12 - Faster Than My Bullet

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Warning-School Shootings

I was on a hospital bed with a huge baby bump. I was in a gown and Ben, my mom, John, and Mary were beside the bed. There were nurses going around the room, getting the right stuff and supplies and materials. Then two nurses went to the end of the bed where my feet were. "Alright, Joe, can you spread your legs for me?" The woman asked. I did as said and spread my legs so now everything was exposed. "Okay, Joe. When your next contraction comes, we want you to push," she told me, and a couple minutes later, a contraction came. I had to bare the pain and push, and so I did. the pain was atrocious, it hurt so bad! I had to push for as long as the nurse in between my legs said I had to.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Take a deep breath."

I took a deep breath after a big push and I was already out of breath. This was going to be a wild ride. Then she asked me to push again, but make it a good and big push so the head will come out. I pushed with everything I got and it hurt so bad! Instead of telling me to take a deep breath, she told me to keep pushing hard and I did. 

Soon, they told me that the head was out and it was a whole other world to experience that kind of pain. There was a lot of pressure on my bladder because of the head being out. It was extremely uncomfortable. I took a deep breath and Ben took my hand and I squeezed his hand tight. After a while of taking deep breaths, they told me to push again. They told me that I had to push hard because the shoulders had to come out. I pushed with all of my strength. Then the shoulders were completely out. I actually didn't have to push as hard as I thought I had to. It didn't take long for the shoulders to come out. Once they were out, I took a deep breath and went back to pushing so I could get the baby out as fast as possible. 

"That's good, keep pushing," the nurse told me as I kept pushing. I squeezed Ben's hand hard when my final push came. I pushed and then the baby was fully out. "Why hello there, baby boy!" The nurse cheered as I let my head fall back and let out DEEP breaths. His cry filled the room and the nurse that was holding him got an eye-dropper and got the amniotic fluid out of his mouth and throat. Once she was done with that, I spread my arms out and he was placed on my chest. I wrapped my arms around his little body in an attempt to keep him warm. One of the nurses got a towel and cleaned him off. I got a glimpse of him and he was so beautiful. Before I could look at Ben to see his reaction, I heard . . . 


Beep, beep, beep. 

My alarm clock went off. It was sadly a dream. A really happy dream. I wonder if when I give birth, will it be like that? Will we have a boy? Will we not have a boy? Will it come out as fast as that? I wondered all of these things when I opened my eyes to see if Ben was next to me, but he wasn't. I was confused so I turned off the alarm and got up to find him. 

I went downstairs and saw that Ben was shirtless with pajama pants, near the stove, making pancakes. Once he heard my footsteps from behind me, he turned around to face me. "Good morning, beautiful." He said as he walked up to me and gave me a kiss on my forehead. "Ben, y'know my mom always makes us breakfast, right?" He smiled at me. 

"Yeah, but this is the least I could do for my beautiful angel," he said as he came over to me and wrapped his arms around my torso and started kissing my neck. He kept kissing a spot behind my ear, then I heard footsteps on the stairs. I turned around and saw that it was Mary. 

"Ew. Get a room." Then Ben stopped kissing my neck and went back to the pancakes. "Ben made pancakes?" She asked. I said a 'yeah' in reply and sat down on one of the chairs that go with the kitchen table. 

Once Ben was done making pancakes, he gave Mary and I a plate and I picked up the fork, ready to dig in when I felt a wave of nausea sweep through my body. I got up and went to the nearest bathroom, ignoring the calls of my name from both Mary and Ben. I went to the toilet and let my morning sickness out. I then heard a knock at the door. "Joe, it's me. Are you okay?" It was Ben. I couldn't tell him that I was okay because of how out of breath I was. 

After I was done with my morning sickness, I rinsed my mouth with water and walked out of the bathroom. Ben was right outside the door. 

"Are you okay?" He asked me again in a concerned voice and I responded with a 'yeah' and went back to the kitchen table. I saw Mary and noticed that her plate was almost finished. I didn't realize how long I was in the bathroom. "What was that about?" She asked me. "Morning sickness,"  I simply told her. She just nodded and I sat back down and started eating my (now cold) pancakes.

I got my normal routine done and once I was about to go out the door, I gave Ben a kiss goodbye on his busted lips (because of last night). I walked out of the door and went to my car. I got in and started driving. 

It took 10 minutes to get to school. I parked a few yards away from Gwil, Lucy, and Rami. I got out of the car and walked to them. "Hey, Joe," Lucy said to me with a smile. I smiled back and said a hello to them. Rami no longer had that worried look on his face because Gwil and Lucy now know that I'm pregnant. Gwil looked kinda . . . down? He kept his head low and he didn't say anything to me. "Are you okay, Gwil?" I asked him and he sort of perked up. "Yeah, I'm okay," he said and then no one else spoke, so there was an awkward silence in the air. 

Then, after a few moments of silence, Gwil asked me, "So . . . you and Ben, huh?" I furrowed my brows in confusion. "Yeah, me and ben," I nodded. "H-How old is the baby?" He asked me with a stutter out of confusion. 

"Um, it's three weeks old or so." He nodded to that. "Did you and Ben plan on the baby?" Lucy asked me. 

"Actually . . . no." Then Rami came into the conversation. "I was the first person he told. He was really scared and I thought Ben would make him get an abortion, but I thought wrong." Gwil said back, "Yeah, I'm surprised he didn't make you get an abortion." I then made an angry face. "Ben is not that much of an asshole, y'know?" 

"I know." Then the bell rang. We all said our goodbyes. I headed to my first class and things were normal after that.


Like yesterday, I was extremely hungry. This was only the second and a half week, imagine when I have a baby bump, I'm going to be really fat. I got my lunch from my locker and went to the cafeteria where Gwil, Lucy, and Rami were. I found them and went to the table they were at. Once I sat down and started getting my lunch out of the bag, we started the conversation.

We talked for a bit when suddenly I heard . . .  

Shot, shot, shot. 

I looked up and saw a man with a bullet proof vest on and a machine gun. I got under the table and Gwil, Lucy, and Rami did as well.

I was petrified.

I am so sorry that this chapter took a turn for the worst. And sorry for the cliffhanger. And did you guys like the dream that Joe had? I'm really excited to write the part where Joe gives birth and I couldn't wait any longer. But I had to make a birth scene and make it reasonable since Joe is nowhere near giving birth, so I made it into a dream. 

Also, I'm thinking about making a one-shot book. I have a lot of Hardzello ideas that are way too short to be actual stories. So please tell me if you would like a one-shot book.

But anyway, I have to go, I'm so fucking tired. I love all of you beautiful humans! Stay spicy, stay spooky, and stay THIQQ!!

I love you guys and I'll talk to you in the next chapter. Tootles!

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