It had made my little challenge all the more fun that she was Luke's best friend, I had nothing against him, but I understood why he had hated me. Getting under his skin was just a bonus of my game.

I had gotten her attention tonight because I wanted to begin our friendship, the sooner we have a friendship, the sooner she will trust me enough to let me take her to the bedroom. I must admit though, her dog was fucking adorable. The more I spoke to her genuinely, the more I actually began liking her. She actually seemed like a genuine girl and hopefully, we could stay friends after I win the challenge.

Tonight I had told her that I also enjoyed reading, I'm not entirely sure why I did that to be honest, I had never told anyone that, it may damage my bad boy reputation. If I'm being completely honest, the more time I spent with her, the less I wanted to ruin our relationship by the challenge but I knew I just had to keep my head in the game. She was seriously the hottest chick I had ever seen and although I enjoyed her company, I wanted to take her so much more. I had never thought about a girl I only wanted to fuck as much as I thought about Collins.

Girls always threw themselves at me and I just accepted their invitation, they all had known what they were getting into, so why should I feel bad. She intrigued me for some reason, I had never been rejected, especially as bluntly as she had rejected me. I had always been extremely observant and as much as I wanted to fuck her, a part of me also just wanted to figure her out.

Whatever it was, tonight was the first night in ages that I had gone to bed genuinely happy.


When my alarm went off I wanted to scream, it's the worst when you're having the best dream and then you suddenly get woken up. I was dreaming about Maddison, it was a simple dream, but something I had always looked forward to when sleeping was the simple dreams that I would always tend to dream about. Elijah, Maddy, Nala and I were swimming in the ocean, we were throwing Nala's ball for her and laughing as she excitedly went to collect it.

I woke up with a smile, It was nice to see her, even if it was in my dreams.

Still smiling, I stand up to have a shower and brush my teeth.

After washing myself and brushing my teeth, I walk to my closest wrapped in a towel to find an outfit for the day. I had gone with a tighter black shirt tucked into a tighter checkered skirt that reached just above mid-thigh. It was definitely a more scandalous outfit than what I usually wear but I had wanted to make a good impression again.

 It was definitely a more scandalous outfit than what I usually wear but I had wanted to make a good impression again

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Putting on the outfit I had picked out for the day, I begin to walk downstairs to eat breakfast. Mom had already left, but Robert's shift didn't start for a few hours so I knew that he would no doubt be cooking something for Elijah and my breakfast. My mom had often left before us so we had always had simple breakfasts if any at all, but Robert made sure to cook breakfast for us at least once a week. It's not like I didn't know how to cook, mom had taught Elijah and I and we were pretty good, but we just never had time in the morning.

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