Night in Mantle

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A/n: Should probably mention the story takes place between Vol 5 and 6. That way depending on how Volume 7 goes I can tie this story in.

Back in Atlas after the failed attempt of trying to stop the dust robberies the night before, Winter Schnee can be seen walking through the halls of Atlas academy towards the headmaster's office. Despite having given up her claim on being the Schnee heiress, she always carried herself with an air of respect and dignity however tonight she was visibly furious.

Random soldier 1: (whispers) Did you hear that Winter failed to catch that Cat burglar again?

Random soldier 2: (whispers) Yeah, what is this like the fifth time.

Random soldiers 1: (whispers) Guess he's just too much for the former schnee heiress to handle.

Winter turns an icy glare on the soldiers causing them straighten up in fear before marching away. She then let's out a sigh and carries on to Ironwood's office.

Winter: Moment of truth. (Knocks)

Ironwood: (from inside) Come in.

Winter: (walks in and stands at attention) You wanted to see me sir.

The General sat at his desk with fingers interlaced, examining Winter thoroughly.

Ironwood: I see you failed to handle our little cat problem.... again.

Winter: Sir if I may-

He holds up a hand to silence her.

Ironwood: Winter there's no one here who knows your skills better than I. I also know how you are when it comes to your assignments, you'll run yourself ragged if left to your own devices. Which is why I've brought on the Ace-ops to handle the matter.

Winter: The Ace-ops isn't that a little extreme.

Ironwood: (sighs) Jacques has been breathing down my neck about not taking the robberies of his shipments seriously. He even thinks I'm letting them continue just to spite him.

Winter: Father always did have a knack for being dramatic.

Ironwood: (chuckles) Indeed, But that aside I have a new assignment for you.

Winter: What is the assignment sir.

Ironwood stands up from his desk and makes his way towards Winter, resting a hand on her shoulder.

Ironwood: Take the next few days off.

Winter: (surprised) But Sir I'm fine.

Ironwood: That may be true but this is an order from your Commander, you won't undermine it will you.

Winter: No sir.

Ironwood: Good, now if you'll excuse me I have a meeting with the council shortly.

Winter gives a salute before turning to leave the room, once outside she leans against a wall letting out a big sigh.

???: Man he must've really chewed you out.

Winter looks up to see a female atlas specialist.

The Cat and the Schnee (Winter Schnee x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now