17 - Ho, Ho, Ho

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(I of course needed some badass Christmas music for this chapter. BTW, this chapter is going to be really fluffy and cute, but just the tiniest bit of drama at the end.)

DECEMBER 25 (Christmas) 

Ben's pov

Today was Christmas. The most wonderful time of the year.

Quick filler of what happened in the meantime of December 1st and now, the people who beat me up that day got in trouble. I still don't know what their punishment is but I hope it's good. I have been working my ass off at the flower shop and at school. Joe, his family, and I all put up the Christmas tree in the living room. I did something really special for Joe for christmas. Don't tell him but I got a-

"Benny, wake up! It's Christmas!" My beautiful boyfriend cheered as he woke me up. He was like an eight-year-old as he cheered about the amazing holiday. He shook me awoke and I got up. I kissed his lips and put my hand in his hair. I noticed that it was wet. I pulled away from our kiss.

"Did you just shower?" I asked him, looking at his messy hair.

"Yeah, I did. Now come on. Let's see what we got each other for Christmas," he said as he pulled away from the hug and pulled my arm to basically drag me to the living room.

We both went down the steps together and I saw Joe's family in the living room. They were all on the couch waiting for us.

"Hey, guys. Come on, let's open our presents," John and Joe's mum told us both. We sat on the couch with them so we all could see what we got each other.


Everyone soon opened all of their presents and by the end, everyone had smiles across their faces. Joe got me a Queen vinyl and the vinyl had my favorite Queen song on it. I thought that was a really good gift and I loved it. There was still one present left to open. The last gift. And that one was for Joe, it was from me.

"Open it. You're going to love it," Joe's mum told Joe as he held it in front of him, ready to open it. Joe's mum already knew about the present I got Joe because I wanted her approval for this gift because it's a pretty big deal. She said that he would love it and that it was a good idea to get him that gift.

He opened it and saw it. He was a bit confused about it at first because to him, it was just pieces of papers. But he didn't read them, yet.

He took them out of the box and read them. He then knew what they were now.

It was the list of documents that are required to buy a house. Because I bought one for us. 

"Are you serious?" He asked me in shock, I nodded. He hugged me tightly. I returned the hug and held him just as tightly. 

The house that I bought was pretty small but I thought that it would be the perfect fit for him, our baby, and I. I know it's really early for things like this when our baby is so young, but I want to be prepared for fatherhood.

"I can't believe you did this, Ben," he said to me, pulling away from the hug.

"What did he do?" John and Mary asked us.

"He bought us a house," Joe answered them.

"Are you joking?" John and Mary asked us.

"No, I'm not."

"I knew you would love it," Joe's mum told Joe with a smile on her face.

"You knew about this?" Joe asked his mother.

"Yes. Ben told me if he could and I said yes." 

Joe smiled at that hugged me again. He pulled away and looked at the papers again. "The house cost you $100,000!?" Joe asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah, luckily my family is very wealthy so I don't have to worry."


Around three hours later, Joe and I were together in the bedroom, talking about our baby and the house. I was in between his legs again and I was talking to our baby. I was telling them about how it just had its first Christmas and that it's going to have its first home with us once the baby's going to be born.

"Hey, Ben," I perked up at that and I was now looking at Joe. "Have you ever thought about what it would be like if we break up?" Joe asked me. I was shocked

"Are you saying that you don't want to be with me anymore?" I asked him in worry.

"No, not at all. I'm just saying since we're so young, we might break up sooner or later," he told me while running a hand in my hair.

"Well, I'm really hoping we won't break up. I love you and our baby so much. And I just bought a house for us, so I think it'll be weird if we did break up."

He chuckled a little. "I guess you're right." 

I was about to say something else until we heard a knock at the bedroom door. "Hey, Ben. Your dad is over," John said to me as he opened the door. 

I couldn't believe it. My dad, the person who kicked me out of the house, was here. Even though I really didn't want to see him, I got up and went to the front door anyway. 

I went to the front door and right outside was the man who kicked me out for being gay.

"H-Hi, dad," I said to the man in front of me with a stammer. I walked outside so now he and I are alone. I had no idea what he was going to do, but I hope it's not bad.

"Hi, Benjamin. Your mum and I have been thinking about kicking you out and we wanted to apologize," he said to me with a small smile, an evil smile as I call it.

"You're apologizing now?" I asked him in shock.

"I know that it's very late to apologize but your mum and I want you back home. We have accepted you being a homosexual and we want you to come home," he said to me and I sighed. 

"That sounds like a good offer but I can't. I just bought a small house for my boyfriend and I . . . and our baby," I said to him, kinda whispering the last part.

"Really, you did?" He asked me and I nodded.

"How many weeks is he?" He asked me.

"Almost 13 weeks. On my birthday he and I are going to hear its heartbeat for the first time."

"Alright, sounds like you're doing pretty well."

"Yeah, I am."

Then silence was heard. 

"I would actually like it if you and I had a relationship again. I do want my baby to have at least one grandfather," I said to him.

"Alright, but what do you mean by 'at least one grandfather'?" He asked me in confusion. 

"Joe's dad passed away."

"Oh, tell him I said sorry," he said to me. I nodded.

He and I hugged it out after a while and now he and I were going to have a good relationship. I'm just hoping that it stays a good relationship and it won't fall to shit.

Hello, my dudes!!! I am now proud to say that this book has 600 reads!!! I can't thank you guys enough. You guys mean the world to me. Thank you for loving what I make, it's truly weird that 600+ people love what I create and it's the best thing in the world to know that people like it. I love you guys so much! The next chapter is coming soon and I'll talk to you then! Goodbye!

More Than Love-A Hardzello AUМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя