•Chapter One•

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And unpleasant beginning
(The whole story is told from Marias POV unless i say otherwise *poyo*)

I sat in the airport terminal awaiting my plane kicking my chair as i swung my legs back and forth. After a short while i boarded the plane and sat by the window as i watched the night sky from amongst the clouds.

I must have fallen asleep when the little girl besides me tapped me to let me know we were landing. I thanked her and she smiled happily and her mother looked at her with love and pride.

I wish that was how my mum looked at me...

Alas i left the negativity back in my home town and now it was time to start a new chapter in my life with my brothers. And apparently very rich brothers as when i had grabbed my case and headed to the exit a fancy car was parked up and the driver was holding a sign with my name on it.

He smiled happily and opened the back door for me and i giggled at the old mans politeness. We started driving and i let my new guardian "Elijah Burns" know i had landed safely and i had managed to find my lift okay. He left me a message

"Im out at the moment but the others will meet you when you arrive with Harold" I assumed Harold was their driver how fancy.

After a short while we arrived on a more luxury estate which was absolutely beautiful like something out a movie. We pulled up one of the long drives as the car went through the front garden and lead up to the door and Harold opened the door for me.

"I insist Harold i can open the door myself i said smiling" i said smiling at how well mannered he was
"I don't get paid this much for nothing miss at least let me earn my money" he smiled i giggled more.

He opened the door to the house for me after i had grabbed my luggage which i refused to make him carry. In the main hall stood three males who assumed were my other brothers. Harold excused himself and i was left with their eyes scanning me.

"Hello im Maria" i said smiling "its nice to meet you"

"Drop the fuckin nice girl act you spoiled ass hoe" spat the blonde one

"Don't swear Nate" answered the one with black hair with dark purple hints. Despite his insults the obvious elder seemed to have no problem with that element of what Nate had said to me...

"Hi im Levi im 16" said the one with black hair
"This is my twin brother Nate" he said pointing to blondie.

"And im Jace " said purple boy folding his arms over his chest.

"Well its lovely to meet you all is there any where i drop my stuff" i asked the bags were beginning to weigh me down the more i worked to juggle them.

"Sure ill take you to your room" smiled Levi as he led me upstairs.

•Later that evening•
I had met Elijah around 4 when he returned they all seemed very stressed and strict from what i had gathered from meeting them just now. The house was so quiet and i thought it was down to fact it was so huge. My room was lovely here and it had its own onset bathroom and a study attached to it. I was browsing books when i got a message from Elijah that dinner would be ready in five minutes and to change into some clothes in the wardrobe.

As i scanned the items in the wardrobe i was honestly pleasantly super at their nice taste in fashion. However all the clothes showed at least a tiny bit of skin not too much or too little. And i don't like to show my skin as well... lets say my mum ruined it along with me.

They can't see me like this it's our first night together what a terrible first impression that would be. In the end i came up with the brilliant solution of wearing one of the outfits but putting my fluffy cardigan over my bruised scarred arms and my scarred, bandaged back. I glanced at my reflection and felt a tad nervous that they would find out but i had to go down now or I'd be late.

I took a seat at the table and played with my hands out of complete shyness. Nate was sat next to me and was on his phone texting someone about money and fuckin bashing their skull in if they don't- wait a damn minute what the fuck is all this. Read no more Maria read no more. I didn't want to get caught reading his messages.

Soon enough food arrived and we all began to eat in silence.

Very awkward...

"Why are you wearing that" nate asked me mockingly obviously talking about my cardigan. My brain began to formulate a lie. "Oh it was pretty cold in my room so i put one on" i lied nervously and Nate raised his brow.       "Dont lie to me" he whispered sternly "me and you are having a word about this after dinner" I swallowed hard at his words. 

I was eating as slowly as possible to avoid this confrontation so as he waited Nate had whispered to Elijah about the cardigan being suspicious to him but he got shrugged off immediately by his older brother and snarled angrily.

"Hurry the fuck up" he whispered and i pushed my plate forward as i finished.
"May i be excused" i politely asked hoping to get one their good side and Elijah smiled and nodded.

Instantly Nate got up and followed me to my room.

"So what you hiding little sis" he mocked as he slammed the door behind him. He edged towards me as i backed up to the windowsill in fear of him. He then dragged my cardigan off my shoulder.
"No" i yelled pulling it tightly round me.
"Just take it fuckin off its not that big of a deall—-" he said as his face twisted in shocked as he managed to take it off me entirely.
"What the fuck happened to you" he said as he held my arms and examined the cuts and bruises ... he hasn't seen my back yet...

I began to tear up silently as he scanned his eyes over all my injuries. He noticed when the tears had began to fall down from my face and land on the floor. He looked at me in the eyes

" hold on pumpkin I'm going to get Elijah okay?" He said...softly?

"No" i said clinging to his arm in tears he pulled himself away and went down stairs to find his brother. I held myself as i let more tears fall as flashes of distant memories of pain plagued my mind endlessly.

"You're lying i bet Nate" Elijahs voice laughed from the hall way.
"But Ei please just take a look yah lazy sod why would i lie about this huh?" Nate pleaded
"Fine" Eli muttered as he opened the door i sat on the windowsill seat my head in my hands.

"Im back love" Nate cooed at me as he lifted my chin to look at him. He shushed me as i sobbed whilst Elijah examined my arms.
"Who did this" Elijah sternly said glaring.
"Shes not in the mood for fuckin questions now Eli i'll just get her to bed early" Nate said as he picked me up i winced.
"Woah there why'd you do that?" I looked at him with more tears forming in my eyes hes gonna see my back hes gonna see my back.

"Turn her round Nate" elijah said "and lift up that cardigan and shirt" he lifted it and i watched Elijah face twist in horror as he lifted up the bandages to reveal the whip lashes open wounds and scars that littered my back. Some fresh some old. Some deep some weak. Some open some closed.
"WHO THE FUCK DID THAT" he barked as he grabbed my face and pulled it to face him. He continued to shout in my face as Nate attempted to pull him off me. By now my other brothers had heard the ruckus and entered the room and helped Nate get Elijah off me. My sobbed grew louder as i began to choke on them.

"FUCKIN TELL ME YOU BITCH" Elijah raged as Nate finally had me safely in his arms. I shook in fear and buried my head in his chest.

"Well look at that Elijah shes more scared of you than Nate" Jace spat as he held back Elijah who began to calm down.  Slowly.

"Hey, hey, Maria I'm sorry sweetheart i just" I continued to cry in Nates embrace as i shook in fear. Nate must have shook his head and the others took it as a key to leave and let me rest as i slowly fell asleep in Nates arms.

Cba to check this I'll do it later~Poyo

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