𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝔾𝕠 𝕎𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕘?

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(y/n) - your name
(y/h/c) - your hair colour


The bright LA sun shone through the space between the window and curtains, agitating your eyes, slightly waking you from slumber. Groaning you turned in your bed hoping to get a few more minutes sleep.

Suddenly a feeling of dread crept upon you like an unwanted embrace, "Fuck!" You gasped, panic washing over you. You lifted your phone from the bedside table, 7:03am, "Holy baby Jesus, I'm SO late!" You whined loudly, clearly annoyed at yourself. Today was the first day of a summer internship on the set of American Horror Story, you were due on set at 8:00am. You would be shadowing mostly, but a small part of you still hoped you could prove to be helpful, and therefore shine amongst the two other interns.

You were currently in your third year of Film and Television Studies, you had applied for the internship when your professor recommended it to your class. Of course you jumped at the chance, being a small town girl, this not only meant invaluable experience but the chance to live in LA for a few months at least.

Scrambling around your small but cosy *cough cough* messy *cough* room, lifting and smelling various clothing that lay on the bedroom floor. The acceptance email had stated "smart casual" as the dress code, "what does that even MEAN?" Eventually you decided on flowy, red, floral midi skirt, paired with a somewhat clean and not wrinkly (definitely was) white blouse. You also wore white vans as you assumed you would be running around all day.

Discreetly you thanked GOD that you plaited your hair last night. Pulling out the hair tie you allowed your (y/h/c) locks to cascade to your shoulders. Finally applying light makeup to cover any blemishes and make yourself seem not a complete zombie, you rushed out of the room. Glancing at yourself in the hall mirror, "not half bad (y/n) !!" You practically flew to the kitchen and turned on the coffee machine, placing your travel mug beside it. As you grabbed a cereal bar and banana, you were greeted by your roommate Eli, "good morning sunshine! Right on time as usual eh?" He mocked jokingly. You gave him the finger as you made your way to the bathroom to brush your teeth.

Eli was also doing an internship in a nearby theatre in LA, he was studying Drama with English literature. You actually met him in your first year at university as he lived in the dorm next door to yours. To start he had tried make a move on you, until you made it clear you were not into guys. Your friendship endured and the rest is history! If you were straight, you probably would romantically like him, you always joked that he looked like an e-boy. Floppy, brown hair and a STRONG jawline, big brown eyes and those "retro" glasses. He even dressed like one, but his witty and caring nature really stood out from all of that. He was just an all round nice guy.

You finished preparing your coffee and grabbed your car keys, sprinting out the door, saying a muffled good bye to Eli as you stuffed the cereal bar in your mouth, grabbing your handbag along with anything and everything you think you might need. Just as you were out the door you heard Eli shout, "Remember not to eyefuck Sarah Paulson if you see her!!" You scoffed to yourself as you made your way to the car in the garage.

As you got into the car, you thought about the prospect of meeting everyone; Evan Peters, Emma Roberts, Cheyenne Jackson and yes possibly even THE Sarah Paulson! You weren't 100% sure on who would be there, you were only meeting with Ryan and other behind the scenes miracle workers today. Still your mind reeled at the thought of meeting your biggest celebrity crush. What would you say? would she like what I'm wearing? What if she's not even nice in person?! You rolled your eyes, "catch a fucking GRIP" you scolded yourself,

As you drove ever closer to your destination your anticipation grew, your breathing getting slightly heavier, palms sweating. When you pulled into the parking lot you exhaled deeply, psyching yourself up as you switched the engine off.

"Here we go." You thought as you got out of the vehicle and walked towards the security guard. "What could go wrong?" You told yourself in an attempt to calm down.

As you approached the security hut, the tall well built guard slightly lowered his sunglasses, obviously checking you out, "ID please, darling," he said firmly. "Oh god NO" realising you had left it at home, as you aimlessly rummaged around your purse. The guard rolled his eyes, unamused. "I'm so s-sorry...I was in such a rush. I-I must have left it at home..." you stuttered, your face draining of colour in a panic.

Behind you, you hear an angelic voice, "Is everything okay here Sam?" You had heard the voice hundreds of times on screen, but it was much more soothing and sweet in real life.

As you slowly turned you struggled to contain your gasp/squeal of delight. If this is a dream someone pinch me!!!

"Hello, I'm Sarah. Are you okay?" Her voice was music to your ears as you stared at her momentarily, in awe of her beauty....

Hi, this is my first ever fanfic. Actually my first piece of creative writing in god knows how long. I know the grammar probably sucks as it's a weak point but I wrote this at 2:00am so I might come back to edit. Anyway this is just a bit of context/introducing the readers character, although I have created a background for this character the looks/some personal info will be personal to you!! Thanks for reading!!
I'll try to update 1-3 ctimes a week. It may be irregular, but I kinda have a plan for this lol!!
- with love Wizkhalaoife 😗✌🏻

Inappropriate // Sarah Paulson x Reader FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now