition. Not that he wasn't before, he was quite fit. But now he's got all the muscles visible too. He's got animalistic pads on his hands and feet, and his hair is way softer than it was before.
"How was the shower?"
"Good, may have used the rest of the shampoo though"
"That's right! You'll be using heaps now, won't you? It's okay, there's another bottle in the cupboard"
"Now I have an excuse for my long showers anyway"
"Haha, next shower, I'm gonna time it and see the difference"
"Hey, all I used to have to scrub with shampoo was the hair on my head"
"Not your legs?"
"Haha. Very funny. Anyway, now I have hair everywhere! Plus a tail! You can't compare"
"Fair enough, but I still will. Anyway I'm finished"
As I said this I stepped away from James and looked at him, I nearly died from laughter.
"What's so funny?"
"Just... Just... Just look, in the mirror. Hehe"
When he did so, he laughed to. It was good to hear him laugh.
"Great! Now you shall call me: Fuzz Lightyear!"
"Haha! Hold on, stay there. I've gotta get a picture of this"
I grabbed my phone and took a few photos.
"I feel violated!"
"Don't worry, I'll give you a comb and see how you look after that"
Once his fur was combed, he looked much better, very neat and tidy.
"I'm gonna get lunch, do you want anything?"
"Mmmmm, I'm not sure. I'm not hungry right now because I just had breakfast"
"Okay, I'll look for something reheatable for ya"
"You don't need to get me anything"
"You're right, I don't. But I want to. Look after Hannah while I'm gone, she's currently doing homework so will probably not bother you anyway. I'll be back in about an hour, have fun! Bye!"
Now, let's go get some lunch.

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