Chapter 10

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A/n. I feel like that pic is how they both look when you walk in later in the story 😂.

Ok back to the story guys. Enjoy!

You left your hair mostly down but with a few peace's pulled back to cover your ears just in case you had a little to much to drink. The dress fit like a glove and with some comfortable heals and light makeup you were ready.

Uhura was ready around the same time opting for a nice top and some fitted pants. You linked arms and chatted and laughed your way to the bar on board. It wasn't as full as you had expected but it was still a little crowded with crew enjoying the evening after there shifts. Uhura spotted 2 empty seats at the bar and pulled you towards them, dragging you out of your scan of the room to try and spot any familiar faces.

You hadn't seen them but they had spotted you the minute you had walked through the door to the bars and Spock was trying his hardest not to stair at you. Obviously Bones, Kirk and Scotty were oblivious to his internal turmoil and began talking about you with Spock trying to keep his emotions in check.

You and Uhura ordered some shots first and the ordered a couple of drinks and began chatting about anything and everything.

Your eyes had left Uhura for a minute and glanced all the remaking body's in the bar as you had been there for a hour now and some of the crew had left as they had early starts tomorrow. Your eyes landed on the table filled with men you recognised. Bones caught your eyes and he gave you a smile and wave which you gladly returned before Uhura tapped your shoulder and you turned back to her.

"Since we have there attention" she said nodding her head in there direction. "Let's have some fun." She pulled you out of your seat and over to the dance floor. She began dancing happily and you started of dancing slowly. Nervous as you could feel the boys eyes on the two of you. As the music went on you lost your self in the song (pick you fav for here) and you began swaying your hips and dancing without a care in the world.

You felt a pare of hands on your hips so you tilted your hands slightly to see bones next to you. He lent forward and whispered in your ear. "Are you trying to make pointy ears over there loose his temper" he said glancing back at the table with Spock on it. "Because trust me it's working" he chuckled and leaned back as you turned around to face him a smirk on your face.

"Want to help me make him go completely nuts?" You said a mischievous glint in your eyes.

"You sure you want that love. Uhura told me what's happened with you two. Guess I could help you with a guy. Just this once" he said with a wink as he wrapped an arm around your waist and dipped you so your head tipped back and you locked eyes with a now, to you, upside down Spock who's eyes looked shocked at you catching him starting. His eyes drifting to your lips as you had captured your bottom lip between your teeth. Bones lifted you back up and placed his hands on your waist pulling you close. This surprised you slightly causing you to blush as he lent down to whisper to you again. "Come on love. You need to dance if we want him to go nuts" you nodded and began swaying your hips in time with the music. Your dress clinging to your behind and framed it perfectly for Spock at the angle he was sitting.

Bones span your around so that your back was to him and you were fully facing Spock. Your faces was flushed from the dancing and your hair has become a slight mess with strands falling over your face.

Spock couldn't take it. He stood up and made his way swiftly over to you. He grabbed your wrist while trying to control the strength he used as he dragged you from the bar. You turned back to see Uhura and Bones high-fived as they gave you knowing smiled as they had come up with this plan together. While you were getting changed Uhura had contacted Bones and they had made this plan to get Spock to stop being a wimp and it had worked like a dream or so they hoped.

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