Eviction Notice- Camille Belcourt

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"Well you definitely sound like a well-traveled individual," you say. "Yeah, and thanks for not sucking the life out of us," Jake says. "No problem," Camille smiles, "But seriously, it has been a long journey, and I am tired. So I think it's high time the two of you hit the road." "What?!" you and Jake yell simultaneously. "Yeah, see this is my place, I claimed it first," Camille explains, "See that mark over there?" she nods to the C and B carved into the wall, "Those are my initials, which means I own this place. And you two are nothing more than guests whom I have every right to kick out."
While you and Jake were trying to  make sense of what was happening, Camille quickly escorts the two of you outside in the wind and rain, "if it makes you feel any better, I really do appreciate the effort you put into keeping this place clean. Thank you so much, and goodnight." She shuts the door.

"Come on, (y/n)," Jake tugs on your sleeve, "We should get out of here while the blood is still in our veins." "No way in hell," you answer back, "She can't kick us out. We're the ones who put in the effort in remodeling this place, why should she reap the benefits?" You start banging on the door. "Camille! Get out here, I ain't finished with you!" you demand. Jake stops you, "Hey, get away from there. In case you forgot, she's a vampire, those are the kind of beings you do not want to provoke unnecessarily."
Right on cue the things you and Jake had kept in the house were thrown down the window in boxes, courtesy of Camille, who only laughed as she did so, which you made you even more mad, "Grrr, I'm gonna drive a stake into that bitch's heart," you growl. "I really wouldn't try," Jake cautions, "If half the stories I've heard, and maybe made up, are true, vampires are not the kind of creatures you want to mess with. They'll kill you if you give them the chance." 

"But...our home." "A vampire took it," Jake enunciates, "There's nothing we can do now." You sigh in defeat. "Hey, don't sweat it, (y/n/n), this is the perfect opportunity for us to go house hunting." "I guess so," you agree, "Maybe we'll someplace even better than this crummy shack." "Now you're getting into the spirit," Jake says, "let's do this."

---------------------Time Skip-----------------------

"It's hopeless," you finally say in defeat after getting booted from the one hundredth or so potential place to hang your hat and call home, "We'll never a place as good as what we had."
"Don't give up, (y/n)," Jake assures, "I'm sure we'll find a spot sooner or later."

You look up to see the sun was going down, "Think we can find a motel or someplace to stay for the night?" you ask. Jake takes a look around, "That one looks promising," he points. You read the sign, "Hotel Dumort. Sounds promising to me. Let's see if they have any rooms."

"I don't think this place is open," you observe as you and Jake walk inside, "Actually doesn't look like the place has been open for awhile now." "It's probably just the ambiance to this place," Jake points out, unaware that the two of you were being watched.

Right on cue, several figures jump out from seemingly out of nowhere, startling you and Jake; none of them looked to happy to see either of you. "Still think this is part of the ambience?" you ask.

A young looking man, whom you assumed to be the leader of this little group, approaches, "Who are you, why are you here?" he questions. Some of the figures in the group bare their fangs, making you and Jake realize you may have entered some sort of vampire den. "Uh, nothing," you nervously assure, "We didn't mean to intrude, we were just looking for a place to stay for the night." "Well this is not the place, so I suggest you find somewhere else," the man insists. Much as you didn't want to, you see the terror in Jake's eyes and being outnumbered it was best to move on. "Oh, okay then, we'll go," you concede, which took the man by surprise.

"Don't worry, (y/n/n)," Jake assures, "The night is still young, we'll find a place to replace our old home." "What exactly happened to your old home?" the guy asks. It seemed odd he would threaten you to leave his den one minute and the next he was genuinely concerned about your situation. "We were kinda sorta evicted from our old place," you explain, "Some lady vampire gave us our marching orders if you will." "What lady vampire?" the vampire, who's name you later learn is Raphael, asks.

