9 - Someone Still Loves You

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Ben's pov

Today I got up and right in front of my eyes was my beautiful boyfriend. We were only a few inches away from each other. Joe filled the space between our lips and he kissed me. I smiled against his lips out of happiness. Then, Joe pulled away and I got up to get ready for school. Today was the day Joe had to go to his dad's funeral. I still feel really bad for him, he loved his dad and I hate to see someone that he loves so much get taken away from him.

I did my normal routine in a span of 25 minutes. before leaving, I went up to Joe and gave him a kiss and told him that I love him. Then I headed out, walked downstairs, and was about to leave so I could go to school until I noticed Joe's mum sitting on the couch. She was looking through the ultrasound pictures from yesterday. I smiled once I saw she was doing that.

I went outside and walked to school. I got my phone and headphones out and put on a song. I decided to listen to 'Radio Gaga by Queen. I love the lyrics so much and the tune is an absolute bop!

The walk to school took about 15 minutes, then I was finally there. For once in my life, I was excited to go to school. The reason I was excited was because I get to see Jason and beat the shit out of him. He is the reason I got kicked out of my parents' house! He deserves an ass-kicking.

I headed into the doors of the school and I walked to my first class. It was normal but the only thing is that I forgot to submit the assignment for the history class. The assignment that Joe and I had to do two weeks ago or so. It was finished, we just didn't submit it. Really quickly, before the class began, I got my computer out of my backpack and went to submit the project. Thankfully, right after I submitted it, the teacher came into the room. He said to everyone that the class had begun. Thankfully I submitted it on time. 

The rest of my classes were normal, and I waited until lunch to beat the shit out of Jason because that's the time I see him.


I went into the cafeteria and immediately started to search for Jason. I looked everywhere until I found him at the table where the football team and I normally sit. I went up to him and since he had his back turned to me, he didn't notice me coming behind him. 

I grabbed the back of his collar and sort of choked him in order to get him out of his seat. He turned around and saw me. 

"Oh, hey, faggot!" He told me with a smirk on his face. The rest of the football team just laughed once they heard that. I'm guessing he told the rest of them that I'm gay. Before he could say anything else, I hit him with everything that I had. I'm guessing I hit him pretty hard because the whole football team went jaw slack and had wide eyes. Everyone in the cafeteria was now staring at us. Even though Jason had a bloody nose and was barely conscious now, I didn't stop. I got on the floor and kept swinging at him.

I didn't know how long I was hitting him, but I do know that the teacher who came over to stop me was pissed. She took me to the principal's office and he did something that I already knew was coming. 

He suspended me. 

It was only for three days, though. He then called my parents to tell them that I got suspended and honestly, I don't think they gave a shit.

I had to go home after that. But before I left, the principal forced me to apologize to Jason. I really didn't want to but I had to. So I said I'm sorry to him in the most realistic way I could make it sound so the principal wouldn't make me do it again. 

While I was exiting the doors I heard my name being called behind me. I turned around and I saw Rami. 

"Hey, Ben. Can I ask you something?" He asked me. Rami and I were never that close so I was a little confused. Maybe he just wanted to know more about the fight. "Yeah, what's up?" 

"Joe told me that he's pregnant with your child. Is that true?" I did have a feeling that Joe was going to tell at least one of his best friends that he was pregnant. And I'm not mad at all about that. His best friends deserve to know what's going on inside of him . . . What? 

"Yes, it's true." I nodded. "Did you make him get an abortion?" 

"What!? No! Absolutely not! We're keeping the baby." He then started jumping up and down out of excitement. I just laughed and left like I was supposed to do a couple of minutes ago.

I got back to Joe's place and saw that he and his family were all on the couch. I'm guessing they came back from the funeral. "Hey, Ben. You're here early," Joe said to me. "Yeah, about that . . . I kind of got suspended for punching someone." 

His mum yelled, "What?" 

"Okay, let me explain . . . " 

I explained the whole situation to them and they completely understood. Right after I explained everything, I got a call from one of my good friends on the football team, Max. Once I saw who was calling me I excused myself to take the call and went into the other room. I hit the 'answer' button and started the conversation. 


"Hey, ben, it's Max. It's good to hear from you after that fight with Jason. Why did you fight him,  anyway? I mean, he did tell us that you were gay which was very unexpected, but why?" 

"Because he took my phone and screenshotted the texts that I was sending my boyfriend, then he showed the texts to my parents and they kicked me out for being gay," I explained to him.

"Oh my god, man! That's horrible. Are you okay now?" He asked with sympathy.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Right now I'm staying with my boyfriend and things have been great so far."

 "Who is your boyfriend?" 

"It's Joe. I know, it's a shocker, but I genuinely love him. And guess what?" I asked him, excitedly.


"He's pregnant! So he's gonna have my baby!" 

"That's great, Ben! . . .  But I think I know why he's pregnant, and you're not going to be happy about it." I then made a confused look.

"What do you mean by that? I think my condom broke while we were having sex. I'm not sure how you would know why he's pregnant." 

"Well, um . . . one time, I walked into the locker room and I saw that Dustin and Malcolm (people from the football team) stole your backpack and were going through it. And I saw that Dustin took one of the condoms out of your bag and took a pair of scissors and started poking holes in it while it was still in the wrapper" My eyes widened once I heard him say that.

"Y-Y-You saw what?" I stuttered to him.

"I stopped them right when I saw them do that." 

"Um . . . I have to go. I'll talk to you soon." 

"O-Okay. Well . . . bye, Ben." He said to me.


 . . . Well this explains so much!

Hi, everyone! I hope you guys like this chapter! Also, I found out today that my grandma died so I hope she's having a good time with Jesus. I'm not going to be writing for just a little because of that. But I am going to write as much as I can before I have to leave for a hotel, which is tomorrow so yeah. Also-

Do you guys like my shirt? And yes, that is in fact what I look like

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Do you guys like my shirt? And yes, that is in fact what I look like. I know I'm ugly. Anyway, I hope you guys have an amazing night/day and I'll talk to you in the next chapter! Tootles!!!

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