•Chapter two•

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I woke up to the sun through the blinds shining on my tear stained face the next morning. I sat up lazily in my bed against the head board and sighed.

I had made my way to the bath room and successfully re wrapped my bandages, brushed my teeth, got dressed and prepared myself for the day.

However i didn't want to leave the room.

I didn't want to see 'him'

Tired of pondering what to spend my day doing i began to unpack the suit cases i had not done yet. I put up the picture of me and dad on the bed side table i wanted him to watch me over like the guardian angel he is. It didn't take me too long to get finished and started to get to work on studying to better myself at my sciences before attending my new school in a week.

After slaving away at my desk for hours there was a knock at the door.

"Maria?" Somebody asked in a gentle voice. Remaining calm i answered
"Can i come in?" He asked again
"Sure" i replied still unsure

Nate appeared in the door way with 2 cans of diet coke and 2 plates of steak.
"I thought I'd come keep you company up here so you didn't have to go down stairs. Its not like i care that fuckin much or anything dipshit tho" he said in is own sweet way

I smiled and we sat on my bed and watched tv as we ate. Once done we put the plates on the floor and watched on more as we were both captivated by the tv.

"Oi Nate where are those fuckin plates" Levi shouted through the door.
"Shut up Levi i cant hear the damn tv yah noisy twat" Nate spat back as his brother entered the room obviously pissed. They began to shout at each other and i just sat there.

Don't mind me you two yah know do you or whatever.

They had finally left still screaming at eachother as i turned off the tv and sighed.

I knew i wanted to do a certain thing however and that meant going down stairs. Reluctantly i went down and luckily there was no one there ,few.

Opening the front door i stood outside in the cold night air and walked down to the end of the drive and walked on. Walks clear my mind and due to the huge land the estate covered the gardens were perfect for a night walk. The lights were beautiful it was all so beautiful.

You could tell that my fathers first wife designed all this before she sadly passed and he met the awful woman that was my mother. I sat by the fountain as the lights danced in its waters i became lost in my own thoughts.

I knew i had been out here a while when i finally regathered myself. And headed back towards the houses back door hoping it would be the easiest way to sneak back in.

As i entered the door there was shouting from the main room.
"Yah fuckin couldn't keep and eye on her could yah Jace you were the one who was down stairs and saw her last" Nate raged as he paced up and down the room. Jace had seen me before and they knew i had gone missing oh shit.
"You are all idiots you know that" Elijah said calmly to his brothers from his arm chair in the corner.
"HOW CAN YAH BE SO CALM YAH DAFT SOD SHES MISSING" Nate continued to scream angrily.
So there is the stairs in here so if im quite and quick i can maybe do this.

Once i had made it upstairs and dashed to my room i locked the door and went back to studying. Screaming from down stairs however was growing louder. Then the several foot steps up the stairs and the hammering at the door. Oh fuckin christ save me.

"Ah hello?" I said as i opened the door to be face to face with four red faced brothers.
"We were worried sick and you just went up stairs!?" Jace said as he glared at me coldly
"YAH THINK THAT WAS A BLOODY GOOD IDEA RUNNING AWAY FROM THE PROBLEM" Nate punched the wall next to my door with pure anger. I stared in fear of them as they lectured me and grew every closer to me.
"WHAT WOULD YOUR MOTHER SAY" screamed Elijah. I stood there as my eyes welled with tears and i shook in fear. Vivid images of her face clouded my mind as the shouting of them faded in to mere background noise.

"Oh Maria how could you get not get perfect my dear?" She said test paper in hand as her eyes drew dark as she reached towards the knife that lay on the kitchen counter. I backed against the wall and blank.

And darkness.

Tears were in my eyes as i opened them. I began to sob as i noticed i had collapsed onto the floor. Only Levi had remained with me and once i woke up he left slamming the door with a thud behind him.

I hate it here

I hate it there

I hate fuckin everywhere

I cried softly as i curled up in a ball on the floor. I want to go for a walk but I couldn't its far too dark. Sitting on the window seat i cried face pressed gently against the cold glass as i drifted into slumber.

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