chapter 20

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Desi POV

I woke up in Niall's arms, I pulled him tighter. I couldn't believe my step dad killed my step mom, I thought they were in love. maybe love is just another word someone uses to get out of something.

I stood up and walked to the bathroom, I splashed water on my face. I could feel my tears coming back over me. I forgot I had school, I brushed my hair not doing nothing to it, I put on a pair of regular skinny jeans, with Niall's blue hoodie. I didn't even bother waking up Niall since he never wanted to go. I grabbed my keys and drove to school.

I walked into first hour, Mr. Macs class. I sat in my regular spot, it sucks cause I knew everything he was saying, I put my head on my desk.

the PA went off "attention rchs I just wanted to say a big thank you to my girlfriend who didn't wake me up this morning, thanks babe appreciate it, and FYI you left your phone I got it don't worry"

I felt in my pocket "s###" I whispered

"is there something wrong Desi?" Mr Mac said walking towards me

"nope just peachy"

"well maybe you could solve the board"

I looked up and back down "it's 15/34" I placed my head back down

"how'd you get that?"

"ugh you dived, then cross multiply everyone knows that"

"not everyone" Jana said still trying to comprehend what was going on

"well anyways can I go to my locker?" I said looking at Mr Mac

"um yeah sure go ahead"

I grabbed my things and went to my locker, I seen Niall standing by it.

"looking for something" he held up my phone

"no you can keep it , I don't care" I put my stuff in my locker and walked away


"what?" I said pulling out my keys

"are you okay?" Niall said running in front of me

"yeah just gotta go do something" I looked down

"babe" he cupped my face, looking me in my eyes, his eyes were so beautiful.

"what?" I said moving his hand

"I love you" he kissed me

I just smiled and walked towards the doors, I couldn't say I love you too because I don't even know what love is anymore. I got in my truck and drove to the prison they were keeping my dad.

"right this way miss Regalado" a guard said directing me "sit here, he should be here soon"

I sat down "thank you" I could only see my dad through a glass, its like zoo.

my dad sat in front of me, I picked up the phone in order for him to here me. he did the same.


"yes sweetie"

"why? why did you do this?" I question with tears in my eyes

"Desi, your mom was dying either way, she had cancer. I just didn't wanna see her suffer anymore. I couldn't see her suffer anymore" he cried wiping his eyes

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