Chapter 1

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You walked into the mess hall following closely behind Uhura when you heard a slight chuckle from in front of you. Realising you had been looking at the floor the whole time you looked up to her with a smile
" You doing ok. It is just lunch ok?" Uhura asked patting your shoulder and linking arms with you. Your blue dress contrasting her red one. You smiled and nodded
"I'm fine just a bit nervous to meet all these people and them not be in for a medical or because of a injury" you both laughed and she pulled you over to a table filled with attractive men. You would have taken a step back if she hadn't been holding onto your arm
" Everyone allow me to introduce Head Nurse Y/n y/l/n which I'm sure all of you have had a meeting with at least once" Uhura said as they all chuckled at her introduction of you while she turned to you. You weren't the best around big groups so you just smiled and slightly bowed before hearing a symphony of hellos and other greetings directed at you. A Scottish sounding voice piped up
" Where have you been hiding this lovely lass from use for so long" he said with a chuckle while all the other men chimed in to also ask Uhura why they had never formally met you yet.
"I've been hiding her for my self" came a deep southern accent from behind you before a arm was wrapped around your shoulder. You chuckled as you looked up at bones
" Not in you dreams!" You said giving him a slight punch to the side. While you both laughed at each other. Uhura introduces everyone and the captain who you found outs name was Jim raised a eye brown and looked between you and bones
"So are you to a thing?" He asked while all the others stared curiously.
You quickly made gagging sounds while bones laughed "hell no this ones more like my sister" he said still chuckling but then abruptly stopped "so if any of you cause her trouble your in for it" he said back in his annoyed voice. You simply chuckled while sitting down next to Bones and another officer who you found out to be called Sulu and you enjoyed the crews company before you had to get back to you duets. Standing up brushing you blue to short dress off you said a cheerful goodbye and went back to the med bay. Lunch with the crew became a regular thing after that and you found your self feeling wanted for a change instead of a burden like you did with most other friend groups you had been in. They would come visit you in your office occasionally to mess about and you had to catch your self from looking at Spock for to long through all the times you had spent with them all he hadn't spoken much so you were still curious about him due to when he did speak it was mostly just to correct people or quickly answer a question.

During one of your routine checks of everyone that had come into the med bay before your shift to find out what was going on before the previous crew left Spock walked in and one of the nurses instructed him to a bed and said you would only be a minute. After rushing through the rest of the patients due to the fact that he was staring at you the entire time while occasionally rolling his shoulders. Once you got over to him you took out a fresh clip board and smiled at him
"Commander Spock how may I assist you today" you said in you nurse voice which masked some of your emotions which was vital in your line of work.
"Good day nurse y/l/n. I seemed to be having some stiffness in my neck and it has started to affect my ability to work to my full capacity" he said in his monotone voice as usual. His face never changing.
You simply nodded while walking round the back of him.
"Do you mind if I touch your back" you said looking at the side of his face. He simply nodded and you began to run and feel around his back and spin. After a minute of this you walked back around while writing on you clip board. " I would recommend you have a medical massage performed on your upper back, I would ask one of the nurses to do so but there already busy.." you said the last bit under your breath while looking around but he still heard you.
"Are you not qualified nurse" he said raisin a eye brown " I would have thought you would be more than capable being the head nurse" he said with a pointed look to you. You cautiously nodded.
"Well yes I am it's just my schedular isn't as flexible as the other nurses and this would have to be done out of your work hours so.." you tapered off when you saw the look on his face. You took a sharp step back as he quickly stood up.
"I will send you my schedule later with some appropriate times marked on that would be suitable for it. How long would you need" he asked simply stepping away from the bio bed
"About a hour, 2 times a week" you said grabbing you PADD to type down the notes you had taken. You were one of the only nurses that still took paper notes with the patients so you seemed a bit old fashioned to some of them.
He simply nodded before leaving the med bay as you let out a sign of relief and leaned onto the bio bed. Bones chuckled from behind you and you sent him a death glare which only brought him over to pat you on the back.
"Pointy ears being a pain?" He asked after you stood back up straight.
"Not really but it will just mean taking a hour out of my normal schedule that I would do in my office" you said with a sign as you rubbed you neck
"You do to much over time anyway besides it can count as that" he said smiling at you. You gave him a smile and nodded before going to one of the other patients to check on them.
You were sat in your office when you got a email from Spock containing his schedule with some times highlighted. You brought up your schedule and highlighted 2 different times on his schedule that he had left blank. One on Monday's at 4-5pm and on Thursday at the same time. And you wrote a email back to him with the edited schedule attached saying
"These times will be ok. If it is easier for your work we can do this in your office so there also won't be anyone watching if that would be more comfortable for you or my office if that is better" you quickly sent the email before packing up your things for the day and heading back to your room. You didn't expect to already have a reply by the time you go back to your room and took your PADD out your bag
" These will be fine. My office is larger than yours and there for the more logical option"
That was all he had said. You put it down with a sign before adding the 2 times into your schedule with reminders of where it is.
Time skip
Thursday came around to fast and by the time it got to 0350 hours you thought it best to start heading to his office as you had heard story's of how he was with people that weren't punctual. You jumped into the turbo lift and called for the floor with his office on and while it was moving you check that you had everything in your bag. You knew the Vulcan anatomy due to the fact you had some of it and took a interest in some of the biology that you came from, therefor knew not to touch his hands or ears if at all possible due to how sensitive and how much of a intimate action that was. It was kind of simpler for you although you had normal human hands which weren't as sensitive but you think that  because of this that your ears were twice as sensitive to touch as bone found our first hand by accidentally pocking your ear and you both never spoke of it again. You quickly walked out of the light and kept an eye on the numbers down the wall of the offices. 605,607,609,611 this one you thought to your self stopping outside and gently knocking hearing a stern voice from the other side

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