4 - I Can't Help Falling In Love With You

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Still Joe's pov

Knock, knock, knock. Oh, no! He's here! 

I checked the mirror to see if I looked good enough and I thought I looked pretty good after I fixed my hair, so I went to the door. I opened it and saw Ben with his backpack on one of his shoulders. 

"H-Hey, Ben, you can come in." I moved out of the way of the doorway so he can get in. He walked in and said, "Wow, your house is so big." 

 . . . I bet his dick is, t- 

"Um . . . yeah, I guess it is," I replied to him and ignored the thought I just had.

I asked him if he wanted to go to my room and he said we could, so I showed him the way to my room. Once we got to my room and I opened the door, he set his backpack on the floor. 

"Can I sit in your desk chair?" He asked me and I said yes. He sat in my chair and he took his books out of his backpack. 

"Hey, Ben," I said to him. He turned his in my direction to show that I have his attention. "Why were so nice to me today. I mean, you first got napkins for me at lunch, and then you punched your best friend because he was making fun of me."

He sighed before talking to me. "I just don't want to hurt you anymore. I can't." 

What? This is coming from the one that shoved me into a locker once, so I'm very confused. "What do you mean by that?" I asked, confused, and he sighed again while looking at me. 

"I just can't bully someone like you . . . I've bullied you for way too long, I don't want to hurt in any way anymore . . . I'm so sorry for everything that I've said to you, and I really hope you can forgive me." He spoke to me and I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was serious. I was still confused but I knew exactly what I wanted him to do. " . . . There is one thing you can do that'll make me forgive you." 

"I'll do it, I'll do anything for you to forgive me."

"Give me a compliment," I told him, casually. 

"What?" He asked me with a confused look on his face. "You heard me, give me a compliment. In the four years that I've known you, you haven't said a single thing nice to me. So give me a compliment." 

He then took a good look at my face and said, "You have beautiful eyes." Well that was a bit deeper than I expected. "Um, t-thanks," I said to him, and instead of just giving me one compliment and then moving on, he continued.

"And you're really smart . . . and talented . . . and funny." With every compliment, he came closer to me. I was getting a bit uncomfortable at this point but I didn't want Ben to stop. "Um, Ben, W-What are you doing?" I asked him and he continued getting closer until there was only a few inches between our faces. 

"I don't know . . . but I don't want to stop." 

He inched closer to my face until our lips were together like peanut butter and jelly. They fit perfectly together and his lips were soft, almost too soft. 

After a while of kissing, we pulled apart. We both let our foreheads press against one another. "Wow," I said out loud. "Yeah . . . wow," he said back to me. We both laughed and our lips collided again. 

He then pulled away in a panicked state. "What's wrong?" 

"Um, Joe, the football game's today." 

Are you kidding me!? "Well go!" I told him, he then placed one more kiss on my lips and said his goodbyes. He took his backpack and left. 

Looks like I have to start this project by myself. 


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