chapter 3

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Desi POV

I started blushing seeing Niall stare at me, he's super cute and I'm just blah.

"so how old are you?" Niall asked staring at the road

"um 17"

"cool me too, see we got something in common already" he blushed

"ha OK what about hmmmm if you were a super hero would you be?"

"I'd be myself, only because I wanna be a hero for who I am" he smiled

"SO CORNY!" I laughed

"oh shut up! what about you miss perfect"

"hey I never said I was perfect, but I'd be batman" I smiled confident

"LAME! he so last year"

"Bish I'll knock you out talking about my husband"

"oh sorry Mrs batman" he laughed

"you should be Mr loner" I smiled

"aye I plan to wait for my special girl" he smiled

"awe that's cute" I laughed a little "she will come one day"

"she already has" he smiled


"Where here! its my favorite, nandos!"

"this place is gross" I laughed

"you've got to be kidding me!" Niall said seriously

"I am , I love nandos" I smiled "oh my gosh help wanted sign we should sign up together!!!!!"

"uh I don't know I don't do 'work'" he laughed

"well I'm going to" I got out the car, got some food and sat down to fill out an application

"hey love birds" liam walked in saying

"not dating or even in love" Niall said eating

"well soon to be" he winked at Niall

I just pretended to do my own thing and ignore what they were saying. a good 5 minutes past and they were all done, I finished my application and turned it in.

"you'll get the job" Niall smiled at me

"thanks" I smiled back

"so um Desi is it?"

"yeah that's me"

"your friend? um Jana yeah she was pretty hot" harry smiled

"yeah she's a keeper" I laughed.

"hey hey hey" liam popped in "did anyone see her friend Anita walking away with Jana and that girl Tiana"

"woah did you guys not see Ariana like come on" zayn added in

before I knew it, they were all talking about my friends. I don't know if I should be happy or insulted, like where am I at in this picture?

"come on we still got school" Niall said grabbing my hand

"so what was that about, not that I don't like that they like my friends"

"they're just being boys" Niall said walking to his car

we got into his car , I buckled my seat belt and sat back.

"alrighty" he said driving off

we got to school, Niall and I had fourth hour together.

"um I know your gunna call me corny again but can I carry your books for you" Niall blushed

"um yeah, sure" I smiled

Niall held my books and walked me into class, surprisingly he sat right next to me. I really liked Niall, but I'm not a committed relationship type of girl.

"so everyone turn to your partner and do the physics crossword puzzles, its due at the end of the day" Mr TRex was one of the coolest teachers in the school.

"did you wanna work together?" I asked Niall

"no way" Niall laughed smirking at me

"fine I'll work by myself" I started to do the crossword

"no work with me" he smiled

he pulled my desk towards him which made my chair screech across the ground.

"come one let's get this done" Niall smiled

"sounds fair" I said

I could feel people staring at Niall and I, suddenly someone through paper at Niall.

Niall looked up at the guys "what do you want?" Niall said

"nothing its just hit a idiot with a paper ball day"

"to bad you can't throw one at yourself" Niall turned to continue working

"your the freak of the city not me" the guy and his friends started laughing and throwing more and more things at Niall.

I looked down and seen Niall's nails digging into his desk, his eyes started to turn red.

"stop!" I stood up and yelled

"what are you gunna do"

"leave him alone before I punch you in the face!" I balled my fist

"you don't scare me b####"

I took a deep breath and turned to Niall who was smiling at me. it made everything OK again.

"awe its the freak couple!!" the guy started to yell

"that's it!" I tuned around and punched the guy in the face, making his face turn from the left to the right. the guy pushed me back into the desk making my arm bleed.

I went to stand up but the next thing I knew, Niall was above me and had the guy high in the sky with one arm

"touch her again and I'll rip your head right off" Niall dropped him and looked towards me

"your safe now" he held out his hand

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