Chapter 4

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Your eyes fluttered open as you felt your shoulder being gently shaken. You tried to fully wake up from your sleepy state by blinking your e/c a few times as you heard a some one calling your name faintly but gradually getting louder as you fully woke up.
"Y/n.... y/n.... y/n!" Bones called from next to you. You sat up cautiously unsure of your surroundings. You looked around lazily.

Realisation suddenly hit you and you quickly rose to your feet but stumbled slightly causing Bones to catch you by the waist to help steady you.
"Hey take it easy. You were sleeping pretty deeply" he said in a soothing voice as you balanced your self against your desk as he was stood behind you to catch you again while he rubbed your back comfortingly . "You should go home. 4 shifts isn't good for the 'human' body as stated by a particular pointy eared commander" he said you could feel him smirking behind you from the tone of his voice. You looked at him slightly from over your shoulder hesitantly, finally getting your balance back mostly.
"Spock was here?" You said with slight caution as you turned around to lean against your desk and cross your arms.

Bones nodded "yes he was the one that found you" he said his smirk growing. Your face turned a dark red with blush. The commander, someone you deeply respected and who you already had to talk to about your last incident, had caught you asleep at your desk when you should have been working.

Your head feel with a deep sign. "Why was he even h... wait what time is it!" You said spinning to the clock. Your mouth falling open as you saw the time. 4:30. "I'm so dead..." you said cringing at your own stupidity at not only your last mistake but also missing your appointment today. A gently had rested on your shoulder. 

"Your fine. He said surprisingly he wasn't mad and would email you tomorrow about rescheduling it after I explained the situation. And about that. I'm sorry I should have noticed you weren't feeling good" he said as you turned around looking at your still slightly red face  and he placed a hand to your forehead. "You have a fever. Probably from over working. Go get some rest. And I don't want to see you back here until Thursday you have done more than enough the rest of us can handle it while you take some time to get 100% again" he said ruffling your hair like a playful older sibling. You nodded before hugging him.

"Thanks... and sorry for making a mess for you.." you said slightly apologetically looking at all the work you left unfinished as he hugged you back protectively.

"Hey. You did good kid. Now go get some rest before I have to explain to pointy ears why your sick on my watch." He said chuckling and stepping back . "O yeah" he said leaning down and picking your bag up. "And pointy brought this for you" he said with a wink before walking out of your office to let you grab your things.

You stared at the bag. A small blush appeared on your face along with a smile as you thought about Spock coming to bring your bag back. Wait what. You shook your head at the thought of the commander being sweet to you. He was probably sick of it in his office you thought as you went back to you room and slept for the rest of the day and slightly into the next due to the large fatigue on your body as well as the fever which had gone down by morning but not fully gone but you felt well enough for now to get up and move about.

A email came though to your PADD at about 10:30 as you were reading a book on Vulcan history give to you from your mother as it had been passed through the family.

The email was from Spock and read:
Head nurse y/n y/l/n
I am contacting you to hopefully set up a meeting today to discuss some things. I was hoping that 7:00 this evening would be a appropriate time as I will have no meetings after so that we can discuss for as long as needed.
Commander Spock.

Well that wasn't the email you were expecting you sent a quickly reply to confirm it was ok before feeling slightly drowsy again and setting an alarm for 6:00 incase you didn't wake up in time to get properly ready for your meeting.

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