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They arrived at the port and Percy lifted Nico off of his shoulder before placing him down in the dock.

Nico gave him the middle finger before slumping down and leaning against one of the poles.

Everyone sat down and they formed and mini circle. Jason pulled a guitar out of nowhere and placed it in Nico's lap.

"No." Nico said. He didn't want to, didn't need to, so he wouldn't.

"Yes." Jason replied.


"Yes." this time by Percy who had a grin on his face.


"Yes! We'll buy you mcdonalds if you do."

"Promise?" he questioned.

Annabeth sighed. "I Annabeth Chase swear on the river styx that if Nico plays for us we will buy him mcdonalds... for a whole month." she finished after Nico raised his eyebrow.

"Deal." he confirmed with a smirk. Free food, what's to complain about?

He picked up the jet black guitar and pulled up his sleeves so his hands could get to the guitar. He shook his hood off and blew his jet black hair out of his eyes.

"Hmm..." he wondered what to sing.


Strumming a few times he began.

*play song above*

"Mmmh mmmh mmmmh..."

The plan was in action. Nico had positioned himself at the end of the dock facing the water so he didn't have to look at anyone... or have anyone looking at him.

Jason nodded at Percy and sent a gust of wind towards the camp. You see, last night he and the gang went around the camp and told everyone how good Nico's singing was last night and if they didn't believe them to come down to the dock when he signalled tomorrow.

After a few seconds campers started to appear and walked over to the gang. They all stood, sat and crouched to listen. Nico didn't notice but kept playing.

"Please have mercy on me..."

More and more people appeared and everyone was in awe. Geez! He's good.

"Consuming all the air inside my lungs, ripping all the skin from off my bones, I'm prepared to sacrifice my life, I would gladly do it twice..."

Nico started to remember times from Tartarus and how he would die to save his family. Yet he still felt like he needed to be saved after being rescued by the seven. This song showed his experiences and feelings towards the actions of monsters and people.

"I'm begging you, I'm begging you, oh..."

As the song came to an end his playing quietened down along with his voice until his last few notes were barely audible.

"Mmmh mmmh mmmmh."

His head was down and his hair covered his eyes. A long sigh escaped him as he sat up and turned to face everyone.

"What the hell?!"

All of camp was standing at the dock. He leaned to the side and could see people meters away who had listened. He turned to Percy with a blank face.


Oh how he ran. Nico decided to give him a head start and turned to face the croud.

"Um... Hi?"

Clapping and cheers filled the air and Nico's eyes widened. Was he that good?

"Thanks." he mumbled whilst blushing.

"I told you you were good." Jason smiled at him.

"I guess... Now for some revenge."
He shadow travelled past the crowd and headed back to camp to mess with Percy.

Maybe karaoke isn't so bad after all.

(the song is not mine and the cover is not mine either)

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