"About this tall, brunette," you describe. "Kinda hot, yet terrifying at the same time with that crazy look in her eye," Jake adds. Some of the other vampires murmur among each other at this description. "Camille," Raphael sighs in slight annoyance, "Just like her to shove poor souls out of her turf, even if she doesn't even care about it."
"You know her?" you ask. "A lot of vampires know Camille Belcourt," Raphael tells you, "and knowing Camille, when she wants something she always goes for it." "Did she really have to kick us out though?" Jake points out, "She was so mean doing it." "Sometimes vampires reach a certain age where they become tired with dealing with mortals," Raphael explains, "And for Camille, she's over a thousand years old, so she was bound to have lost track of her moral code at some point."

"So there's nothing you can do then?" you press. "I can't get your home back," Raphael responds, "but maybe I can help find someplace new."

--------Time Skip---------------

Despite being young for a vampire, Raphael still managed to acquire a significant number of resources over the decades. Using said resources, he managed to find a suitable replacement for yours and Jake's new home. It wasn't like the old one, but it was comfortable, and homey.

After settling in, the two of you decided to throw a house warming party. A good number of people showed up with promises of refreshments and entertainment.
When the party was over and everyone had left, you and Jake were about to sit on the newly purchased, used, couch and watch come TV when the lights go out.

"Uh, Jake, you remembered to have the utilities set up right?" you say nervously. "Maybe," Jake answers, equally nervous. "Well, well, well," the two of you hear that familiar voice you didn't want to be hearing anytime soon, "We just keep running into each other don't we?"
"Camille," you lightly sneer as the senior vampire makes her presence known. "Uh, hey, nice vampire lady," Jake greets, "We left your place like you asked, why are still coming after us?" "Oh yeah, about that," Camille responds all nonchalantly, "I got tired of staying at my home you two hijacked, so now I decide to relocate." "Oh, don't tell me this place is yours too," you exasperate. "See for yourself," Camille points to her marked initials on the wall.

"Okay, that's it!" you exclaim in anger, "I can handle being booted outta the place I hang my hat once, but TWICE?! You have crossed the line, lady!" "Pfft, who's gonna stop me? You?" Camille scoffs. "That's exactly what I'm gonna," you say with determination. "Uh, (y/n/n/) I wouldn't," Jake warns, "Remember, she's a vampire, we shouldn't-"
You ignore your friend's warning and lunge at Camille who easily dodges the ill-planned attack.

"I did not survive thousands of years by being stupid," Camille says with amusement, "And it's certainly going to take more than your smarts to outsmart me." You get increasingly angry and keep lunging after Camille, but she just keeps dodging. She's enjoying this very much by the smirk on her face, but after awhile she grows bored and annoyed so she grabs your wrist mid-punch.

"I think it's high time for you to hit the road now," she warns. "I'm not going anywhere, bitch," you sneer, "You'll have to bleed me dry before you kicked me out again." "Oh, I was hoping you would say that," Camille says with an evil, seductive smile. She pulls you to her, fangs protruding and ready to sink them into your neck. Luckily Jake jumps in and shoves her before she could get the chance. You take this moment to punch Camille really hard.

"Ow!" She exclaims, surprised by the hit, "That...that actually hurt," she manages to say. You wait for the next move. Camille lunges to you, and you close your eyes, waiting for the feeling of fangs breaking skin. It didn't happen. Instead, you open your eyes to look into hers as she presses a kiss to your nose, which left you confused. "Uh...why?" you ask wide-eyed.

"Consider it my thanks," she says with a smile, "For giving me some excitement in my immortal life after centuries of boredom." "Oh, um...you're welcome?" "So you're not gonna kill us?" Jake speaks up. "Mmm, not I don't think I will," Camille shrugs, "Not today anyway. You're pretty bold to attack a full fledged vampire, especially a senior like myself. So I think it's only fair you have your old place back." "You're letting us move back into our old house?" you realize.

"Yeah, sure take it," Camille answers, "Think of it as gift from me." Her eyes darken and she bares her fangs, making you and Jake flee from her presence and all the way back to your original home.

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