17 - Cam has a sister named Cam??

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Louis's Pov

I woke up to small, even breathes on my chest. I looked down and found a mop of black hair hugging me tight, with their head on my chest. Despite the short hair, I was sure that it wasn't any guys. One, because no one had that small frame and two, no one had hair that dark. Well, Haru's hair is as dark as this one, but he sure wasn't this tiny and lean. So the only person, I could be hugging right now is Shaden. With this, a small smile bloomed on my lips and I hugged her tighter. She mumbled something under her breath in response.

"Louis, you aren't letting her breathe" Sam said with a grin and I loosened my hold on her.

"Not early in the morning." I groaned, guessing that he is gonna keep teasing me after this.

He chuckled and got up from my side. He was sleeping here? I thought he will be in Casey's room like the usual. I looked around and found Casey sleeping here too, with her boyfriend right beside her. I was wide awake now but didn't want to get up from this comfortable position. Soon everybody started waking up one by one, everyone except Shaden. "Shouldn't we wake her up?" Haru asked from her other side yawning loudly.

"Don't." Donn said quickly. "I mean don't wake her up just yet. She comes to the gym everyday at 4:30. God knows when she wakes up every day? So if today is the only day she is actually sleeping late, I think we should let her sleep." He explained and the others nodded their heads in understanding. We kept talking as the others kept taking turns getting ready. I was thankful that the girls in our group were pretty fast in getting their work done. They do apply make-up and all, but they are just super fast.

"You shouldn't have removed the make-up from your face. You looked really good." Natasha said curling her hair. I nodded in understanding and waved at Shaden who was now sleeping on my lap.

"She insisted on removing it before sleeping. Said that it wasn't good to sleep with make-up on." I said smiling at the memory of her being concerned about me and removing my make up using wipes. She even forced me to wash my face despite using the wipes. She is either paranoid or she just cares a lot about me. Or should I say, for my face. Soon it was only Shaden, me and few other guys who had to get ready.

"Simba, wakey wakey." I sang loudly and she groaned. "Simbaaaaaa, wake up darling." I sang, now in a British accent.

"Shut up, you fool." She said smacking my face with her hand. I groaned out aloud and started singing even loudly which finally annoyed her enough to get up and hit my head violently. As violently as a sleepy person could. When she finally felt peaceful, she slumped forward in my arms and laid her head on my shoulder. "Did I sleep all night on your lap?" she asked.

"What do you think?" I asked her with a smirk.

"That either you had super human legs or you're dying of cramps." She murmured, snuggling closer to me. I put my arms around her to provide her some warmth. "That is if I slept on your lap all night long." She added.

"Yeah, that didn't happen. You still caused me pain. You slept on my arm and woman! Does your head weigh a ton?" I asked her and she hit me on my arm and got out of the embrace to look around. Some of them were looking at her amused and few others were looking at me with a smirk. God! This is not my first time with a woman and there is nothing between us.

"Are there any birds in there?" Haru asked as she got up and she looked at him blankly. He walked towards her and combed his fingers through her hair and set it right. "Go get ready; you are the only person who is still dirty." He said scrunching his nose and holding his nose as if she was stinking. She narrowed her eyes at him and forced him to remove his fingers from over his nose and went all over his face.

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