7 - Things Are Better If You Stay

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He didn't make it. 

I couldn't believe it. My dad, my baby's grandpa, was gone. I didn't even tell him how much I love him, I didn't tell him a thank you for always being there for me, I didn't even get a chance to tell him that he was going to be a grandpa. 

"T-Thank you for telling me. My family and I will be there today to say our final goodbyes." 

"Alright, that's okay. I'm really sorry for your loss. Goodbye, sir." 

"Goodbye." I hung up the phone. I couldn't believe that he was gone. Well, I just didn't want to believe it. I don't want to tell people that the man who raised me is no longer walking this Earth. I don't want to tell them that I no longer have a father, and now my baby will never know what their grandfather was like . . . I really don't want him to be gone.

I had to tell my mom what happened. I went up to her and my dad's room. 

Well, now it's just her room. 

I opened the door. She was asleep and I really didn't want to wake her, but I had to. "Mom. Mom. Mom!" She then woke up. "What's wrong, honey?" 

I couldn't keep it in any longer, I started crying. "It's dad . . .h-he's gone." She sat up once she heard that. 


"I just got a call from one of the nurses and she told me that he didn't make it." She started crying, too. She pulled me into a hug. "We need to go to the hospital to see him for the last time, okay?" She told me and I nodded quickly. She told me to go wake Mary and John up, and that's what I did. They were really confused that they had to wake up this early but I told them that dad didn't make it. Needless to say, they weren't confused anymore.

We got into the car and sped away to the hospital. During the car ride, I explained to everyone what happened and how I found out that he died. Everyone in the car was now crying. We got to the hospital as fast as we could. We got out of the car once we parked the car and we went inside. We went to his room and we saw his lifeless body on a hospital bed. I started crying again.


I fell asleep two hours ago in one of the chairs they had in the hospital room due to lack of sleep that night. I knew that I shouldn't fall asleep in a time like this but I just didn't have any energy left and I couldn't keep my head up anymore. I was really sad once I woke up because it meant that this wasn't a dream. I just looked at his body with sadness, while My mom, John, Mary, and I discussed happy moments with him. 

I was in the middle of telling my mom a story when suddenly, I had this nauseous feeling in my stomach. I had to puke. I ran out of the room, holding my stomach. I didn't even tell my mom where I was going, I just ran to the nearest bathroom. I opened the door and immediately threw up in the toilet. I forgot that it was seven o'clock, so this meant morning sickness. This time it was really violent for some reason, I guess it was because of all the crying i did. 

After a while, I was done and I could go back to the room. 

"Where were you?" My mom asked me when I came back into the room. "Just morning sickness." She nodded at that. Then a nurse came into the room and told us we had to go. We did as told and left. Right before we could leave, my mom talked to the nurse for a few minutes. I didn't know what they were talking about but I didn't care. I took this time tell Ben what happened. I texted him and I knew he would be awake because he had football practice that morning. 

I texted him, 'My dad didn't make it.' I waited for an answer. I didn't get to see his answer because my mom was finally done talking to the nurse and she said we could go home.

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