chapter 11

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Desi POV

"what do you want?" I looked up at them

"just coming to see Tiana" Wilbert

"since when do you care about her?" I asked

"since she said she loved me" Wilbert stepped in front of James as a threat

" well then why is she at the park with my Bestfriend Darius " I crossed my arms

Wilbert raced part me to the park, I turned to look at what his don't self was going to do. next thing I knew, James and Wilbert were hitting Darius.

I raced over there, dropping my phone and iPod on the ground, I tackled James off Darius, giving him time to get up. next thing I knew, I was back in jail with Darius.

"hey Tonya" I smiled

she's waved at me falling asleep.

"wow you've been here before" Darius said about to have an anxiety attack

"calm down Darius Niall will get me out and then I'll get you out"

"fine" Darius said calming down

"Darius lewis you're free to go, a nice young lady nailed you out"

"THANK JESUS" he stood up looking back at me " Desi, thank you, thanks for being there for me. just like before " he turned to see Tiana

"Tonya?" I whispered

she sat up " yes sweetie"

"that's the girl I beat up"

Tonya looked at her and started laughing loudly "you really kicked her a##"

Darius and Tiana looked over at us, Darius started to laugh.

"shhh" I tried to tell her but she kept laughing

"miss Regalado for good to go" the officer said

"see you soon Desi" Tonya laughed

"right!" I laughed walking past Tiana and Darius.

I walked out to see a guy with blonde hair and now eyes, butit wasn't niall, I was kinda confused.

"what are you doing here?"

"picking up Niall's Bestfriend" he smiled

"who are you?"

"people call me Connor, Connor ball"

"oh your friends with Niall?"

"my best guy friend"

"your so beautiful" he stepped closer to me

"uh thanks"

"your eyes sparkle, your lips so soft, you hair perfectly brown" he smiled at me placing his hand on my cheek

"I just got done jogging, and in a fight"

"I like them rough" he pulled me close to him "how about we have a little fun"

"I'm good" I pushed back "can you just take me home"

"yeah" he smiled

we drive to my house, he walked me to my door.

"aren't you going to invite me in?"

"uh  yeah sure come in"

"nice place"

"thanks so where is Niall?"

Connor smiled and looked at me , he slowly started walking towards me.

"uh maybe you should go" I backed into my table.

"shhh" he placed his finger on my lips "I'll make you all better" he smiled

he slowly lifted me on his shoulder and started to carry me to my room.

"Connor no!" I started scratching the walls all the way to my room

the door slams, he threw me on the bed. I hurried to the corner of my bed. Connor pulled my legs down.

"let's go!" I punched him in the face, I broke my hand, it was like rock.

"awe you should know to never hit someone" he smiled kissing my neck

"please no"

he covered my mouth and in dressed me, tears came flowing out my eyes.

hour later

Connor got from on top of me, tears still shedding from my eyes.

"DESI!" I heard Niall screaming outside coming in

"see you next time baby" he lean down and kissed my neck one last time

I pulled the cover on top of me, and just cried more and more.

"Desi!?" I heard Niall running to the room, I looked up and Connor was gone.

"Desi?" Niall came walking to me, he looked around and seen me covering myself "Desi?"

he reached at me but I jerked back "Desi are you okay?"

I pulled my head out of the covers to see Niall, he seen my hand had swollened up and that I had bruises along my neck.

"Desi?" Niall said looking dead in my eyes

"why'd you send him Niall, why?"

"what are you talking about?" he said confused

"Connor, why, just why?" I cried

"Connor, Connor ball?"


"Desi I didn't send him" he looked at me, he tried reaching to place his hand on my cheek but I pulled away "what did he do to you?"

"he...." I stopped cause I felt myself wanting to cry all over again

"Desi" Niall said looking dead in my eyes

"Niall he raped me" I seen the tears falling out my eyes

Niall's eyes filled with tears, he covered his face. he sat there for a minute and then turned towards me. he leaned over to me and kissed my cheek.

"I'm so sorry Desi" he stood up

"where are you going?"

"to kill this son of a b####" Niall stormed out the room

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