25 - Once I Was 7 Years Old

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July 1

Today was a pretty normal day. I'm now 38 weeks and our daughter could be coming any minute. The last time we were at an ultrasound appointment, they said that all her senses are working, her heart is pumping normally, she is okay. The doctor said that he thinks she is between six and nine pounds. Ben and I were so excited for her.

I woke up and went to the kitchen. I saw Ben on the counter, drinking something out of a mug. I'm guessing it was coffee. "Hey, baby," he said to me with a smile. Ben made me breakfast like he usually does, and we both sat at the dining room table. We started talking about the wedding. I know it's really early to start talking about these things but Ben and I want to be ready. It's just out of excitement.

He and I were soon done and we put the plates in the dishwasher. I went off to take a shower while Ben did some laundry. I was in the bathroom and I ran the water while I took off my clothes. I stepped in and I immediately felt relaxed as the water hit my sore back. I ran a hand through my hair, allowing it to get wet. I reached for some shampoo and that's when I felt some sort of pain. It wasn't Emma kicking or anything, I just felt pain. I held onto my bump as I felt the pain. 
Y'know, anyone who is 38 weeks pregnant would've thought these were contractions. But no, not me. I just thought that Emma was going crazy in my belly or something like that. 

I showered anyway and got out afterwards. I saw Ben putting our clothes away. He turned around and said hello. I said hi back. He went up to me and put his arms around my waist. He started kissing my neck.
"Ben, I'm sorry. I'm not in the mood. Can we continue this later?" I asked him and he pulled back.
"Yeah, of course." Then he went back to what he was doing. I got the pajamas out of my drawer and put them on. I crawled on the bed and wrapped myself in blankets. I just wanted to take a nap because I was in pain. Before I could fall asleep, Ben knelt in front of me.
"Are you okay, Joey?" He asked me and I shook my head.
"No, I just want a nap." He said alright and he kissed my forehead. He said goodnight to me and left me. I soon drifted off.

Ben's pov

I headed to the baby store and headed in. I got bibs, clothes, diapers, you name it. I got Emma onesies and cute things for her. I got them and paid for them. I went back to the car and drove home. I went in the house with the baby stuff and I didn't see Joe on the couch or in the kitchen. I just thought that he was still asleep. I went to our room and I was correct, my angel was sleeping on our bed. I smiled and went over to him. I made sure that he wouldn't wake him because he deserves the rest that he is getting. He is putting his body through so much with his pregnancy. He deserves the most sleep in the world. I caressed his shoulder gently as I said to him, "Sweet dreams." 

I left him to be.

I decided that while he was sleeping that I would go to my parents' house. They and I haven't talked in a while. I got back in the car and sped away to my parents' house.

I soon got there and knocked on the door. My dad answered it and once he saw me, there was happiness on his face.
"Hi, Benjamin. Come in," he said to me and I obeyed. I stepped in and saw my mum on the couch. She said hello once she saw me. I said hello back. I took a seat and we started a conversation.
"So, Ben. What college are you going to?" My mum asked me as she took a sip of her tea. 
"I'm going to law school," I said to her and her mouth widened.
"Wow, Ben. I'm so proud of you," she said to me and I thanked her.
"What about your daughter? When is she going to come?" My dad asked me.
"I don't know. Joe is finally nine months with Emma. So I don't actually know when it's going to happen," I said to them.
"You're naming her Emma?" My mum asked me and I nodded.
"That's a really good name," my dad said to me and I told him that I was the one to think of it.
"Honey, your father and I have some news," my mum said to me with seriousness.
"What is it?" I asked them.
"Your father and I are getting a divorce."
"Don't worry. I'm not surprised," I said to them with a small laugh.

We talked about everything under the sun. I soon decided that Joe was probably awake now so I told my parents I needed to leave. We said our goodbyes and hugged and I drove back home. It was almost sunset. I soon got back to the house and walked in. I went to our room and saw Joe still sleeping. I crawled in bed with him to look at his beautiful face. That's when he woke up.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." He smiled at my apology.
"It's okay. I feel a lot better now that I've slept." 
I smiled at him and he smiled at me. He went in to kiss me and our lips met. We started to move them together slowly. He then pulled away.
"Do you want to continue what we were doing earlier?" He asked me in a sexy voice. I smiled and nodded. He leaned in to kiss me again.

Joe's pov

I was now naked and making out with my love. I did feel a lot better after my nap but my lower stomach still felt weird. I just shook the thought off and continued kissing Ben. He pulled away from the kiss and went into the drawer. He got the lube and poured it on his hard dick. He spread my legs even more and he soon entered me. I moaned and he started moving slowly. I put my hands on his back and he started kissing my neck. His slow movements felt amazing but at the same time, it was kind of painful. I didn't know what the feeling was, though. 

Then I felt something gush out of me. Ben, for some reason, didn't notice. My eyes went wide.
"Ben! Ben! My water is breaking!" I yelled in horror as he pulled out. There was still amniotic fluid coming out of me.

I was now horrified.

I'm too damn lazy to make an outro. Just know that I love you and thank you for reading!

More Than Love-A Hardzello AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora