Chapter 4

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 „Faster! He's right behind us!" Silence yelled when he saw Decepticon getting dangerously close to them. „I can't go any faster, Silence!" Smokescreen yelled back. Silence growled he forgot about his brother's spark issues. „I will distract him. You go to the base and get the others!" Silence said. „Why can't we just call them?" Mistytora asked. „This whole place is dangerous for us to contact base or the each other. Cons can find us easily and they could find the base as well. We can't risk that." Smokescreen explained.

Suddenly Decepticon noticed three Autobots and started shooting at them. „Move!" Silence yelled when one shot missed him by a hair. Decepticon flew toward them and a while later he was not alone anymore. The other two jets joined him. „We have to disappear!" Silence yelled when he recognized the new two jets. „Who's that?" Mistytora asked confused. „Dreadwing and the warlord himself," Smokescreen explained. Tora felt heavier suddenly she met Megatron a few times and it never ended well for her.

Three Decepticons got in front of three Autobots and transformed causing Autobots to stop and transform as well. Smokescreen and Silence stood in front of the younger femme to protect her. „Oh, let's see what we have here. The Wrecker, the rookie and Shockwave's lab rat." Megatron said smirking at the last three words. „Honestly, I am surprised to see her here. But I am sure Shockwave will be more pleased," he added. Mistytora felt her spark squeeze in fear. She didn't want to go back to that crazy scientist.

Smokescreen and Silence transformed their servos into a blast. „You won't touch her!" the silver Autobot yelled at the warlord. „Oh, spark mate or just a friend?" Megatron asked not asked, teased. Smokescreen growled and was about to start the fire but Silence spoke. „What do you want, Bucket Head?" he asked. Megatron smirked. „Your sparks," he said and started to shoot at Autobots. Autobots quickly moved and avoided the shots. Silence then attacked Megatron to distract him from younger Autobots. Smokescreen was attacked by Dreadwing and Mistytora was left with Starscream.

Starscream saw fear in the young femme's optics and he walked to her frozen form. „So Autobots found a new comrade? You're not the best help," he said smirking evilly. Mistytora looked into con's red optics. „Maybe not the best," she started. „but at least some!" she started to shoot at the Decepticon. Starscream yelped in surprise and covered his face plates to prevent it from being hurt. Mistytora felt the power of her blasts and she was surprised by it. She was finally able to attack a Decepticon.

A while later Starscream attacked her back and he shot one of his rockets at her. Mistytora had no time to react and the rocket hit her in her chassis. She made no sound she was in too big shock to make any noise. She fell to the ground with a loud thud. The last thing she heard before she blacked out was her friends calling her name and Decepticons evil laugh.

When Mistytora woke up again she found herself lying on a metal berth with her servos and peds chained to it. She tried to move but the chains were too tight. Suddenly she noticed she had no wound on her chassis. That shocked and surprised her at the same time. Suddenly she saw an unfamiliar Cybertronian in front of her. She gasped and tried to keep her distance from the new red Decepticon in front of her. 

 „Stop squirming!" Decepticon hissed. Mistytora vented heavily. „What do you want?" she asked. Decepticon smirked. „I don't want anything. But my lord wants some answers. And the name's Knockout." he replied smirking wider. Mistytora kept quiet and just watched what Knockout was doing. „Where are my friends?" she suddenly asked. Knockout's smirk grew even wider. „We are already getting information out of them," he said and came closer to Mistytora so she could see his red and black optics and he could see her crystal blue optics with a few tiny purple stripes.

„Nice optics, kid. If you don't do what we want I'll expose them on my desk." Decepticon said and brought his sharp digits to the femme's face and slowly he let them go along her face plates. Mistytora tried to move her helm away but she couldn't she already had her helm as away from the con as possible. Knockout chuckled at her reaction and then quickly pulled away. „Now I'll ask you some questions," he said and turned his back to her.

„First question. Where is your base?" Knockout asked. Mistytora kept quiet she would never tell him anything about his team and base. A few minutes later Knockout lost his patience. „Alright, we will return to this question later. Second question. Where is your base?" he said. „You asked it a while ago you piece of scrap!" Mistytora hissed. Knockout punched the wall next to him with all strength he had. Mistytora jumped at the loud noise and for a while, she was afraid of the con.

„Your friends won't last any longer if you won't talk." the red Decepticon hissed and gave femme a death glare. Suddenly another Decepticon, the warlord himself, came into a room. „How is your interrogation going, Knockout?" Megatron asked. „Not as well as planned, lord Megatron. Our prisoner is refusing to answer my questions," said Decepticon replied. Megatron looked at the young femme. „Very well, let a few vehicles take her to her friends then she can join them in their way of interrogation." massive Decepticon replied smirking. Knockout smirked again. „As you wish my lord," he said and Megatron left again.

Three Vehicons chained Mistytora's servos behind her back and they led her to the jail section of the ship. They took off the chains and threw her into a cell roughly and slammed the door closed. Mistytora rubbed her helm and looked around. In a half-lit-up room, she saw in the shadows her friends. „Smoke! Silence!" she yelled and ran to them. She knelt to them and noticed Smokescreen is unconscious and Silence is too injured to move.

Mistytora looked over them both to know how badly they are injured. She realized they were tortured until she was brought to them. Smokescreen had a lot of cuts or shot holes all over his body and Silence had crushed a few neck cables and a lot of stab wounds also all over his massive body. Mistytora looked again at her chest plates and saw healed wound. That Decepticon saved her life only for interrogation. She hissed when she noticed how much Energon she had all over her servos from the check-up on her friends.

„Guys, can you talk to me?" she asked urgently. Silence lifted his helm up weakly and opened his mouth to talk but nothing came out of it. Mistytora knelt closer to him and looked at his neck cables. „Wait for a second you have there a piece of metal. I'll pull it out. It may hurt so please hold on." she said and pulled the metal out. Silence hissed in pain but a while later he smiled weakly and he finally spoke. „Thank you, kid," he said. Mistytora nodded and asked: „What did they do to you? Why is Smokey out so long?" 

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