07: Cinnamon Pancakes

Start from the beginning

"You're the best, Miko," I sang, bending over to scribble in as many answers as I could. "I would die without you."

She collapsed into her seat. "Trust me, I know."

"Do you have work today?"

"I do. Why?"

"Aw, I was kinda hoping we could go do some karaoke."

"What's bringing this on all of a sudden?"

"I was just thinking. I haven't sung in a while, you know. My vocals must be getting rusty."

"You did used to perform all the time in the Drama Club," she recalled. "Musicals were your favourite thing, and you performed so well in them."

The corners of my lips quirked up. "Yeah. Singing and dancing on stage... The relentless applause from the audience and undivided spotlight... It was so much fun."

"You even used to drag Gouda to watch you all the time," she went on fondly.

The mention caused my shoulders to stiffen.

Contrastingly, Miko paused and scanned my desk and its surrounding area.

"Oh, yeah," she said. "Did you not bring anything with you today?"

My wrist halted. I carefully set my pencil on my desk.

She gasped in utmost glee. "No way! Don't tell me Gouda finally ate your dessert!?"

She slapped my desk and poked her head closer to mine.

"What'd you make for him? Cinnamon pancakes? Banana? Did he fall to his knees, begging for more like you said he would? How could you not have told me something so amazing, Kotori? All your hard work finally paid off!"

After a couple of seconds of me not responding, Miko's exuberant energy faded.



My sudden shout caused her to recoil. With my best chuckle, I extended her worksheets.

"Mr. Hanamura no longer has a reason to yell at me! Thank you, Miko!"

She was extremely slow to receive the papers. But, the solemnity that crossed over her face was enough to hit me where it hurt. Regardless, I made sure to not let it bring me down.

"What's wrong? It's rare to see you frown." Rising to my feet, I purposefully went to push up the corners of her mouth. When an idea crossed my mind I brightened like a light. "I know! Why don't we go to our favourite cafe before your shift starts—"

"Kotori..." Miko's now glossy eyes narrowed. "You... gave up?"

Her seriousness was never something I could get used to. My smile flatlined for a moment until I pushed out a laugh. "You're acting like I had a shot at baking to begin with. Considering how terrible I am at it, giving up will mean nothing. It'd be more like I'm doing myself a favour."

She shook her head. "What happened at the cabin—"


Her head shot up, and when she'd seen just how unbothered my smile was, it stunned her into silence. I took the opportunity to properly take her hands in mine, staring into her warm brown eyes.

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