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Sarah's POV

"I'll always love you" she said, her voice weak and laced with sadness before the door slammed shut, the silence and my loneliness becoming far too real for my liking.

What the fuck have I done. She was perfection, unfortunately I could not be the one for her. My body rattled with sobs as I slid down the wall I was leaning against. As much as I regretted my decision, it really was for the best, the best for (y/n) anyway. I'd seen all too clearly how much she longed to have children, every time we went out she would make funny faces to any babies or children we would come across, she often showed my photographs of her younger cousins and once I even caught her making a list of baby names on her phone. That just...wasn't me. I can't comprehend having that much responsibility, having a human depend on you for every aspect of life. It scared the hell out of me.

Although my heart was broken and I couldn't see a future where it would be mended. I felt a small amount of relief knowing I wasn't holding (y/n) back.

I just hope and pray she gets everything she deserves...


~3 years later~

"Well congratulations Miss (y/l/n)! It's a girl!"

My eyes filled with tears as I processed this news. I looked up at Eli who also had tears in his eyes. I couldn't believe that everything was falling into place. It felt so surreal...

After that night spent in the carpark, I had my heart set on a baby. I spent a few months getting my life together. I got my degree. Got a small but cosy apartment and soon after I got a job on a new big budget film, when filming finished the production company kept me as a cinematographer but I still hope to be directing someday.

I put a hold on my plan until I had saved a substantial amount of money so my parents wouldn't worry about me. They weren't too thrilled with my plans at first, me being a 25 year old single mother but once I explained to them that I truly felt ready for this, they began to support me.

Eli and his girlfriend Anna have been absolute gems, driving me to appointments, holding my hand, comforting me when the first few tries didn't take and...celebrating with me when one finally stuck. That was 17 weeks ago, and now here I am, lying on a table in the doctor's office, my hands cradling my small but noticeable bump, as I whispered, "Hi baby girl..."

On the way home we rang my parents and Anna to tell them the news. Everyone was thrilled, my dad cried when I told him I was having a girl. My mum said she would immediately start buying things. Anna said she would take me out for a celebratory dinner since Eli was heading out with friends tonight. I agreed and said I'd meet her at one of our favourite Indian restaurants at 6.

As Eli pulled up to my apartment he spoke just as I was getting out, "hey (y/n)..." I turned to face him, "...I just want you to know how proud I am of you. You're the strongest woman I know and I know you're going to make the best mum." I couldn't even speak for fear of tears getting the best of me so I just pulled him into a long hug, "and you're going to be the best godfather!" I said finally causing Eli's face to light up. "REALLY?!" He beamed. I laughed, "who else would it be?? Also Anna is going to be godmother but I'm telling her later so don't spoil."

Once we, or rather Eli spoke more about him being godfather I finally made my way to my apartment. The stairs were getting harder every week. There is an elevator but I want to get my daily exercise. I plopped onto the sofa as soon as I got in. As happy as I was at this moment, the apartment was so empty. I was missing something...someone. Instead of getting down in the dumps I got up and into the shower to get ready for dinner with Anna.

After my shower, I got changed into a hot pink t-shirt dress and layered it with a blue denim jacket, my outfit was cute but still hid my bump. Part of me was so grateful that me and Sarah never went public so I can go about my life with anonymity, I mean could you imaging, "Sarah Paulson's Ex Pregnant?" Jesus it'd be a frenzy.

I applied some light makeup and let my hair dry naturally so it would be curly...definitely not because I couldn't be bothered to dry it...I threw on some white converse and grabbed a pair of large sunglasses, headphones as well as my purse before I left.

I listened to music as I walked to the restaurant and I felt so content. The LA sun was beating on my skin in the most comforting way and I couldn't help myself but do a little spin in the middle of the pavement, I definitely got a few odd looks but I couldn't care less.

I reached the place and quickly found Anna in a small booth inside. I practically ran to give her a hug and we of course began the baby talk; asking her to be godmother (she was delighted) how I was doing the nursery, what items/clothing I need and of course names. A waiter approached us and I got a spicy curry along with a glass of water. Anna looked at me doubtfully as I said my order, "The baby loves spice," I explained, to which she laughed and we began talking about her and Eli.

I excused myself to the bathroom before our meal arrived. I was the only person in the bathroom, which I was secretly pleased about as I hate the thought of people listening to me. That was until I was washing my hands and the door began to open...Sarah.

Our eyes both had the unmistakable look of pure shock as they locked.

"(y/n)...Hi." She said her words almost failing her. I was at such a loss, I didn't know what to say, "Hey Sarah..." I managed to say. I moved around her to dry my hands and just as I was about to leave she spoke again, her tone becoming slightly annoyed, "That's it?! Just "Hey Sarah"?" At this I became a bit angry, I locked the main bathroom door so we wouldn't be disturbed, I then whipped around to face her, "Yes that's it! ExcuSE me if I don't want to say more than two words to the woman who broke my heart!" She looked surprised at my sudden outburst but then seemed ashamed, "I know, I'm sorry but...it's good to see you. You look...amazing." She said looking me up and down, unashamedly checking me out but to be fair I was doing the same. She really looked stunning. Her hair was shorter now but her brunette roots were visible and she was wearing a summery maxi dress with long sleeves, she has aged like a fine wine...STOP (Y/N)!

"Earth to (y/n)?" Sarah jokes, I had been staring too long but it was clear she was enjoying it. She began asking me a hundred questions, not giving me time to answer but I wasn't really paying attention but I felt guilty, should I tell her? I don't owe it to her but I should probably tell her before this went on too long. I was having an internal mental battle as her questions continued, I tried not to show my struggle on my face as I just nodded along.

"Where are you working? Have you changed your number? If not I still have it. We should meet up...I mean if you want.." I had to interrupt her before my brain exploded,

"Sarah I'm pregnant."



Well now, can't say I don't spoil yous! I felt excited to write this chapter. So I just did lol. Hope yous enjoy!!

What do yous think/hope will happen?!

Lots of love❤️

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